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Project Coordination Model Alexander Galenko (presenter), AgileAssets, Inc Eric Perrone, AgileAssets, Inc Tonya Scheinberg, AgileAssets, Inc The 6th International.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Coordination Model Alexander Galenko (presenter), AgileAssets, Inc Eric Perrone, AgileAssets, Inc Tonya Scheinberg, AgileAssets, Inc The 6th International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Coordination Model Alexander Galenko (presenter), AgileAssets, Inc Eric Perrone, AgileAssets, Inc Tonya Scheinberg, AgileAssets, Inc The 6th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies

2 Asset Management: Introduction The purpose: To find the best work plan Work Plan is defined as a timely collection of specific projects applied to a collection of assets (for example road sections) that specify which asset to fix, when and how. How do we do it? What does BEST mean? 2ANT 2015

3 Asset Management: Optimization techniques 3ANT 2015 Ranking and Benefit-Cost ratio Ranking 2.0 Treatment Analysis (Multi-Constraint) Strategy Analysis (Multi-Year) Processing Ranking Processing Ranking Processing Ranking Processing Solver Processing Solver Processing Solver Processing Solver Processing Ranking

4 Asset Management: Typical optimization goals Objective: Maximize Average Network Condition Maximize Remaining Service Life Minimize % of network below a threshold Maximize % of network above a threshold Constraint: Limited budget Not more than a certain % of network –below a condition threshold Existing work plan Solution: An “optimal” work plan is the work plan that generates max/min objective while meeting all constraints. Do not take location into account! 4ANT 2015

5 Asset Management: Actual Work Plan 5ANT 2015

6 Project Coordination Model We want a model that works with existing work plan We want to stay close to the original budget distribution We want to be able to “stitch” two projects together if the distance between them is small We want to encourage project clustering but how? We do not want projects on same road sections to be scheduled in the same year or in two consecutive years 6ANT 2015

7 Project Coordination Model We do not want projects on same road sections to be scheduled in the same year or in two (or N) consecutive years Handled by special “No Project Interference” constraints 7ANT 2015 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1,x2 x2,x1 Original Plan Good Plans Bad Plans

8 Project Coordination Model We want to encourage project clustering but how? –Minimize delivery cost What is delivery cost: (A) Delivery cost = 3x (B) Delivery cost = 1x Actually maximize savings in delivery cost (same as above) 8ANT 2015 (A) (B)

9 Project Coordination Model: Formulation 9ANT 2015

10 Project Coordination Model: Formulation 10ANT 2015

11 Project Coordination Model: Formulation 11ANT 2015

12 Results: Random Instance 5-year work plan Route length: about 100 miles Projects on the route: 50 projects Goal: Minimize number of deliveries 12ANT 2015

13 Results: Random Instance 13ANT 2015

14 Results: Random Instance 14ANT 2015

15 Results: Random Instance 15ANT 2015

16 Results: Random Instance 16ANT 2015

17 Results: Random Instance 17ANT 2015

18 Results: Actual Plan 10-year work plan Route length: about 90 miles Projects on the route: 196 projects Budget within 5% from original spending plan Goal: Minimize number of deliveries 18ANT 2015

19 Results: Actual Work Plan 19ANT 2015

20 Results: Actual Work Plan 20ANT 2015

21 Future Research We did not cover influence of modified work plan on network performance –Would greedy approach work? –Is it practical to incorporate this model into regular Asset Management Model? How useful this model would be if we were to add bridges to the mix? 21ANT 2015

22 Thank You... Questions? 22ANT 2015

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