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FS&N School Staff Meeting September, 2015. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety (MH) 6.Items from.

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Presentation on theme: "FS&N School Staff Meeting September, 2015. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety (MH) 6.Items from."— Presentation transcript:

1 FS&N School Staff Meeting September, 2015

2 Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety (MH) 6.Items from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Items from Research Committee (CO) 8.Items from Postgraduate Committee (AM) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation (CE) 10.Finance (CR) 11.HR Issues (CR) 12.Athena Swan (CO) 13.AOB 14.Date of Next Meeting – September, 2015.

3 4. HoS’s Statement FMC TEF/Fees NSS Times/Sunday Times League Table Student Numbers CRM Heads of Research Group Space

4 FMC NEQ – approved by Council? (£87m) Capital Expenditure had been reduced from £100m to £60m – now increased back to £100m for each of the next 5 years Investing in more academic development - now the University is expecting to see a return on its investment… Themes…where is the (additional) research income? Research income…there is a big investment to achieve significantly enhanced targets Is there buy-in from the staff? Reducing assessment

5 The DVC: The 3 Pillars of Academic Success… A balanced portfolio of: – Research Income – Student Education – Sustainability

6 Question categories The teaching on my course Assessment & Feedback Academic support Organisation & Management Learning resources Personal development Overall satisfaction Score (% agree) Rank The University of Leeds (10007795)9186 899490932 Queen's University Belfast (10005343)977993949296 1 Harper Adams University (10040812)845486818087932 The University of Leeds (10007795)9186 899490932 Sheffield Hallam University (10005790)917787809189924 University of Ulster (10007807)959094908695915 The University of Huddersfield (10007148)857290735380906 University of Northumbria at Newcastle (10001282)907394859794906 Coventry University (10001726)907980767089878 University College Birmingham (10000712)837683818782878 Liverpool John Moores University (10003957)90858694100948310 The University of Surrey (10007160)7767858194758310 London South Bank University (10004078)8365817378568212 The University of Reading (10007802)846677 86848212 The University of Nottingham (10007154)8870768083937814 Cardiff Metropolitan University (10007854)8675796270807315 Teesside University (10007161)8469795590797116

7 Question categories The teaching on my course Assessment & Feedback Academic support Organisation & Management Learning resources Personal development Overall satisfaction Score (% agree) Rank The University of Leeds (10007795)8984919094 975 Glasgow Caledonian University (10007762)9591100 1 Kingston University (10003678)100979896100 1 University of Worcester (10007139)10095100 84100 1 Sheffield Hallam University (10005790)978593839295984 Bath Spa University (10000571)938890929391975 The University of Leeds (10007795)8984919094 975 University of Hertfordshire (10007147)937289738177967 Coventry University (10001726)9592 898897958 The University of Surrey (10007160)947588869386958 University of Plymouth (10007801)937493908294 10 University of Ulster (10007807)9581919490969410 Leeds Beckett University (10003861)9583868392979312 Robert Gordon University (10005500)9377939193919312 Cardiff Metropolitan University (10007854)8878878487899114 Liverpool Hope University (10003956)8482858783859015 The University of Westminster (10007165)9562818977919015 Bournemouth University (10000824)8281 8491888917 Liverpool John Moores University (10003957)908491 9387 18 St Mary's University, Twickenham (10007843)9262778764808718 The University of Huddersfield (10007148)8474768074778718 University Campus Suffolk Ltd (10014001)8272879182 8718 The University of Nottingham (10007154)8566798378 8622 University of Central Lancashire (10007141)9080868594898523 University of Chester (10007848)8649766784818523 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh (10005337)9061848081 25 London Metropolitan University (10004048)8454837790867926 King's College London (10003645)8049687383797627 Roehampton University (10007776)7274679270787128 Edge Hill University (10007823)7277757984686329 University of Greenwich (10007146)8367757794895830 Oxford Brookes University (10004930)6661666885725531 Manchester Metropolitan University (10004180)6549625677675232 University of Newcastle upon Tyne (10007799)8549736082745232

