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Report from the GHRSST Science Team Chair Dr. Craig Donlon Chair of The International GHRSST Science-Team Presented at the 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from the GHRSST Science Team Chair Dr. Craig Donlon Chair of The International GHRSST Science-Team Presented at the 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from the GHRSST Science Team Chair Dr. Craig Donlon Chair of The International GHRSST Science-Team Presented at the 10 th GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Santa Rosa Ca, USA June 1-5, 2009

2 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Outline GHRSST Status/Issues Symposium Challenges Aims for this meeting G9 Actions Review ROUTE

3 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Thanks… All at Remote Sensing Systems and NASA JPL for organising the Symposium – especially Chelle Gentemann and Jorge Vazquez Also to sponsors: NOAA, NASA, US-Navy, NOPP, BoM, EUMETSAT and ESA and others Thanks to you for continuing to support GHRSST!

4 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Practical Stuff from you this week… Breakouts… I need good reports by the end of the week! –Please Focus on OWNING and CONTRIBUTING to the GDS-2.0 and provide recommendations on what you can and will do –Please in a ready to publish form Proceedings – I need 2 page summaries following the example template (Doc. B4) given on the web – by the end of the week? We cannot expect to produce a Proceedings without these – Please follow the template. Use the time here to explore Science and Operational issues in a new GHRSST framework Enjoy yourselves and develop the future of SST with some of the worlds best SST Scientists –But please provide the minimum inputs we are asking for…

5 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Main issues at the end of the G9 Meeting (Actions later…)

6 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature G9: Issues facing GHRSST Set up of a GHRSST management structure –Future of the Project Office, Science Team constitution and Chair – GPO to manage Many more users expecting GHRSST to be responsible… We need to add configuration Rigor to the system to minimise problems –GDS 2.0 … needed by October 2008 Requirements, Policy and advice on the production of the SST ECV More Discussion at the next ST meeting (split ST meeting with Symposium) Well, its been a year of changes…

7 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature G9: Science Team, groups etc Propose to continue existing structure, Science Team membership, groups and activities ‘Business as usual’ approach to transition Question to you: Is this all still appropriate?

8 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature SST requirements for GHRSST User requirements derived from Scientific, Climate and Operational users: –global coverage –a spatial resolution of 10 km or better (mesoscale dynamics) –an accuracy of 0.5K or better (Ocean and NWP) –climate SST data sets should span the Satellite era and be accurate to better than 0.3K and stable to 0.1K per decade. –updated and available every six hours –be available in near real time GHRSST data products must properly address the difficult issues of: –diurnal variability as this complicates interpretation & merging –SST at the sea ice edge which is complex for analysis systems –include uncertainty estimates to facilitate their use by data assimilation systems –What form does the SST Essential Climate Variable take?

9 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Aim and Objectives The aim of GHRSST is to develop and nurture cooperation and progress at the world scale in the subject area of satellite Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST establishes consensus and develops cooperation to: –Facilitate easy and diverse access and application of SST data through coordinated data assembly and analysis systems –Facilitate the advancement of SST science, tools and techniques –Foster expertise in SST measurements at all levels and provide best practice advice to users –Optimize the quality of SST data through inter-comparisons, testing, calibration and validation –Maintain and nurture the link between the SST Scientific and Operational users of SST measurements –Condusct efficient re-analysis of SST data and develop the the Modern era SST ECV

10 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Aim and Objectives The aim of GHRSST is to develop and nurture cooperation and progress at the world scale in the subject area of satellite Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST establishes consensus and develops cooperation to: –Respond to user SST requirements through a consensus approach –Coordinates and organises activities according to the principles of Subsidarity and shared responsibility –Develops complementarity between independent measurements from earth observation satellites and in situ sensors –Maximises synergy benefits of an integrated measurement system and end to end user service

11 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Project Office

12 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Project Office GPO: Changed from Director to Coordinator I’m currently the Science Team chair… Developed 2 papers –GODAE Final Symposium –OceanObs 09 White Paper (Future GHRSST GDIP Doc. B6) Developed a new Terms of Reference for GHRSST (Doc B4) Maintained the GHRSST Web site Prepared for 10 th ST meeting Represented GHRSST at several international Meetings (JCOMM, GODAE, Medspiration Final Meeting) Support letters, email queries, general coordination…

