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Professional Development Day 11 am Grades 2-4 Parent /Student Visitation First Day of School 3:30 Staff Mtg. Labor Day 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am Grade level.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Day 11 am Grades 2-4 Parent /Student Visitation First Day of School 3:30 Staff Mtg. Labor Day 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am Grade level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Day 11 am Grades 2-4 Parent /Student Visitation First Day of School 3:30 Staff Mtg. Labor Day 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am Grade level Mtg. AIMSWEB Benchmark Testing Sept. 8-15 3:30 Curriculum Council Data Analysis Mtgs. Elementary Open House AIMSWEB Benchmark Testing August 31 st Staff Inservice Day ELA & Math Pretests Begin Math Module 1: 23 days Begin ELA Module 1: Approx.35 days 2:20 Team Mtg.

2 End of 5 weeks 3:30 Staff Mtg. Columbus Day 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am grade level mtg. Peter Rabbit Tales: Reg Lenna 11:00 am Interim Assessment Week: Quarter 1 3:30 Curriculum Council ½ Day for Students Halloween End Math Module 1 End ELA Module 1 Begin Math Module 2 Approx. 20 Days Begin ELA Module 2A or 2B Approx. 40 Days 2:20 Team Mtg. 1 st Word Work Grade

3 Daylight Savings Time Ends Teacher Inservice Day 3:30 Staff Mtg.End of First Quarter Data Analysis Mtg. Grades Due 3:30 Curriculum Council Veteran’s Day First Quarter Report Cards Go Home 8:00 am Grade level mtg. Thanksgiving Break End Math Module 2 Begin Math Module Approx. 20 Days 2:20 Team Mtg. 2 nd Word Work Grade

4 3:30 Staff Mtg. 3:30 Curriculum Council 3:30 IL Mtg. On Stage for Youth “Lightning Thief” 12:30 End of 5 Weeks Happy B-Day Susan! 8:00 am Grade level Happy B-Day Kim! Winter Break! Winter Break End ELA Modules 2A & 2B End Math Module 3 Begin Math Module 4 Approx. 16 days 2:20 Team Mtg. 3 rd Word Work Grade

5 Winter Break School Resumes 3:30 Staff Mtg. Aimsweb Benchmark Testing/Interim Assessments Second Quarter 3:30 Curriculum Council 3:30 IL Mtg. Happy B-Day Erin! MLK Day Happy B-Day Chris! 8:00 am Grade level Mtg. Data Analysis Mtg. End of 2 nd Quarter Begin ELA Module 3A or 3B Approx. 40 days Begin Math Module 5 Approx. 28 Days 2:20 Team Mtg. 4 th Word Work Grade

6 Teacher Inservice Day 3:30 Staff Mtg. 2 nd quarter Report Cards Go Home 2 nd quarter Grades Due 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am Grade Level Mtg. Valentine’s Day President’s Day Mid-Winter Break End Math Module 5 Begin Math Module 6 Approx. 2:20 Team Mtg.

7 3:30 Staff Mtg.End of 5 Weeks Begin Grade 3 & 4 Interim Assessments 3:30 Curriculum Council 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00am Grade Level Mtg. Daylight Savings Time Begins Easter Finish Grade 3 & 4 Interim Assessments Half Day Spring Break!!!! Day Off End ELA Module 3A & 3B End Math Module 6 Begin ELA Module 4 Approx. 40 days Begin Math Module 7 Approx. 40 days 2:20 Team Mtg. 5 th Word Work Grade

8 NYS ELA Assessments 3:30 Staff Mtg. NYS Math Assessments 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am. Grade Level Mtg. End of 3 rd Quarter Report Cards Go Home Teacher Inservice Day All data entered from Interims Grades Due Happy B-Day Jill! Data Analysis Mtgs. 2:20 Team Mtg. 6 th Word Work Grade

9 3:30 Staff Mtg. Mother’s Day! Happy B-Day Catherine!! 3:30 Curriculum Council 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00 am Grade Level Mtg. End of 5 Weeks Memorial Day 2:20 Team Mtg. 7 th Word Work Grade

10 3:30 Staff Mtg. 3:30 IL Mtg. 8:00am Grade Level Mtg. Interim Assessments Quarter 4 Happy B-Day Val! 3:30 Curriculum Council Father’s Day Data Analysis Mtgs. Last Day!! 2:20 Team Mtg. 8 th Word Work Grade

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