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12 th Grade SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS. Title: Thinking Critically 8-22-14 Aim: How can thinking critically help us find the author’s purpose and meaning behind.

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Presentation on theme: "12 th Grade SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS. Title: Thinking Critically 8-22-14 Aim: How can thinking critically help us find the author’s purpose and meaning behind."— Presentation transcript:


2 Title: Thinking Critically 8-22-14 Aim: How can thinking critically help us find the author’s purpose and meaning behind a text? Do Now: Respond to the following quote, whether you agree or disagree and why? “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings.”Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings. Helen Keller

3 Critical Thinkers 1.Consciously raise questions 2.Are aware of gaps in information 3.Distinguish between observation & inference; fact and assumption. 4.Recognize that words are symbols for ideas, and not ideas themselves 5.Base judgment on evidence 6.Control their feelings/emotions 7.Recognizer that extreme views are seldom correct 8.Are open-minded and interested in other people’s ideas/views

4 Uncritical Thinkers oPretend to know more than they do. oGet annoyed by problems. oAre impatient. oJudge on first impressions and intuition. oFocus on their own opinions. oLook only for ideas like their own. oAre guided by feelings rather than thoughts. oClaim that thinking gives them a headache. Don’t think about it, just sign it!

5 “Landscape with the fall of Icarus” Diction: The author’s word choice

6 Allusion (noun) A passing or casual reference to something well-known; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication.

7 Assignment Complete SOAPS for “Musee des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden with your group, then answer the following questions. Each group member should be responsible for one question. Write down all answers in your notebook. You will share your groups answers aloud. 1) List all allusions in the poem. Why does Auden allude to these things/events/people? 2) Who is “they” and the “old Masters”? 3) List important diction in the poem and explain why these words stand out. 4) What role does imagery play in the poem. Give an example. 5) What’s Auden’s overall tone, and how do you know this? As a group, come up with at least two questions you have about the poem itself or about the subject it discusses.

8 Independently Compare and Contrast the two poems by W.H. Auden and William Carlos Williams. Questions to consider: How do the tones differ? How does the different structure of the poems change how we read them? What is Auden’s main focus vs. What is Williams main focus? How do both authors differ in their perspectives on human suffering?

9 Exit Slip and HW Exit Slip: How did we think critically using famous paintings and poetry? HW: Write a One-page response whether or not being affected by society’s expectations could be avoided and how society’s expectations have affected you as an individual. Be sure to use examples. Your response should: Explain if and how the effects of society’s expectations could be avoided Explain how society’s expectations have affected you Give examples to support your ideas Be between 2-3 paragraphs CONTRACTS ARE DUE MONDAY!! ALL SUPPLIES SHOULD BE BOUGHT BY MONDAY!

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