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Kiev, 04.10.2011 The role of aquaculture in providing consumption of fish and seafood that is growing, and attention given by the EU and FAO to the development.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiev, 04.10.2011 The role of aquaculture in providing consumption of fish and seafood that is growing, and attention given by the EU and FAO to the development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiev, 04.10.2011 The role of aquaculture in providing consumption of fish and seafood that is growing, and attention given by the EU and FAO to the development of this direction of fishing industry. Hannes Ulmas Fisheries Economics Department Head of Market Regulation and Trade Bureau Ministry of Agriculture Estonia

2 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Outline 1.Fish supply and demand - Production - Trade -Trends 2. Aquaculture development 3. Aquaculure in new CFP (EU Common Fisheries Policy)

3 Kiev, 04.10.2011 World fish production

4 Kiev, 04.10.2011 World Fish Production

5 Kiev, 04.10.2011

6 Per caput food supply

7 Kiev, 04.10.2011 World aquaculture production: growing quickly 1950-2008, but slowing down

8 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Capture fisheries producers

9 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Contribution of fish production to Gross Domestic Product Total value of fish % of GDP `000 USD Bangladesh 2 952 104 4.77 Cambodia 397 688 7.22 China 55 549 810 2.09 Ghana 877 328 6.90 India 7 887 011 1.13 Indonesia 8 144 222 1.89 Malaysia 1 932 785 1.04 Maldives 46 094 5.04 Mauritania 193 000 12.47 Mozambique 245 439 3.06 Namibia 492 000 6.78 Peru 2.00 Philippines 3 344 274 2.85 Senegal 313 736 2.78 Sri Lanka 512 638 1.58 Thailand 4 382 453 2.72 Viet Nam 6 960 385 10.14

10 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Aquaculture producers

11 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Main fish exporters 2008 (value)

12 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Main fish importers (2009) Japan USD 13.2 bill. - 9 % US USD 13.1 bill. - 7 % EU USD 39.5 bill. -13 % Total big 3 USD 65.8 bill. - 11 % Total world USD 98.5 bill. -8.8%

13 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Commodities 08.04.2011, Sarajevo

14 Kiev, 04.10.2011 The global export value of agricultural commodities in 2007 in USD billion Plant commodities Animal commodities Fruit & vegetables 151Fish/seafood93 Wheat36Pigs30 Tobacco29Cattle29 Sugar19Poultry22 Coffee18 Sheep and goats 4 Rice13 pulses5

15 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Fish protein as a % of animal protein consumption

16 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Protein consumption in China

17 Kiev, 04.10.2011








25 Global and regional aquaculture production and value AreaMillion tonnesAverage annual % change USD billion Average annual % change 1997200619972006 Total28.6151.654.9644.1078.764.89 Asia25.2145.965.0235.5160.084.54 China19.3234.434.8820.3638.425.22 Europe1.361.933.293.376.445.30 Latin America 0.401.237.511.185.438.70

26 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Trends in major producing countries (>500 000t) Producer Production, million t % annual change Value, USD billion % annual change 1997200619972006 China19.3234.434.920.3638.425.2 India1.863. Viet Nam 0.321.669.00.683.328.8 Thailand0.541.396.81.912.221.6 Indonesia0.661. Banglade sh 0.490.895.10.971.363.2 Chile0.270.807.30.924.438.8 Japan0.810.73-1.13.523.10-1.5

27 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Most significant species (>1million tonne annualy) Output `000 tonnes Value, `000 USD USD per kg 200720072007 Pacific cupped oyster 423330541080.72 Silver carp 366235727190.98 Grass carp (white amur) 361035223540.98 Japanese carpet shell 304430440911 Common carp 287230940501.08 Whiteleg shrimp 229688158543.84 Catla227429615391.3 Bighead carp 216021342030.99 Nile tilapia 212126329781.24 Freshwater fishes nei 199430950261.55 Crucian carp 193916127170.83 Atlantic salmon 143375782735.29 Yesso scallop 141220161031.43

28 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Employment and value outputs by species group Species group Turnover Euro/kg Labour t/person Value, `000 USD/person Salmon, trout 2,7889,5360,8 Sea bass, bream 4,6520134,9 Halibut turbot, sole 6,2640363,1 Cod, haddock, hake 4,8250349,5 Carp tilapia, catfish 1,921233,4 Eels, sturegon, pearch 4,4440257,5 Tuna11,941202077,6 Mussels0,831518,1 Oysters2,291136,5

29 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Global sources of fishmeal and species used Fishmeal production Species tonnes% Peru171400030,0Anchovy Chile79800014,0 Mackerel, anchovy, sardine Iceland2240003,9 Capelin, herring Norway1980003,5 Sprat, herring Denmark2460004,3 Sprat, herring, blue whitening Other EU 2100003,7 China3480006,1 Thailand4020007,0 USA3000005,2 Alaska pollac S.Africa1030001,8 Others117600020,6 Mailly anchovy Total5719000100

30 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Fishmeal and soyameal prices

31 Kiev, 04.10.2011

32 Aquaculture policy in the EU CFP`s vision for 2020 Europe is not any more dependent on import of fish Aquaculture industry is developed on high technological level and supply know-how and technology outside Europe

33 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Final proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Fisheries Policy Specific objectives: Policy shall promote the development of Union aquaculture activities to contribute to food security and employment in coastal and rural areas.

34 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Promoting aquaculture, art 43 Non-binding Union strategic guidlines on common priorities and targets for the development of aquaculture activities shall be established by the Commission by 2013 Strategic guidlines shall form the basis for multiannual national strategic plans

35 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Strategic plans shall aim at: Improving the competitivness of the aquaculture industry and supporting its development and innovation Encouraging economic activity Diversification and improvement of the quality of life in costal and rural areas A level-playing field for aquaculture operators in relation to access to waters and space

36 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Member States responsibilities Memebr States shall establish a multiannual national strategic plan for the development of aquaculture activities on their territory by 2014. Member States shall exchange information and best practices through an open method of coordination of the national measures contained in multiannual strategic plans.

37 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Multiannual national strategic plans shall aim the following: Administrative simplification, in particular regarding licenses Certainty for aquaculture operators in relation to acess to waters and space Indicators for enviromental, economic and social sustainability Assessment of other possible cross-bordering effects on neighbouring Member States

38 Kiev, 04.10.2011 Thank You!

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