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What can we do to support each other and our students? We have identified two main improvement themes: 1. Enrolment and curriculum 2. Student attitudes.

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Presentation on theme: "What can we do to support each other and our students? We have identified two main improvement themes: 1. Enrolment and curriculum 2. Student attitudes."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we do to support each other and our students? We have identified two main improvement themes: 1. Enrolment and curriculum 2. Student attitudes to learning and skills to learn

2 What can we do to support each other and our students? 1. Enrolment and curriculum We have done all we can now

3 GCSE range A2 StudentsSuccessAS StudentsSuccess 6.7 – 8.09%97.4%8%89.1% 5.8 – 6.737%93.7%33%79.3% 0 – 5.855%84.9%59%64.0% Not including BTEC students This year BTEC Diplomas and Extended Diplomas have grown by 25% Law BTEC has almost doubled Success 2014-15: A2 – 89%AS – 71%BTEC – 84%

4 So it’s all about number 2 Student attitudes to learning and skills to learn

5 Messages to students and parents

6  Build relationships  Listen to our students  Further develop and improve our teaching and learning strategies  Further develop our progress monitoring and intervention strategies  Support the college’s commitment to improving attendance through the delivery of high quality lessons and professional behaviours  As teaching professionals we will be committed to continue our learning Teaching & Learning Quality Improvement

7 Planning/ Learning Resources Relationships Learning Culture Monitoring Progress and Intervention Professional Standards Listen to our Students

8 Building Relationships Chapter 6 – Relationships ‘….students are likely to turn up to study with a variety of issues and a history’ ‘Good relationships not only contribute to the conditions which make learning possible, they are also reinforced by success’. ‘Students will normally expect us to set boundaries and expectations’ ‘The first few weeks of contact …..the period of ‘initial encounters’ is a particularly important opportunity ….’ ‘They will have made a decision to join this particular study programme out of a combination of optimism and necessity. If their expectations of progress are not met they are likely to lose trust in the teacher and the course that they are on’. Video Back

9 Learning Plans or SOL VLE Flipped Learning Assessment Schedules Study SkillsDifferentiation Blended Learning Assessment for Learning Peer support A Teacher’s Toolkit

10 … by presenting the curriculum in a student friendly way Empowering students …

11 …by making resources easily accessible

12 Empowering students… …by making resources easily accessible

13 Empowering students … …by making resources easily accessible

14 Students taking ownership….. “Feedback: 'you are...... you need to......' model in History and similar model used in RS & Philosophy, target setting sheets after key assessment essay, coursework and mock exams in History, target setting sheets also used in Government & Politics, RS and Classical Civilisation, coursework feedback sheets used in all English courses” …by self-review and target setting

15 “This is a sheet that we use with our U6 students in conjunction with ProMonitor that explains to them how their overall grade is calculated”. Empowering students …

16 AS & A2 Law Learners downloaded A Level Law Lite app A2 groups had to download a news app to support their study of the concepts paper ' What's happening in Law this week?' board in the classroom and they contributed to it. Empowering students … Each half term learners have to review their progress via the SMART target sheet and this was kept in their folder/workbook. This is attached

17 Empowering students … …by sharing the criteria for success

18 Inspiring students… …by developing our digital curriculum

19 Get to know your students … Video: Building Relationships …find out one interesting thing about each one

20 Schoology online tests - immediate feedback and progress tracking Empowering students …

21 … through good communication

22 “The bedrock of our teaching & learning on the photography courses is the delivery of specific, detailed and relevant one to one feedback and advice at all stages of the course. All students work on their own specific project and so each student requires a set of individual targets which are relevant to them. This is provided verbally on a weekly basis (very closely based on AFL Principle 3 : Feedback moving learners on) and also as summative statements at various times throughout the year.” Empowering students…..

23 Empowering students - assessment schedules….. …..knowing deadlines and planning ahead Back

24 Monitoring progress …

25 Empowering students by ensuring they know their progress … …and keeping parents informed

26 Monitoring progress – 5 key assessments What is it? Part of our AfL suite, where five times a year we assess with a formal grade based on a piece of coursework, an essay, a test or any other relevant assignment. It may be a combination of several pieces of work. The message to students - ‘if you continue to work at this level you are on target to achieve ….’ Audience – students, parents, teachers, coaches, managers, governors What do we do with it? – targeted interventions and a college-wide assessment of how our students are progressing Back

27 Students can set up their mobile devices to connect automatically to our e-mail server Username

28 Add assignment deadlines to a student’s calendar… …. and encourage them to use their calendar to organise themselves

29 Communicating and motivating …..


31 Back


33 Professional Standards

34 Professional Learning  Learning Matters  Workshops  Projects  T&L Conferences  Professional Learning Coach (Sue Joslin)  Star Lesson  Reading programmes  External courses  Online courses/webinars  Digital curriculum support (Glenn, Rob and the Educational Technology Group)

35 Two key question: Do all students always know what they have to do, how to do it and how to access quality resources? Do all students always know how well they are progressing and how to improve?

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