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C OUNSELLING : A N I NTRODUCTION The Person Centred Approach.

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1 C OUNSELLING : A N I NTRODUCTION The Person Centred Approach

2 C ARL R OGERS (1902-1987) Trained as a psychologist. Worked initially within the psychodynamic approach. Became frustrated with the authoritarian stance of the psychodynamic approach Developed his own approach to therapy while working at the Institute of Child Guidance. Professor of psychology at Universities of Ohio, Chicago & Wisconsin Principles based on extensive empirical research

3 C ONTEXT : P OST WW2 A MERICA New economic prosperity. Belief in human potential, people can become anything they want Interest in scientific research. First counselling approach to record sessions and examine how clients responded to therapist interventions

4 Believed that all emotional distress and psychological disturbance emerged from a person learning as they grow up that it is not ok to be who they are. That they must be different to be acceptable.

5 A CTUALISING T ENDENCY Every living thing has a drive within them to grow and develop and to achieve their potential. Each individual has the ability to understand their own needs and problems, to gain insight, and to take constructive action.

6 C ONDITIONS OF W ORTH Each individual is born trusting their inner experiencings, their sense of inner truth. In order to gain the approval of significant others, the person has to fulfil conditions or rules These rules become internalised, and the person can become separated from their own inner sense of truth

7 G OAL OF THERAPY To help the person to get back in touch with their inner experiencings. To help the person to release their actualising tendency To help the person to become more authentic and real with themselves and others To help the person to become more spontaneous, and to trust themselves more.

8 P ROCESS OF T HERAPY Therapist does not diagnose the client or direct them. Trusts that the client will know in what direction they need to go. Any judgement or interpretation from the therapist will interfere with the person’s own valuing process. Therapist supports the client to rediscover and trust their own inner experiencing and insights. Therapy occurs within a relationship ‘It’s the relationship that heals’

9 T HERAPEUTIC R ELATIONSHIP Therapist offers a relationship which is supportive and growth enhancing. Equal relationship, therapist does not assume a position of authority over the client Open & transparent relationship, therapist is not an ‘expert’. Therapist does not hide behind a ‘professional’ persona, but presents as who they are – genuine.

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