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Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System."— Presentation transcript:


2 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System

3 TELPAS Overview The Basics Process for TELPAS Students Paper Testing Registration Years in U.S. Schools Additional Data Collections Updating Info Manually Submitting Student Data Files Assigned Tests TELPAS Holistic Ratings Overview TELPAS Holistic Ratings User Roles and Permissions Manage Rating Entry Groups Rating Entry Group Details Enter Holistic Rating Information TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System3

4 TELPAS Overview (continued) View a Student’s Assessment History Create Test Session for Students in Grades 2-12 Students Who Move Sending Campus Responsibilities Receiving Campus Responsibilities Instructions for Determining Whether Student Took Reading Test Elsewhere Move TELPAS Reading Test Student Moves Report View Status Reports Resources TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System4

5 The Basics Assessment Window: March 16 – April 8 Data Verification Window: April 9 – 10 Grades K–1: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing - Assigned to TELPAS Holistic Rating Test Grades 2–12: Listening, Speaking and Writing - Assigned to TELPAS Holistic Rating Test - Assigned to TELPAS Reading Test Proctor Caching available 2 – 3 weeks before assessment TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System5

6 6 Process for TELPAS Students

7 Paper Testing Requests for paper testing must be submitted to TEA using the Request for Paper Administration form. For paper administrations of TELPAS reading for grades 2–12, student responses to test questions, holistic ratings, and other student data will be submitted through the Assessment Management System. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System7

8 Registration TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System 8

9 Years in U.S. Schools Do not include kindergarten or prekindergarten in the counts. Consider grade 1 as the first year for students enrolled in U.S. schools since kindergarten or before. Districts whose data upload is based on a PEIMS extract should keep in mind that the TELPAS Years in U.S. Schools data collection is not a PEIMS element. It is possible to download the student registration file under Test Management > Register Students, provide the Years in U.S. Schools data, and re-upload the file, which avoids the need to add the data for each individual student within the Assessment Management System. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System9

10 Additional Data Collections As part of the spring TELPAS assessment, districts will be required to submit additional information about ELLs with extenuating needs, which can be included in a student data file upload. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System 10 This data can also be entered on the TELPAS Student Registration Details page of the Assessment Management System. To submit this information for ELLs with extenuating needs, select “1 = Yes” in the field for the applicable special circumstance(s). For example, if an ELL meets the eligibility criteria to qualify as an unschooled asylee/refugee, select “1 = Yes” in the field labeled “Unschooled Asylee/Refugee.”

11 Updating Info Manually – Registration Details TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System11

12 Submitting Student Data Files TELPAS student information can be updated through a data file upload without the system attempting to register and assign TELPAS tests to students Users can use the “N” (None) to update TELPAS student information, such as Years in U.S. Schools, without the system attempting to assign more tests to the student TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System12

13 Assigned Tests TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System13 Students in grades K-1 assigned to TELPAS Holistic Ratings Test Students in grades 2-12 assigned to TELPAS Holistic Ratings Test and TELPAS Reading Test

14 TELPAS Holistic A Ratings Overview TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System14

15 TELPAS Holistic Ratings User Roles and Permissions 15 TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System

16 Manage Rating Entry Groups Before ratings can be entered in the system, students must be placed in rating entry groups. District Testing Coordinators, District Testing Assistants, Campus Testing Coordinators and individuals assigned by coordinators to the role of online session administrator have access within TAMS to create rating entry groups. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System16

17 Create Rating Entry Group TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System 17

18 Rating Entry Group Details TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System18 NOTE: Students with holistic data already entered cannot be removed from a rating entry group. The data must be cleared and the record saved before the student can be removed. However, student records with rating information can be moved to another rating entry group without loss of data. On the TELPAS Rating Entry Group Details screen, you may add students to a group, and remove or move students from a group.

19 Manage Rating Entry Groups, View by Students TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System19 If students are not found, please ensure that the student is registered at the correct campus and assigned to the holistic ratings test.

20 Enter Holistic Rating Information Holistic ratings can be entered by users with the following roles: TELPAS Rating Entry Assistant, Online Session Administrator, Campus Testing Coordinator, District Testing Assistant and District Testing Coordinator. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System20

21 Viewing a Student’s Assessment History 1. Go to TELPAS Holistic Ratings > Enter Holistic Rating Information. 2. Click the plus (+) symbol under the Student Selector to expand the desired Rating Entry Group. 3. Click a student’s name to select the student. 4. Click the View History link next to the student’s name to go to the View Student Assessment History screen. This screen will show the history of tasks performed under the TELPAS Holistic Ratings tab for the current administration. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System21

22 Create Test Sessions TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System22 Students in grades 2 -12 must be placed in an online reading test session.

23 Students who Move If an ELL enrolls in a Texas public school BEFORE March 16 (the start of the TELPAS assessment window), the receiving campus is responsible for all TELPAS assessments. If an ELL enrolls ON or AFTER March 16, the receiving campus is responsible only for the grades 2–12 reading test (if the test was not already administered). This is true whether the student enrolls from another Texas school or from another state or country. It is not possible for a student to have TELPAS test assignments in multiple locations. The Assessment Management System allows only one test assignment for reading and one for holistic ratings. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System23

24 TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System24 Sending Campus Responsibilities

25 Receiving Campus Responsibilities TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System25

26 Instructions for Determining Whether Student Took Reading Test Elsewhere Use search feature in Register Students screen to determine if student’s record exists in Assessment Management System (do BEFORE attempting to enroll or register student in TAMS). If record not found, receiving district coordinator adds student either manually or through student data upload process. If record found, receiving campus clicks on the student’s name to check reading test status in the Assigned Tests tab. If reading test taken, receiving campus takes no further action. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System26

27 Instructions for Determining Whether Student Took Reading Test Elsewhere If reading test not taken District coordinator moves student’s reading test assignment from sending to receiving campus; and Once assignment is moved, campus coordinator assigns student to online reading test session and administers test More detailed instructions are found in the User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System27

28 Move TELPAS Reading Test TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System28 Can only be done by: District Testing Coordinators, District Testing Assistants and Student Data Assistants

29 Move TELPAS Reading Test TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System29

30 Move TELPAS Reading Test E-mail An email will be sent to the sending campus to notify them the student registration has been moved out of their organization. The sending campus should confirm the student moved is correct. TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System30

31 Student Moves Report TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System31

32 Student Moves Report TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System32

33 View Status Reports TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System33

34 Resources Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0034

35 Resources Checklist for TELPAS Administrations – District Coordinator, Campus Coordinator, Principal, and Test Administrator Request for Paper Administrations Avocet – TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System35

36 Texas Education Agency (512) 463-9536 Pearson’s Austin Operations Center (800) 627-0225 TELPAS in the Texas Assessment Management System36 Support

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