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Job Interview Dr. Mohd Radzi bin Mohamed Yunus Dr. Azli bin Nawawi.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Interview Dr. Mohd Radzi bin Mohamed Yunus Dr. Azli bin Nawawi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Interview Dr. Mohd Radzi bin Mohamed Yunus Dr. Azli bin Nawawi

2 Tell me about yourself brief explanation of who you are why you are the best candidate for this particular job. keep using examples to prove how your background and experience were useful in real-life business situations.

3 Employment Interviews 1.Organization’s Main Objectives – Match Applicants with the Organization 2.Applicant’s Main Objective – Match Goals and Capabilities with the Job

4 Sequence in an Interview  Preliminary (Screening) stage  Selection Stage  Final stage

5 Why should I hire you? "Colleagues have said of me...I am a great motivator/team-builder/technician etc.“ "Do you think these qualities are what you are looking for from a successful candidate?"

6 Types of Interviews 1.Structured interviews 2.Open-ended interviews 3.Group interviews 4.Stress interviews 5.Video interviews 6.Situational interviews

7 How long would it take for you to start making a real contribution to the organization? "Of course there will be a short learning curve while I get up to speed but in the past I have prided myself on being a quick learner who can make an effective contribution in a short space of time."

8 Preparing for an Interview 1.Know what employers want 2.Research the company 3.Anticipate questions 4.Build your confidence 5.Polish your style 6.Plan to look good 7.Arrive prepared

9 What Employers Want  Fit with the Organization  Qualifications for the Job

10 What would you most like not to do in this role? Beware, this is a trap question “I would like to avoid any bureaucracy which can delay decisions. Like anyone, I am always keen for good progress to be made at all times and everything to run smoothly.”

11 Types of Pre-Employment Tests  Job Skills Test  Psychological Tests  Drug Tests

12 Finding out about the organization a)Annual Report b)In-house magazine or newspaper c)Product brochure or publicity release d)Stock research report e)Newspaper’s financial pages f)Periodicals indexes g)Better Business Bureau h)Chamber of Commerce i)Former/current employees j)College placement office

13 What are your strengths? Focus on your more dynamic skills, such as: I learn quickly. I have a strong determination to succeed. I have a positive attitude. I can relate to people and achieve a common goal. I make friends easily.

14 Things to know about the Organization a)Full Name b)Location c)Age d)Products e)Industry Position f)Earnings & Growth g)Overall Structure

15 What have you learned most from your past career? "I have learned many things as you can imagine. But one point always rings true. Everyone needs to be treated with respect, their opinion should be valued, and they should be encouraged to contribute to the good of the organization."

16 Things to know about the Job a)Job Title b)Job Functions c)Job Qualifications d)Career Path e)Salary Range f)Travel g)Relocation

17 Preparing for the Interview 1)Planning for the employer’s questions 2)Planning questions of your own

18 Planning for the employer’s questions Your skills Achievements Goals Attitude Preferences Work habits

19 What is your typical working week in hours? "I like to think I am an effective and efficient worker who gets through a full workload each week. However, there are times when I need to work late and weekends and this is fine. I will put whatever effort it takes to complete my role."

20 Planning questions of your own Are these my kind of people? Can I do this work? Will I enjoy the work? Is the job what I want? What sort of future can I expect with this organization?

21 Polish Your Interview Style 1.Mock Interviews 2.Nonverbal Behavior 3.Training Your Voice

22 What is your greatest weakness? Common mistake: “Well, I’m such a hard worker. Sometimes I really work too hard. I should probably spend more time with my family, because all I do is work”

23 What is your greatest weakness? Describe a personal or professional weakness that you’ve been working on improving. Focus on the steps you have taken to combat it, for example: “I know the people from my team think I’m too demanding. I sometimes tend to drive them pretty hard but I’ve started reading on the subject some time ago and I’m getting much better at managing them by setting objectives.”

24 Dress to Impress 1.Clothing Choices 2.Business Accessories 3.Personal Grooming

25 Be Ready When You Arrive 1.Paperwork 2.Travel Time 3.Waiting Time

26 What is your long-term objective? “Within the next five years, I would like to become the best team leader your company has ever hired. I want to work toward becoming the expert in managing others. I am confident that I’ll be fully prepared to take on any future responsibilities which might be presented to me in the long run.”

27 Three-Step Interview Process 1.The Warm-Up Phase 2.Question-and-Answer Phase 3.The Closure 4.Following Up After the Interview

28 1. The Warm-Up Phase 1.First Impressions 2.Body Language

29 2. Question-and-Answer Phase 1.Answering and Asking Questions 2.Listening to the Interviewer 3.Dealing with Personal Questions

30 Why do you want to leave your current job? Challenge. You need a new career challenge. Traveling. The commute to work was taking too long or I was constantly being asked to travel with work. Career. I had reached the likely top and there was no room for advancement until someone else above me left. Money. You feel you were not being paid what you were worth. Security. The organization was unstable and my role may have been at risk.

31 3. The Closure 1.Concluding Gracefully 2.Discussing Salary 3.Reviewing Notes

32 4. Following Up After the Interview 1.Thank-You Message 2.Letter of Inquiry 3.Request for a Time Extension 4.Letter of Acceptance 5.Declining a job Offer 6.Letter of Resignation

33 We are ready to make an offer. Are you ready to accept today? “Based on my research and the information I have gathered during the interview process, I feel I am in a position to consider an offer. I do, however, have a personal policy that I give myself at least 24 hours to make major life decisions. I could let you know by tomorrow.”

34 Now its your turn.. a)How would you describe the general culture of the company and the workplace? b)Will there be any form of training provided? c)What are some of the biggest challenges/successes facing the department currently? d)What process will be used to evaluate my employee performance? e)Who will be my direct supervisor? f)Are there many opportunities for professional development within the company? g)What is the usual time frame for making the hiring decision? h)May I contact you if any further questions arise?

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