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Published byNickolas Henry Modified over 8 years ago
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 1 Database Design Lecture 3_2 Data Manipulation in SQL Simple SQL queries References: Text Chapter 8 Oracle SQL Manual
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 2 Tables in the Examples Customer(custNo, custName, custSt, custCity, age) Product(prodNo, prodName, prodDes, price) Orders(ordNo, ordDate, custNo, prodNo, quantity) Where custName, custSt, custCity, prodName, prodDes are strings ordDate is date Others are numbers
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 3 Sample Data in Customer Table custNocustNamecustStcustCityage 1C1Smith StGold Coast20 2C2Mains StBrisbane30 3C3Mains RdBrisbane25 4C4Mains RdSydney 5C5Mains RdBrisbane
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 4 Sample Data in Product Table prodNoprodNameprodDesprice 100P0Food100 101P1healthy food100 102P2200 103P3self_raising flour,80%wheat 300 104P4network 80x300
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 5 Sample Data in Orders Table ordNoordDatecustNoprodNoquantity 101-jan-200311002 202-jan-200311011 301-jan-200321021 401-jan-200331002 503-jan-200311011 606-mar-2003210010
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 6 Data Manipulation (DML) DML is used to retrieve and modify data in the tables Four basic statements –Select –Insert –Update –delete
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 7 Simple Queries The SELECT command is used for submitting queries to the DBMS. Syntax for simple queries SELECT expression_list FROM table_list [WHERE condition] [ORDER BY expression_list [DESC|ASC]; Expression is one which involves column names, constants, functions and operators. –Eg. prodNo, Price+10, 1, custSt||custCity –arithmetic operators for numbers: +, -, *, / –|| is used to concatenate strings
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 8 Condition in the WHERE Clause Condition is an expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. Only rows satisfying the condition will be chosen. Condition can be simple comparison or compound expression. Basic comparison operators =, >, =, <> (!=) –can be applied to numbers, strings and dates –Eg, age >20, prodName='Car', Basic comparisons can be compounded by AND, OR, NOT –Eg, prodNo=100 and ordDate='01-jan-2003'
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 9 Examples Example 1: List all products (by prodNo and price) which are priced more than 100. Select prodNo, price From Product Where price >100; Example 2. What is the name of the customer whose custNo is 1? Select custName From customer Where custNo=1;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 10 Listing All Data in a Table If WHERE clause is omitted, all rows will be listed. Example: List all data in the customer table SELECT custNo, custName, custSt, custCity FROM customer; or (use * for all columns) SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 11 More Examples Example 1: Find all orders of product 100 before 02/01/03. SELECT * FROM orders WHERE prodNo = 100 AND ordDate <'02-jan-2003'; Example 2: Find all products priced less than 200 or greater than 300 SELECT * FROM product WHERE price 300;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 12 Use of BETWEEN Example: List products priced between 200 and 300. SELECT * FROM product WHERE price >=200 and price <=300; or equivalently SELECT * FROM product WHERE price between 200 and 300;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 13 Use of IN Example: List all customers living in Gold Coast, or Brisbane, or Sydney. SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE custCity='Gold Coast' OR custCity='Brisbane' OR custCity='Sydney'; or equivalently SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE custCity IN ('Gold Coast', 'Brisbane', 'Sydney');
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 14 Use of LIKE Example: List all products whose description contain the string 'Food'. SELECT * FROM product WHERE prodDes LIKE '%Food%'; Two wildcards can be used % and _ –% represents any sequence of zero or more characters –_ represents any single character
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 15 More Examples of LIKE LIKE 'H_' : any string beginning with H and exactly 2 characters long. NOT LIKE 'H%': any string not beginning with H LIKE '%y': any string ending with 'y' If the search string include a pattern matching character _ or %, we can use an ESCAPE character to represent the pattern-matching character. Eg, to search for '15%', we can use LIKE '15#%' ESCAPE '#'
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 16 IS NULL and IS NOT NULL Example: List all products with a product description. SELECT * FROM product WHERE prodDes IS NOT NULL; Similarly, to list products without description, use SELECT * FROM product WHERE prodDes IS NULL;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 17 Expressions Involving NULL Any numeric, string or date expression involving NULL will evaluate to NULL Comparison with NULL value will evaluate to FALSE. –Eg, neither SELECT * FROM customer WHERE age> 25 nor SELECT * FROM customer WHERE age <= 25 will list customers whose age is NULL (not known).
