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© North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Course Number NSTC-30 Revised 1-2012 Offshore Safety Awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "© North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Course Number NSTC-30 Revised 1-2012 Offshore Safety Awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Course Number NSTC-30 Revised 1-2012 Offshore Safety Awareness

2 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Introduction 2

3 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Name Company Assigned offshore work site Are you new to Alaska? If not, have you been to the North Slope? If so, how long ago? Have you ever worked offshore? Introductions 3

4 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Administration and Safety Emergency guidelines for fire, earthquake or bomb threat; evacuation routes and assembly area Restrooms and designated smoking areas Breaks and lunch Safety minute 4

5 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. To prepare participants to work offshore and recognize the hazards and controls associated with offshore work. Goal 5

6 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Objectives Meet the BOEM and BSEE training requirements in SEMS 30 CFR 250, Subpart S. Describe the importance of cultural awareness when interacting with Alaska Native people while living near or in their communities. Describe the geography, weather, and arctic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas off the coast of Alaska. 6

7 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Objectives Explain the procedures for safe offshore travel by ice road, boat, hovercraft, or helicopter. Describe how to live and work safely on man-made islands, boats and/or platforms in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Describe the environmental concerns associated with offshore drilling and production. Explain how to respond in offshore emergencies. 7

8 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Offshore Safety Awareness Modules Module 1: Introduction, Cultural Awareness, and Operations Module 2: Offshore Travel Module 3: Living and Working Safely Offshore Module 4: Offshore Environmental Concerns Nikaitchug (Spy Island at sunset) 8

9 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Offshore Safety Training The NSTC Offshore Safety Awareness Course is an introduction to working on islands, platforms, and vessels in the waters off the North Slope of Alaska. All locations require a site-specific orientation. There may be other job-specific and special awareness training that workers must have to work safely and legally. This training is available in other NSTC or company-sponsored classes. 9

10 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Module I: Cultural Awareness & Offshore Operations

11 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Cultural Awareness 11

12 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. The northern coast of Alaska borders the Beaufort Sea. The northwestern coast of Alaska borders the Chukchi Sea. This region is home to the Alaska Native people. Beaufort & Chukchi Seas 12

13 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971 gave Alaska Natives title to 43.7 million acres of the traditional lands. There are over 6,000 Alaska Native residents in coastal communities within the boundaries of the North Slope Borough. They are shareholders in their village corporations and in the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), the largest locally owned company in Alaska. Ownership 13

14 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. North Slope of Alaska 14

15 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Northern Coast on the Beaufort Sea Nuiqsut (pop. 424) Kaktovik (pop. 272) Northwestern Coast on the Chukchi Sea Barrow (pop. 4,054) Wainwright (pop. 534) Point Lay (pop. 257) Point Hope (pop. 713) Coastal Communities in the North Slope Borough 15

16 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Traditional Use Traditional use refers to the historical uses of fish and game for food, shelter, fuel, clothing, tools, and transportation. Both Native and non-Native residents living in rural Alaska have subsistence hunting, fishing, and trapping rights under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA-1972). 16

17 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Traditional Use Subsistence hunting and fishing is a cultural way of life for Alaska Natives. It is part of the value system which defines who they are and ties their communities together. Many traditional land use areas fall within oil and gas lease areas. 17

18 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Oil and gas operations on the North Slope employ thousands of workers who are not full-time residents. Workers are expected to: show respect for the Native lifestyle and culture; conduct operations in a manner that does not affect subsistence resources and activities or culturally sensitive areas; respect the viewpoints of local residents and landowners. Oil and Gas Operations 18

19 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. North Slope Offshore Operations 19

20 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Regulatory Oversight The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for managing environmentally and economically responsible development of offshore resources. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) is responsible for safety and environmental oversight of offshore oil and gas operations. 20

21 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Regulatory Oversight U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – air and water quality; hazardous waste management National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – marine resources; marine mammals; endangered species U.S. Fish & Wildlife (USFWS) – fisheries and habitat; migratory birds; threatened and endangered species Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) – air quality, spill prevention and response U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) – marine security and environmental protection 21

22 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Beaufort Sea Lease Area 22

23 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Beaufort Sea Offshore leases and drilling operations include: North Star- BP (6 miles offshore) Oooguruk – Pioneer (5.7 miles offshore) Sivulliq and Torpedo – Shell Nikaitchug (Spy Island) – Eni (3.8 miles offshore) Liberty – BP Beaufort Offshore Drilling Operations Nikaitchug (Spy Island) 23

24 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Chukchi Sea Lease Area 24 Chukchi Sea Program Area Deferred Polynya Zone

25 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Chukchi Offshore leases and drilling operations include: Klondike – ConocoPhillips Popcorn - Repsol Burger and Crackerjack – Shell Amundsen and Augustine - Statoil Chukchi Offshore Drilling Operations 25

26 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Weather Conditions 26

27 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. The North Slope and the waters off it’s coast have a dry, cold polar climate. Temperatures are below freezing from early October through late May with snow 9 months of the year. Winds average around 12 mph, but often reach 40-60 mph. Wind speed and cold temperatures create life-threatening wind chills. Weather 27

28 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. Blowing snow and ice fog are common in the winter months. The sun sets on November 18 or 19 and the polar night lasts until January 22-23rd. Beginning on May 11-12, the sun remains above the horizon all day and doesn’t set again until July 31-August 1. Average summer temperatures range from 35 – 45 degrees F. Weather 28

29 © North Slope Training Cooperative—revised 2012. All rights reserved. The Beaufort and Chukchi Seas are ice-covered from December to May. The icepack begins to melt in June with open seas from July through September. New ice begins to form in October as temperatures drop below freezing. Broken ice is the stage between the break-up of the ice pack and open water or open water and freezing. Sea Conditions Endicott 29

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