8 Rank Teaching Quality % Student Experience % Research Quality %Entry Points Graduate Prospects % 1Surrey83.788.937.547392.8 2QUB89.394.756.335889.5 3Leeds87.892.736.842581.1 4 Glasgow Caledonian95.41008.143778.8 5KCL66.177.746.845385.4 6Nottingham76.781.636.439191.2 7Reading74.782.250.736876.2 12Newcastle69.26728.437283.3 Times/Sunday Times Subject Table Food Science 2016

9 Rank Student Satisfaction % Research Quality Entry Points Graduate Prospects %Total Score 1KCL76.341.745295.1100 2Surrey83.133.341588.896 3Nottingham87.3303998494.3 4Leeds84.931.74088093.6 5 Glasgow Caledonian88.643776.986.7 6Reading81.821.73488786.5 9QUB8613.335583.785.4 11Newcastle67.818.337182.180.2 Times/Sunday Times Subject Table Food Science 2015

10 BSc Intake - 2015

11 MSc Intake - 2015

12 TEF/Fees Pamela Macpherson Barrett – Head of Policy, Funding & Regulation ‘most recently Pam has been working with HEFCE colleagues and BIS on developing the Teaching Excellence Framework’. CRM Heads of Research Groups Space

13 5. Health & Safety (MH)

14 6. Items from the SEC (PK)

15 7. Items from R&IC (CO)

16 Research and Innovation

17 REF Preparations have begun for REF2020 (assuming there will be a REF in 2020) Output report returned in August. – Focus on 3* and 4* outputs – Staff to complete a form indicating their best two publications with self scoring (3*/4*) – Peer assessment – Dr Bernadette Moore has agreed to be output coordinator

18 What is 4*? (the £1Mmillion question) International impact International collaborations with top groups Industrial collaborations Combination of approaches, e.g. statistical and experimental Journal impact factor Reputation and profile of author

19 Already happening Publication open access requirement through repositories Also consider Gold open access where justified Data open access requirement through repositories Funders require data management plans Research Data Leeds web site

20 Proposed output actions All academic staff to have a publication strategy, discussed during AAM School to provide funds for profile raising actitity All outputs and external reports to include the name of the School Academics should be corresponding authors for work carried out at Leeds Consider ORCID numbers for all researchers (?)

21 Impact Impact report to be submitted next month Dr David Hauton is the School Impact Coordinator, has requested a summary of potential impact case studies (please respond!) We will probably need 3 or 4 or 5

22 What is 4* impact (the £4M question?) Very difficult to say Scientific advancement that benefits society, evidenced through change in practices, Government or international policy Scientific advancement that benefits industry, evidenced through adoption of technology with economic, environmental or societal gain

23 8. Items from PGRC (RE)

24 9. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)

25 10. Finance (CR)

26 Finance Temporary Budgets Set Final Budgets School Investment in Equipment/Infrastructure Student Census 1 st December 2015

27 EquipmentPriceComments Rotorvapor£20kFTL; matched Funding Drier/Encapsulator£25kFTL; matched funding Homogeniser£15kFTL; matched funding Oxysense Gas Analyser£12kFTL Titralab£11kFTL Mastersizer£20kmatched funding LC-MS£251k Spray-Dryer£29kShared with Engineering Plate Reader£23k Physiology Equipment£27k Equipment >£10k; 2014-15

28 Year 11/1212/1313/1414/15 New Equipment £ 125K£ 95.1K£431.1K£539.6K Equipment Maintenance £ 0K £24.7K£22.9K Infrastructure £ 22K£ 1.2K£39.7K£10.5K Total Investment £ 147K£ 96.3K£495.5K£572.9K School Investment in Equipment, Maintenance and Refurbishment 2011-2015

29 11. HR (CR)

30 HR New Staff/Staff Leaving On-Going Recruitment Equality Training Session SRDS/AAMs Mentoring People Management Framework (PMF Survey) Annual Leave 15/16

31 12. Athena Swan (CO/CR)

32 13. AOB 14. Date of next meeting –

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