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Agreement of Subject and Verb Singular and Plural Number.

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Presentation on theme: "Agreement of Subject and Verb Singular and Plural Number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agreement of Subject and Verb Singular and Plural Number

2 All nouns and pronouns have number SingularPlural hathats Iwe skyskies principleprincilples

3 A verb agrees with its subject in number He fights. Animals fight. The lightning fills the sky. Cheetahs run faster than most other animals. The motor is running. The train has been delayed.

4 The number of a subject is not changed by a phrase following the subject Seats for the concert are reserved. One of us is guilty. The successful candidate, with two of his aids, has entered the auditorium. Scientists from all over the world have gathered in Geneva.

5 The following common words are singular: each, either, neither, one, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody. Anyone without tickets is asked to see Mr. Black. Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city. No one understands a person who mumbles. Neither of the two languages is widely spoken today. Everybody in those classes wants to learn a foreign language.

6 The following common words are plural: both, few, many, several. Many of our group have had flu shots. Of the new cases, few are serious. Have both of you seen the art exhibit? Several of the tests for iron ore have been tried.

7 The words all, any, most, none and some may be either singular or plural. If the word refers to one person or thing, it is singular and takes a singular verb, otherwise, it is plural and takes plural verb: All the nation’s interest centres on politics during a political convention. All the states send delegates to national political conventions.

8 Subjects joined by and take a plural verb. Mr. Duffy and his son have gone fishing. EXCEPTION: A subject that refers to two or more things considered as a unit (one thing) takes a singular verb. A sweater and skirt makes a good outfit for school. [sweater and skirt is considered one outfit] A wife and mother has a challenging job. [one person is meant]

9 Singular subjects joined by or or nor take a singular verb The chief geologist or his assistant is due to arrive tonight. A large station wagon or a small truck has enough room for the bicycles. Neither a rabbit nor a raccoon does that kind of damage in a garden.

10 When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by or or nor, the verb agrees with the nearer subject. Neither the air-conditioner nor the lights work. Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift. A vocabulary notebook or vocabulary flashcards are helpful for review.

11 Collective nouns (for example: class, family, team, group, flock) may be either singular or plural NOTE: collective nouns are singular when they are used to mean the group as a unit; they are plural when they are used to mean the individual memebers of the group. The class were divided in their opinions. The class has decided to have a science table in the room.

12 Words stating amounts are usually singular Seventy-five cents is enough for lunch today. Two weeks never seems long enough for vacation.

13 The title of a book, organisation, or country, even when plural in form, usually takes a singular verb The Hundred Dresses is a story about a lonely girl. Morgan and Company advertises beach bags for a dollar. The United States is sending more troops to the area. The Veterans of Foreign Wars is holding its convention in Chicago this year.

14 Don’t and doesn’t must agree with their subjects! ORAL DRILL: read the following sentences aloud, supplying don’t or doesn’t as needed: The boy …. understand the problem. …. he want the prize? The lettice …. look fresh. The boxer and the poodle …. get along. The curtains in this room … match the colour of the wall. This bar of candy …. taste good.

15 A few nouns, though seemingly plural in form, take a singular verb Mathematics seems easy this year. Civics is being taught by Mr. Rogers. Mumps is certainly an uncomfortable disease. The news was not encouraging.

16 End of slide show Source: English Grammar and Composition by John Warriner & Sheila Laws

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