13 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GPO… Developed a new Statement of Work for continuity of the GPO under ESA funding. Currently in transition with on-going discussion regarding people, location and contracts Intend to conclude discussions soon. Presentation and discussion of GPO Tasks on Thursday

14 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Development and Implementation Plan (GDIP) Current version from 2004 Updates based on OceanObs White Paper –Successes and Challenges for the Modern Sea Surface Temperature Observing System 47 recommendations covering all aspects of SST –SST successes of the last decade through the GHRSST experience –Progress and challenges –Forward-looking community-consensus vision

15 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Progress in R/GTS GHRSST is providing a stable system that is delivering quality data products that are useful. –L2P and L4 products widely used –AATSR L2P transitioned from Medspiration > Ops. –L3 products in development (User need) –Uncertainty estimates are being used –Services (GDAC, LTSRF, RDAC, GMPE, HRDDS) are being used more and more –Need to improve uncertainty estimates –Statistics show exponential increase in users, volume served and files delivered since 2006. –Initiatives to develop coordination of AVHRR LAC “global” data sets

16 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST product family (1/2) L2P > Measurement Data Set (MDS) –Native SST satellite measurements + ancillary data to aid interpretation (no change to SST data) L3(P) > Measurement Data Set –Re-gridded SST data from a single or multiple set of satellite data. Bias adjustments may have been made and time-space averaging can be performed. Ancillary data appended. L4 > Analysis Data Set (ADS) –Blended analysis based on the use of an underlying model with all gaps filled.

17 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST product family (2/2) GMPE > Analysis Data Set –Ensemble median average (+sigma and ensemble member anomalies from median) of L4 products MDB > Measurement Data Set –Matchup Database of near contemporaneous in situ matched to L2P satellite measurements (used for validation and uncertainty estimation) RAN > MDS and ADS –Reanalysis products. Reprocessed time series of MDS satellite data and L4 analysis for climate work (GCOS) HR-DDS > MDS and ADS –High Resolution Diagnostic Data Set. Subset of GHRSST products assembled as a time series of common gridded (L3P) data used for inter-comparisons and verification

18 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST L1 (radiance products) system status (May 2009) NAVO (BT’s in AVHRR files) Plans to use data in GHRSST A GHRSST data set is in progress Operational within R/GTS

19 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature L3P Un-collated Product (L3U) L3P processor Remap data Principles: -Remapping to standard grid and/or projection -Traceability at pixel level: Original lat lon For(area (a) AND time T) Remap data L2P swath data from one sensor L3U (uncollated) Produce single sensor L3P data file and metadata

20 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature L3P Collated Product (L3C) L3P processor Remap data Adjust data (option) Synthesise data L3P (i), unique per sensor L3C (collated) Principles: -Synthesize information -Best quality -Traceability at pixel level: Origin (which sensor) Original lat lon Confidence level SSES Applied correction (if any) Collate data from one sensor (i) For(area (a) AND time To-T+n) Process data from one sensor Produce single sensorL3P data file and metadata L2P data from one sensor

21 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature New Australian Locally Received Satellite SST L3C products from the Integrated Marine observing System Real-time, GHRSST format L3C collated at 0.01° x 0.01° resolution, single day/single night (composite) files of HRPT AVHRR SST1m data from NOAA- 17 and NOAA-18 satellites available Nighttime HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3C Daytime HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3C (H Beggs, BoM)

22 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature L3P Super-Collated Product (L3S) L3P (i), unique per sensor Principles: -Synthesize information -Best quality -Traceability at pixel level: Origin (which sensor) Original lat lon Confidence level SSES Applied correction (if any) Collate data from Sensor (i, i+n) L3P processor Remap data Adjust data Synthesise data Process data from many sensors L3S (super-collated) Produce multi-sensor L3P data file and metadata For(area (a) AND time To-T+n) L2P data or L3P collated data from many sensors SST source information

23 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature MERSEA ODYSSEA analysis (E. Autret)

24 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST L3 system status (May 2009) EU MyOcean (Regional) Australia (BoM) (Regional) AMSRE (RSS) TMI (RSS) SEVIRI (OSI-SAF) GOES (NESDIS) Plans to use data in GHRSST A GHRSST data set is in progress Operational within R/GTS

25 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Gulf Stream Analyzed SSTs Different analysis products are developed for different applications and have specific characteristics Often these characteristics are developed by trade-off analysis tuned to that application E.g. Grid vs correlation scales, noise vs structure etc Users must be aware of these characteristics!!

