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Enhancing mathematical skills of undergraduate science students using individualised assessment and feedback strategies to sustain learning. Ela Bryson,

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1 Enhancing mathematical skills of undergraduate science students using individualised assessment and feedback strategies to sustain learning. Ela Bryson, Jackie Willis & Irish Rosario Why ? How ? What was the impact?

2 Maths – what’s the problem? Students enter with a minimum ‘C’ grade GCSE Tutor expectations: basic numeracy ability to use and manipulate equations understanding of ratios & percentages comprehend logarithms Schools minister Nick Gibb said: "As other countries make vast improvements in science and maths education, the UK continues to fall down international league tables and we now languish at 27th in the world for maths, and 16th for science.” The Guardian, Feb 2011

3 Our Strategy Themed workshops using Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) ‘Bio’-WATS (Weekly Assessed Tutorial Sheet) problem sheets - to support workshops - based on practical programme (15 WATS in total) league tables on the VLE motivational e-mails worked answers for problem sheets on the VLE Support from Personal Tutors Rewards for effort

4 Q1. The equation that is used to calculate the elimination half-life (t½) of a drug is: t½ = ln 2/K, where K is the elimination rate constant. Calculate t½ when K = 4.1 h -1, giving your answer in hours. (2 marks) Q2. A dose of drug must be given as 1.2mg/kg of body weight. If the patient receiving the dose weighs 70kg, what dose of drug must be prepared (mg)? (1 mark) Q3. How many mg of substance should be weighed out to prepare 50cm 3 of a 0.45% solution? (2 marks) Student number144 Student nameIrish Rosario Hand out date18 March 2010Hand in date24 March 2010 BioWATS 14

5 Example email Dear Irish, Thank-you for submitting a sheet for BioWATS 14 Details of your submission and your marks follow below... Q1. half-life t½ My answer = 0.17 h Your answer = 0.17 h Marks available = 2 Mark Awarded = 2 Q2. drug dose My answer = 84 mg Your answer = 84 mg Marks available = 1 Mark Awarded = 1 Q3. amount of substance My answer = 225 mg Your answer = 225 mg Marks available = 2 Mark Awarded = 2

6 Example email Q5.4. number of students with blood group AB My answer = 169 Your answer = 169 Marks available = 0.5 Mark Awarded = 0.5 Q6. concentration My answer = 0.3 % Your answer = 0.3 % Marks available = 1 Mark Awarded= 1 Your total score for this activity is 100 percent Excellent work! Well done. The BioWATS Team Dr Jackie Willis and Dr Ela Bryson School of Life Sciences University of Hertfordshire

7 WATS Number ID23456789101112 Previous average Current Average Previous rank Current rank Movement ABW100 80100 90100 9060 96.092.711 up 0 place(s) GNB90100 90 10080901009070 93.090.922 up 0 place(s) ROM1009010090 10090100908060 93.090.033 up 0 place(s) CIV1008510090100 4010090 80 89.588.664 up 2 place(s) PRT100 806010090100907060 89.086.485 up 3 place(s) CAF9010090 100 85100 7020 92.585.946 down 2 place(s) KOR90 1009290100807050 89.285.677 up 0 place(s) NIC1009010080100 60100 5060 88.085.598 up 1 place(s) LBN70100 90 7010080 70 87.085.5119 up 2 place(s) ASM100 80401005010080 90 83.083.61410 up 4 place(s) KGZ10095100901009055100806040 87.082.71011 down 1 place(s) League Table for BIOWATS 2009-1016 March 2010

8 What were the problem areas? BIOWATS Average Mark 09/10 vs 10/11 (0% marks for non-submissions excluded from calculations) 50.0%56.7%

9 What were the problem areas? BIOWATS average marks L1 vs L2 (0% marks for non-submissions excluded from calculations) 50.0% 59.5% 50.0% Level 1Level 2

10 What were the problem areas? Questionnaire Results – Top Ten Responses 1= strongly agree ; 5 = strongly disagree Biosciences 1 st Year Question 09/1010/11 Having student unique data is an excellent idea 2.01.8 Having a weekly league table of student performance is an excellent idea 2.1 I really like getting a mark each week for my efforts 2.12.0 I believe the WATS will help me in the examination 2.42.3 Overall, I would rate the WATS as excellent 2.42.2 Not allowing any lateness for the WATS is an excellent idea 2.52.1 I completely trust these automated data collection and marking facilities 2.52.2 I think other subjects could benefit from this WATS approach 2.52.3 You only do well in the WATS if you understand the subject 2.52.4 The fact that the WATS are regular is an excellent idea 2.52.2

11 What were the problem areas? Student Comments Useful in showing us what areas we need to improve on Helps understand scientific maths problems more Maybe once every 2 weeks instead of every week, and bear in mind other coursework deadlines It was quite helpful for the other modules A very good way to help us practice our maths It improved my skill in maths and I also learnt some new information from BIOWATS It allows me to apply what I have learned Q. What did you think about BIOWATS?

12 What were the problem areas? Q. What sort of maths support do you think would be useful for you in your second year? that which will help us in lab practicals WATS must continue in my second year graphs, solutions, dilutions, converting units and maybe logs, even though I was very very good at logs at A level Support that covers all the modules basic maths that we can use, applied maths such as fractions, &, ratios and working out measurements and even mental maths WATS!!!!!!

13 Benefits EVS encouraged student engagement in large workshops Instant feedback on progress during class BIOWATS – individual problem sheets No marking for the module team! Timely feedback – with model answer Provides a personal touch despite large student numbers Students relate material to their practical programme Identification of non-engagers – personal tutor follow-up Rewards achievement

14 Acknowlegement We would like to thank Dr Mark Russell (who also developed the WATS system) and Dominic Bygate, from the Learning and Teaching Institute, for their support. This work was funded through the ESCAPE project by JISC. Jackie Willis: Ela Bryson: Irish Rosario:

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