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Grid Computing Jeff Templon Programme: 2006-2011 Group composition (current): 2 staff, 10 technicians, 1 PhD. Publications: 2 theses (PD Eng.) 16 publications.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Computing Jeff Templon Programme: 2006-2011 Group composition (current): 2 staff, 10 technicians, 1 PhD. Publications: 2 theses (PD Eng.) 16 publications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Computing Jeff Templon Programme: 2006-2011 Group composition (current): 2 staff, 10 technicians, 1 PhD. Publications: 2 theses (PD Eng.) 16 publications University partner: VU, TUE, many others Investment: 2,000 kE (4,700 kE T1 total with SARA ) Total T1 cost ~ 2,500 kE /yr

2 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon2 Mission & Research Questions Mission: Operation of state-of-the-art computing resources for Nikhef physicists, participation in national and international distributed computing infrastructures, and R&D on large-scale scientific computing. Fundamental Research ApplicationsOperations Engineering Research

3 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon3 Mission & Research Questions Mission: Operation of state-of-the-art computing resources for Nikhef physicists, participation in national and international distributed computing infrastructures, and R&D on large-scale scientific computing. Fundamental Research Application of formal methods to distributed systems (with PhD student & Vrije Universiteit CS) World-class “security” group Operational security in distributed infrastructures Data management in distributed infrastructures Scaling in real-world distributed systems Engineering Research Operating part of Netherlands T1 in-house 3500 cores, 1.7 PB, 200Gb/s backbone Operations Physics users (WLCG and Nikhef) BiG Grid & other users (Life Sciences, Humanities, Astro, …) Applications

4 Not Just LHC 20-sept-2011Jeff Templon4

5 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon5 A few highlights … OperationsApplications

6 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon6 A few highlights … Engineering Research OperationsApplications

7 European NGIs 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon7

8 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon8 A few highlights … BiG Grid (2006 – 31 dec 2012, 28,8 M€) LHC turn-on “non-event” New data center @ Nikhef Factor 10 expansion (200 Gb/s nw) Engineering Research OperationsApplications

9 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon9 A few highlights … Birth of International Grid Trust Federation –D. Groep 1 st chair Heard at CERN: “Security model is at the heart of what we do” Federated ID management “most wanted” part of grid technology Engineering Research Applications

10 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon10 A few highlights … K. Bos ATLAS Computing Coordinator EGI HQ in Amsterdam Nationally-funded e-infra National Coordination : SARA/Surf integration Netherlands e-Science center (NLeSC): Start 1 july 2011 in Science Park Amsterdam Fundamental Research Applications

11 Ongoing collaborations other sciences Continue scaling with computing needs LHC 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon11 R&D data management –Application to ‘own’ users! R&D interface Grid and Cloud Engineering Research OperationsApplications Coming years: ongoing activities

12 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon12 Coming years: ongoing activities 20 th anniversary back to Amsterdam (1 st CHEP site)

13 Upgrades 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon13

14 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon14 Upgrade plans: technical case Raw hardware needed to serve users –Cores, petabytes, network to connect Infrastructure to provision –Cloud stuff … R&D Input to NWO BIG proposals –NL e-infrastructure, LHC upgrade Engineering Research

15 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon15 Points of attention Choices : too many relevant & interesting projects given manpower (re-evaluating now). Transition phase: integration of BiG Grid in national e-infra –Infra operated by SURF(Nikhef continues operational role) –Development : part of national e-infra, also governed by SURF, interests & opportunities being explored –Make sure national e-infra works both for us and as many others as possible!

16 External Manpower Funding BiG Grid 31 Dec 2012 –350 k€ / 4 FTE IGE 31 March 2013 –70 k€ / 1.5 FTE EMI 30 April 2013 –60 k€ / 1.5 FTE EGI-Inspire 30 April 2014 –60 k€ / 2 FTE 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon16

17 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon17 Conclusions Hardware in good shape Group composition & focus on target Good prospects for long term funding national infra (incl T1), firm commitment not yet given! Exploring co-funding schemes

18 BACKUP SLIDES 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon18

19 Funding & Manpower 17-febr-2012Jeff Templon19

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