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 18 Use of DISTINCT To remove duplicate values Example: List all customer cities. SELECT custCity FROM customer; A city will be repeated if there are more than one customer in that city. To eliminate the duplicates, use SELECT DISTINCT custCity FROM customer;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 19 Ordering of Rows Rows can be put in ascending or descending order of some columns. To do this, use ORDER BY Example: list all products in descending order of price SELECT * FROM product ORDER BY price desc; Default order (ie,if desc is not used) is ascending Can also order by several attributes, eg ORDER BY price desc, prodName;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 20 Aggregate Functions COUNT - returns the number of selected values SUM - returns the sum of selected (numeric) values AVG - returns the average of selected (numeric) values MIN - returns the minimum of selected values MAX - returns the maximum of selected values
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 21 Use of COUNT (*) Example 1: How many products are there in the product table? SELECT count(*) FROM product; Example 2: How many products are priced at 300? SELECT count(*) FROM product WHERE price =300; Note: count(*) also count rows that have NULL values
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 22 Use of COUNT(column_name) Example 1: List the number of products in the product table SELECT count(prodNo) FROM product; Example 2: List the number of product descriptions in the product table SELECT count(prodDes) FROM product; Note: count(prodDes) does not count rows that have NULL value for prodDes.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 23 Use of COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) Example1: How many cities are the customers located in ? SELECT count(distinct custCity) from customer; Example 2: How many customers ordered products since 01/01/2003? SELECT count(distinct custNo) FROM orders WHERE ordDate >= '01-jan-2003';
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 24 Use of SUM Example 1: How many products were ordered by customer 1? SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM orders WHERE custNo =1; Example 2: How many orders were made by customer 1 and how many products did he order? SELECT count(ordNo), SUM(quantity) FROM orders WHERE custNo =1;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 25 Use of AVG, MIN and MAX Example: list the minimum, maximum and average price of all products. SELECT MIN(price), MAX(price), AVG(price) FROM product; Note: if some product's price are NULLs, then SUM and AVG do not take those products into consideration.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 26 Other Oracle Built-in Functions Other built-in function can be used in SQL query –Built-in functions are system specific –Common functions include data conversion functions date to string, string to number String operation functions substring, trim, case conversion Mathematical functions square root, exponent, floor etc. See Oracle SQL Manual for oracle built-in functions
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 27 Table names and Column names Table name can be prefixed with the owner name. eg, if table product is owned by user John, you can use SELECT * FROM John.product; Column names can be prefixed with table name, eg SELECT product.prodNo FROM product;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 28 Oracle SQLplus Only facilities* Setting system parameters and formatting output –Examples SET PAGESIZE 80 SET LINESIZE 100 SET PAUSE ON|OFF SET SQLPROMPT "enter command>" SET TIMING ON|OFF –To show all system parameters, type SHOW ALL
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 29 Examples-linesize (1)* SQL> select * from customer; CUSTNO CUSTNAME CUSTST CUSTCITY ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- AGE ---------- 1 C1 Smith St Gold Coast 20 2 C2 Mains St Brisbane 30 3 C3 Mains Rd Brisbane 25 4 C4 Mains Rd Sydney 5 C5 Mains Rd Brisbane
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 30 Examples -linesize (2)* SQL> set linesize 100 SQL> select * from customer; CUSTNO CUSTNAME CUSTST CUSTCITY AGE ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 1 C1 Smith St Gold Coast 20 2 C2 Mains St Brisbane 30 3 C3 Mains Rd Brisbane 25 4 C4 Mains Rd Sydney 5 C5 Mains Rd Brisbane