26 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Goldilocks & the 3 Bears Need to help users find the SST analysis that “is just right”

27 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Reynolds: Baseline analysis + something else OSTIA as the base Use MODIS, AVHRR N17&18 1km data to add structure Only where data are available… May 2009 © ACRI-ST all rights reserved

28 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Challenges R/GTS is working OK (Data flowing, wiring is OK, users are using, impacts are positive) Documentation for GHRSST is poor (repeated criticism) GDS 2.0 and ownership of document tree is not working –Sections of the GDS need to be owned by individuals within ST (GDS Breakout) –Can TAG/WG Breakout sessions identify which part of the GDS they can work on? –Need an overall GDS coordinator – GPO coordinator. Single most important challenge for this meeting is to agree on how we will sort this out!!

29 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS-v2.0 June 2009 Generate L2P data products (L2Pc -> L2P) Generate L4 analysed data products (e.g., SSTfnd) based on L2P data input. Satellite SST data Ingest & QC input data streams Auxiliary data Referenc e data fields Generate L3P data products Referenc e data fields Analysed L4 SST data products Rolling and long-term archive system Derive Single Sensor error statistics (SSES) Satellite and in situ MDB Single Sensor Error Statistics Generate MDB records MDB/SSES system MDB recor ds Diagnostics, metrics and GDS data product validation HR-DDS archive GDAC &RDAC L4 SST HR- DDS data granules L2P HR- DDS data granules Extract HR- DDS L2P granules User data access through LAS/DODS HR- DDS server Extract HR-DDS L4 SST granules HR-DDS system In situ data CDR SST data products Re-Analysis f L2P/L3P/L4 L3P SST data products Referenc e data fields L2P/L2Pc SST data products Metrics definition s GMPE SST ensemble products Generate GMPE products Referenc e data fields Main data flow HR-DDS data flow MDB/SSES data flow RAN data flow GMPE data flow Referenc e data fields Auxiliary data GMPE system RAN system

30 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS v2.0 GHRSST Operating Manual GHRSST Core Data Processing Specification Data Provider Interfaces GHRSST Users Manual GHRSST Scientific Library Operations Science & Engineering

31 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS component management Each component needs to have: –Description of the component (purpose, role in R/GTS) (DES) –Dependency on other components (DEP) –Input & Output data definitions (IODD) –Interface control definitions (ICD) –Algorithms and Processing description (ATBD) –Appendices with codes and tables –Owner, contacts, revision procedures

32 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS v2.0 GHRSST Operating Manual GHRSST Core Data Processing Specification Ancillary field descriptions CF conventions Instrument descriptions netCDF documentation GHRSST Code Tables SSES definitions Code to read GHRSST data MDB system description HR-DDS system description Discovery catalogue manual Data access systems (sFTP, OPeNDAP etc) Interface Control Doc (ICD) Feedback GHRSST requirements How to access data How to use data Code and technical support Data Provider Interfaces GHRSST Scientific Library GHRSST Users Manual L2P Specification L3P Specification L4Specification GMPE L4+ Specification HRDDS Specification MDB Specification GDMS Specification General Operations Incident procedures Change/release management Configuration management Problem management Review procedures Escalation procedures Operational event messages Dashboard and web portal GHRSST Metrics                

33 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Symposium GHRSST International Users Symposium Santa Rosa, Ca., 28- 29 th May 2009 Condensed Conclusions (Full report later today from Chelle and Jorge)

34 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Symposium sessions Session 1:Introduction –Invited talks setting the context for GHRSST Session 2:GHRSST Data Products –The core products of GHRSST Session 2a:Non-GHRSST Data Products –Products working within GHRSST Session 3:GHRSST Data Systems –Examples of data systems within GHRSST Session 3a:GHRSST data validation –Verification and validation of L4 and L2 products Session 4:GHRSST Applications –Diverse examples of SST applications Session 5:GHRSST Science –Further examples of Science applications

35 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Main points Excellent symposium!! –80 people attended –Jam packed with talks, ideas, issues, developments, many new people!! Diversification of GHRSST users –Operational ‘’Heavies’’ still here –Ocean Scientists now developing especially High resolution in coastal zones –Emerging focus on using the GHRSST data – Statistics show exponential increase in users, volume served and files delivered since 2006.

