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6 th Sunday of Easter Do you listen to God’s word?

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Sunday of Easter Do you listen to God’s word?"— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Sunday of Easter Do you listen to God’s word?

2 Alleluia, Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, Alleluia And so we gather. In the name of the father…

3 Opening prayer Living God, we give thanks for your son, Jesus Christ, who came to share your word with us. Let us open our ears, our hearts and our minds to hear your word more clearly. May we try to follow your word always. Amen.

4 Lord Jesus, you teach us to listen to God’s word. Lord have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Jesus Christ, you came to free us from sin. Christ have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you bring us all together in your love. Lord have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

5 Alleluia, Alleluia

6 A reading from the Gospel according to St John. Glory to you, Lord The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

7 Alleluia, Alleluia

8 I wonder what you heard in the gospel today? What do we use words for? What was ‘the Word’ that Jesus spoke about? How can we love and keep God’s word? Who will help us to do this?

9 The response is sung, Lord hear our prayer. We pray for the Church throughout the world; may we share Christ’s love and peace by the way we live our lives. Lord in your mercy. Lord hear our prayer… We pray for peace in our world; may forgiveness heal hatred and bring all people together in love. Lord in your mercy. Lord hear our prayer… We pray for the homeless and the poor; may we all work together to relieve their suffering and bring peace to their lives. Lord in your mercy. Lord hear our prayer...

10 Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our unspoken prayers with him.

11 Quiet reflection We our now going to listen to some quiet music and I would like teachers to choose one person from each class to come and collect a gesture from the focal point to remind us to listen to God’s word.

12 Let’s say this final prayer together... Loving Father, Your Son transformed the world with his amazing love. May our love and example touch the lives of others and bring them closer to you and your kingdom. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen

13 Father, I place into your hands The things I cannot do, Father, I place into your hands The things that I've been through. Father, I place into your hands The way that I should go, For I know I always can trust you. Father, I place into your hands My friends and family. Father, I place into your hands The things that trouble me. Father, I place into your hands The person I would be, For I know I always can trust you.

14 Father, we love to see your face, We love to hear your voice. Father, we love to sing your praise And in your name rejoice. Father, we love to walk with you And in your presence rest, For we know we always can trust you. Father, I want to be with you And do the things you do. Father, I want to speak the words That you are speaking too. Father, I want to love the ones That you will draw to you, For I know that I am one with you.


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