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 31 Examples – pagesize (1)* SQL> set pagesize 5 SQL> select * from Orders; ORDNO ORDDATE CUSTNO PRODNO QUANTITY ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 01-JAN-03 1 100 2 2 02-JAN-03 1 101 1 ORDNO ORDDATE CUSTNO PRODNO QUANTITY ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 3 01-JAN-03 2 102 1 4 01-JAN-03 3 100 2 ORDNO ORDDATE CUSTNO PRODNO QUANTITY ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 5 03-JAN-03 1 101 1 6 06-MAR-03 2 100 10 6 rows selected.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 32 Examples – pagesize (2)* SQL> set pagesize 10 SQL> select * from orders; ORDNO ORDDATE CUSTNO PRODNO QUANTITY ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 01-JAN-03 1 100 2 2 02-JAN-03 1 101 1 3 01-JAN-03 2 102 1 4 01-JAN-03 3 100 2 5 03-JAN-03 1 101 1 6 06-MAR-03 2 100 10 6 rows selected.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 33 Examples-column format (1)* SQL> select * from room; ROO HOT TY PRICE --- --- -- ---------- 001 H01 T1 120 002 H01 T1 120 003 H01 T2 150 004 H01 T3 100 005 H01 T4 80 006 H01 T4 80 001 H02 T1 100 002 H02 T1 78 003 H02 T1 78 004 H02 T2 75 10 rows selected.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 34 Examples -column format (2)* SQL> column roomNo format A8; SQL> column hotelno format A8; SQL> column type format a5; SQL> coulmn price format $999.99 SQL> select * from room; ROOMNO HOTELNO TYPE PRICE -------- -------- ----- -------- 001 H01 T1 $120.00 002 H01 T1 $120.00 003 H01 T2 $150.00 004 H01 T3 $100.00 005 H01 T4 $80.00 006 H01 T4 $80.00 001 H02 T1 $100.00 002 H02 T1 $78.00 003 H02 T1 $78.00 004 H02 T2 $75.00 10 rows selected.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 35 Saving Output and Using HOST* To save the result of a query or a command, you can use SPOOL to create a file, eg SPOOL c:\mydir\example1 SELECT * FROM products; SELECT * FROM ORDERS; The file example1.lst will be created in directory c:\mydir and it will contain the commands and query results Spooling can be turned on or off SPOOL OFF|ON To see your file, type HOST, an OS window will open so that you can run OS commands. To return, type EXIT or close the OS window using your mouse
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 36 Basic Insert Statement Syntax INSERT INTO tablename [(attribute list)] VALUES (value_list); –value list must correspond to attribute list –If attribute list is omitted, then a value for every attribute is required –The data types must be correct Example: for table Customer, Insert into Customer(custNo, custName) values ('6', 'John'); Insert into Customer values ('7', 'David ', 'St1','City1', 20);
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 37 Inserting Data Using Queries You can insert the result of a query into a table For example, if you have a table Briscustomer which has the same structure as Customer, then you can use insert into Briscustomer select * from customer where custcity ='Brisbane';
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 38 Create Table Using Queries You can create a new table using the result of a query Example create table Briscustomer AS select custno, custName, custSt, age from customer where custcity ='Brisbane'; will create a table Briscustomer which contains the custno, custName, custSt and age of customers from Brisbane.
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 39 SQL data loader* For a table containing a large data set, INSERT command is not efficient to populate the table Oracle provides a data loader utility SQLLOADER which can be used to load data –runs in OS, not in SQLplus –fussy about data format –table must be created first
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 40 Update and Delete UPDATE is used to update the data in table DELETE is used to delete data from table TRUNCATE deletes all data in a table and frees storage space for the table rows ( deletes data faster but you cannot rollback) Update customer SET custCity = 'Melbourne', custSt='12 Mains Rd' Where custNo =1; DELETE FROM product WHERE price <5; TRUNCATE TABLE product;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 41 Commit and Rollback If you want to undo your update of the tables, type ROLLBACK; If you want to make your update permanent, use COMMIT;
Database Design lecture 3_2 Slide 42 Data Definition Commands in Standard SQL* In SQL-92 standard, you can create a schema and domains (not available in Oracle 8i). To create a schema, use CREATE SCHEMA schema_name AUTHORIZATION user_name –Then when creating table you can use a prefix schema_name. so that the tables belong to this schema. –The commands can only be used by authorized users. To create a domain, you can use, for example, CREATE DOMAIN addresses AS CHAR(30); –Later you can use addresses instead of CHAR(30) in table coulmns.
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