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Maths Top 5 Time. 1. Paired Talk Drawing out learning-sharing ideas on how to find the answer Gives time for less confident to answer. Gives you time.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths Top 5 Time. 1. Paired Talk Drawing out learning-sharing ideas on how to find the answer Gives time for less confident to answer. Gives you time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths Top 5 Time

2 1. Paired Talk Drawing out learning-sharing ideas on how to find the answer Gives time for less confident to answer. Gives you time to assess. Get them to discuss Success Criteria

3 2. Mental Objectives Just one objective. Extend. To be able to write numbers up to 100 (1000). Challenge those that can do it.

4 3. Depth of Challenge Ensure new curriculum objectives are used. If they can do it move them on. Check with people in the know about pitch.

5 4. Consistent approach to Challenge Children to challenge themselves. Children start at different points. Hard, Harder, Hardest



8 5. Success Criteria Short and snappy Brief pointers First port of call for children if stuck. Children discuss and use - New on observation form

9 Success Criteria Adding 10 T U 24 Tens goes up Units stay the same. Adding fractions 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6 Just add numerator. Denominator stays the same. % of number 10% = ÷10 5% = ÷10 then ½ 20% = ÷10 then double Build up using what you know. 35% = 20% + 10% +5%

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