36 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (1/3) 1.GHRSST is providing a stable system that is delivering quality data products that are useful. 2.GHRSST User Base is increasing and diversifying We need to recognise that the Users within GHRSST are changing 3.Groups are looking critically at GHRSST data in automated systems 4.But feedback and communications between these groups is not good 5.Validation efforts need to be more coordinated using different data sets 6.GHRSST needs Better Applications User Support (AUS). This will become even more important as more products come online (Documentation) 7.Users want more operational/NRT information on system status (Dashboard)

37 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature WE NEED OPERATIONAL MESSAGING (ERRLOG, OPLOG of GDSv1.0) Last LOG Last ERROR Contact GHRSST Operations Dashboard GDMS (GHRSST Dashboard and Monitoring System)

38 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (2/3) 8.Several users requested access to long time series data sets 9.We need to encourage more integration of surface winds and SST communities 10.Users request consistent Lake Surface Temperatures in products 11.Users request further work to improve SST’s in marginal ice zone 12.L4 analysis products may be misleading users in terms of resolution Users requested a simple and understandable uncertainty estimate (or Quality Indicator) common to all L4: Use “time since last observation”? 13.GHRSST should provide a framework to keep Regional SST teams and other groups communicating and coordinated at the international level

39 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (3/3) Science Team must consider structure of GHRSST: Is it still correct? –Have wired together a system to make new and innovative data sets available –Its there, its working, its not perfect and its never going to be finished! Technology upgrades, new data, new international groups, improved interoperability etc. –Are our Working Groups and Technical advisory groups reflecting the fact that Users need more help and support?

40 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST ST Structure Many people have suggested it is time to reflect on our structure –New groups NASA funded SST Science Team, ERNESST, Others… –Review of Group structure, ToR, Membership, and leadership – New ToR call for rotating chairs (including Me) –2 yr vice chair, 2 year chair as in CEOS? –Need for Simple but effective annual work plans at the TAG level –Review TAG work plans at the annual science team meeting Lets try to do this efficiently and responsibly

41 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Science Team membership Re-organise WG and TAG Peter Minnett to stand down from SI-TAG –Proposed: J Hoeyer as a successor (needs a second…) –Hoeyer: Rename and refocus to a High Latitude Technical Advisory Group Please pass other nominations changes to GHRSST-PO by Thursday 17:00.

42 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Structure and People Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator

43 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Data Assembly and Systems International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) GHRSST Data Assembly and Systems Technical Advisory Group (GDAS-TAG)

44 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature High Latitude SST issues International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) High Latitude Technical advisory Group (HL-TAG)

45 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Inter-comparisons International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) Inter-comparison Technical Advisory Group (IC-TAG) ( HR-DDS + GMPE + SQUAM + Others L4 Errors etc ) GSICS? -> Links to RAN-TAG, ST-VAL and HL- TAG

46 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Uncertainty Estimation International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) ST-VAL Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) -> Links to RAN-TSG, IC-TAG and HL- TAG…

47 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST DV Estimation International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) DV Technical Advisory Group (DV-TAG)

48 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Reanalysis and SST ECV International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) RAN Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) +SST ECV

49 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Science? Retrievals? Applications? International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator Cloud screening? Retrievals? Science Applications? Uncertainties? Support to NASA funded SST Science Team, ERNESST group, Australia, China, Japan etc to provide international coordination

50 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Discussion later today What are the priority issues for GHRSST? The Role and responsibility of the TAG and WG. Role and responsibility of GPO Role and responsibility of Science Team Interactions with other groups, space agencies, data providers and projects Development of a roadmap of activities Identification of priority issues for G10 meeting

51 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature This meeting: Aims and Objectives Review the role of GHRSST Review Status of R/GTS Review Symposium conclusions and take action Management plan and actions to finish GDS 2.0 Agree restructure of GHRSST (Review ToR and membership/leadership – should we rotate Chairs?) Get your papers into the correct format for the proceedings and pass to me by end of week please

52 Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Actions from the G9 meeting

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