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Tutoring principles and Tutoring a group. Tutoring principles Tutors represent the student union, Oulu UAS and it’s students while tutoring new students.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutoring principles and Tutoring a group. Tutoring principles Tutors represent the student union, Oulu UAS and it’s students while tutoring new students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutoring principles and Tutoring a group

2 Tutoring principles Tutors represent the student union, Oulu UAS and it’s students while tutoring new students Tutor students are the guides and support for students No negative tutoring! You are being trusted!

3 Tutoring principles Tutors need to remember their responsibility as a representative of the degree program. They have to think carefully what kind of information is suitable to give to new students. For example own negative opinions on teachers or the school are not suitable information. This kind of tutoring does not benefit anyone; on the contrary it creates prejudiced viewpoint towards studies. A tutor has to let the students form their own opinions.

4 What is a group? A group can be defined in many ways Basically it is a formation of at least three or more people, who Are interacting with each other, Somehow dependent on each other Tutoree group Working: The group studies together in Oulu UAS. They share a common goal. Emotional level: feeling of being a member of the group. Also exchange students form groups

5 Group dynamics There are lots of different kinds of interactions and relationships going on in a group A tutor must have basic knowledge and understanding of who these certain tutoree students are and what kind of social and psychological forces affect the group The Iceberg phenomenom – talking about group dynamics this means that it is common for group to only show shared main goals on the surface, and that there is plenty of undergoing stuff going on: relationships, emotional processes, prejudices and invididual goals etc

6 Group and roles in it Official and unofficial roles; some are ”officially” given and expected, some roles just come up and take place and reform as the group stays together Different kind of roles: domination, consulting, the funny persons, leader, more quiet persons etc. The basic mission of the group affects the way the roles are born, given or taken

7 Changes in the group It is known and proven, that groups have some similarities not dependant on where and what the group is The group progresses in phases: 1) getting know to each other -phase, 2) working together -phase and lastly 3) getting independent -phase These phases take their time and are not always in this order. And of course there can be several smaller phases between these main ones

8 Tutoring in ”getting know to each other” -phase Help the group to achieve a balanced group form At first, the tutorees cling on to you. Your actions define how the group starts working. Answer questions, ask questions, organize getting to know each other games, organize meetings etc. Take care that no one is left alone. Remember: You have experienced these group phases, more or less!

9 Tutoring in ”working together” - phase As a tutor, you can take one step back and let the group work together, but don’t forget the group, be there! The trust is tested: Tutees turn towards you if they have problems If the group is not working: Organize something to do as a group Ask for help

10 Tutoring in ”getting independent” -phase The group is now more independent In optimal situation the group dynamics work well, the group organizes activities for themselves and the tutor become more or less ”useless” Still there is always something where a tutor can help. Internship Difficult courses

11 Good characteristics of a group The group members know each other Everyone has a place in the group The group and being a member of it feels safe The group members trust each other and the group as a whole Freedom of expressing oneself Respecting other group members’ opinions Interaction skills and the general rules of working in the group are good and open for discuss No bullying, not even as a half-joke Empowering atmosphere – it’s easy to go forward and be creative as a member of the group


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