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New SACE Coordinators February 2014. SACE Board School Support Curriculum Services  SACE Officers - Curriculum School Assessment Services  SACE Officers.

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Presentation on theme: "New SACE Coordinators February 2014. SACE Board School Support Curriculum Services  SACE Officers - Curriculum School Assessment Services  SACE Officers."— Presentation transcript:

1 New SACE Coordinators February 2014

2 SACE Board School Support Curriculum Services  SACE Officers - Curriculum School Assessment Services  SACE Officers - Schools Assessment Operations Special Provisions VET

3 SACE Coordinator Role Information Distribution Managing enrolments and the collection of results Coordinating student materials Liaising with relevant SACE Board Officers

4 The Role: Information Distribution Subject Outlines Stage 2 Subject Operational Information Stage 1 Information and Guidelines 2014 SACE Policies and Procedures

5 SACE Co-ordinator Support SACE Operations minisite







12 SACE Co-ordinator Support School Leaders section of SACE website SACE Officer - Schools SACE News

13 The Role: Managing enrolments and the collection of results Calendar Management: use of Schools Online operator Student registration and transfers Subject enrolment – class and individual  Confirmation Class Lists

14 The Role: Data Checks Check after enrolment and then after any enrolment changes  SACE pattern  Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) tracking  Confirmation sheets  Students go on-line to check

15 The Role: Stage 1 Managing students’ SACE requirements and enrolments Management of learning and assessment plans approval process Compulsory subject requirements  PLP  Literacy  Numeracy

16 The Role: Stage 2 Enrolments and Assessment Groups Clarifying Forums

17 Student management Retention and completion Special Provisions

18 The Role: Student Management SACE Board policies and procedures  Special Provisions  Word-count  Supervision and Verification  Breaches of Rules

19 The Role: Student Management Managing recognition of other learning  VET  Community Learning  Other Recognised Learning

20 The Role: Stage 2 Examination management (IS 46 to 49) Results submission (IS 28 to 30) Collection of moderation materials (IS 9)

21 VET Management Resulting on Schools Online Verification Adele Broster SACE Officer Recognised Learning 8372 7461 Melissa Sherman SACE Officer Recognised Learning 8372 7404

22 The Role: Good practice Stage 1 and Stage 2 learning and assessment plans Regularly review students at risk in Stage 1 and Stage 2 Seek advice

23 SACE Pattern for students completing in 2014

24 SACE Officer- Schools Role First point of contact with SACE Board Advice on policy and procedures Working with schools to develop, monitor and improve their SACE management systems.

25 Special Provisions

26 What are Special Provisions? Special arrangements or varied assessment conditions Examples: o extension to an assessment deadline o enlarged print or Braille o rest breaks, extra time o reduced number of tasks Categories

27 Policy - Guiding Principles For students to access and participate Same standards, skills and knowledge Student responsible for initiating special provisions Evidence vs diagnosis Most appropriate, reasonable provisions

28 Policy – who makes decisions? For school assessments at Stage 1 & 2  the school is responsible For external assessments at Stage 2  SACE Board decides via an application process

29 What special provisions are available? For: External Assessment School Assessment

30 School process - applied fairly Based on a range of evidence Medical report Student work Teacher observations – what works? Record keeping Form 24/14 Variations – Moderation Materials

31 Externally Assessed Tasks Exams, External Performances, Investigations Applications due 27 March Include all required evidence/information Read Information Sheets

32 More information SACE website schools/special-provisions schools/special-provisions Contact the SACE Board Lisa Wills – 83727408 (specific information) Help line – 83727554 (general information)

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