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SWG Competitive Project Office
Introduction to IBM’s System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Trademarks The following are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. ACF/VTAM AD/Cycle ADSM Advanced Function Printing AFP AIX* AIX/ESA AOEXPERT/MVS Automated Operations Expert/MVS CICS/ESA DataHub DATABASE 2 DataTrade DB2* DFDSM DFSMS DFSMS/MVS DFSMdfp DFSMSdss DFSMShsm DFSMSrmm Distributed Relational Database Architecture DRDA Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 Enterprise System/3090 Enterprise System/4381 Enterprise System/9000 Enterprise Systems Connection Architecture ES/3090 ES/4381 ES/9000 ESA/370 ESA/390 ESCON FASTService* FlowMark Hardware Configuration Definition Hiperbatch Hipersorting* Hiperspace IBM* IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server - Generation 3 IMS/ESA LANRES Micro Channel* MQ Series MVS/DFP MVS/ESA NetView* NQS/MVS OPC Open Blueprint OpenEdition* OSA OSA 1 OSA 2 OS/2* OS/390 OS/400* Parallel Sysplex Power Prestige PR/SM PS/2* Processor Resource/Systems Manager RISC System/6000 S/360 S/370 S/390 SAA SAP R3 Sysplex Timer System/370 System/390 Systems Application Architecture* SystemView VM/ESA VSE/ESA VTAM 3090 Note: Performance is in Internal Throughput Rate (ITR) ratio based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any user will experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput improvements equivalent to the performance ratios stated here. Actual performance and environmental costs will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. Note: IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Key terms in this session
Architecture Bandwidth Central Storage Compatibility EBCDIC HMC IRD LPAR MIF PR/SM MIPS MSUs MCM Processors PU, CP, CF, ICF, IFL, zIIP, zAAP Speciality Engines Virtual Storage Hypervisor z/VM Virtualization EAL5 Hipersockets Partitions Hard and Soft zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Virtualization* Lots of systems in one Server
Share processor, memory, I/O, and network among multiple operating environments Isolate workloads with EAL5 level security Share resources among workloads Enable communication for workloads internally with an in-memory TCP/IP network 35+ year history of virtualization, innovation and refinement Robust suite of function for creating, provisioning, deploying, and managing virtual servers z/VM Virtualization to simplify your IT infrastructure Support up to hundreds of concurrent applications with z/VM Share applications, data, as well as hardware among large numbers of servers Management tools for operation, maintenance, and accounting 35+ year history of virtualization innovation and refinement Hardware and software based for optimum performance and flexibility Robust suite of function for creating, provisioning, deploying, and managing virtual servers Share processor, memory, I/O among multiple operating environments Isolate workloads with EAL5 level security (LPAR) Share resources among partitioned workloads (EMIF) Enable communication for workloads internally with HiperSockets – an in-memory TCP/IP network that helps: Reduce the need for networking hardware Reduce network complexity Improve network security Reduce network latency z/VM Virtualization Support up to hundreds of concurrent applications with z/VM Share applications, data, as well as hardware among large numbers of servers Management tools for operation, maintenance, and accounting NOVICE_080 zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Definitions Partitioning Server partitioning is the logical or physical division of a single server's resources into independent, isolated systems that can run independent software Virtualization Virtualization is a method by which systems resources, which may be centralized or distributed, are pooled and managed in shared resource pools and apportioned to users as virtual system resources Virtualization separates the presentation of resources to users from the actual physical resources Virtual resources correspond to all types of physical resources, such as processors, memory, storage, SMP servers, clusters and networks zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
z/VM – A hypervisor VM = “Virtual Machine” (z/VM is zSeries Virtual Machine) Each “user” acts as it’s own virtual operating system VM “guests” can include any zSeries operating system Virtual I/O devices, CPUs, etc. Components: CP (Control Program) is the underlying OS layer serving the VM guests CMS – Conversational Monitor System – a single-user OS for VMs running under the CP Guest operating systems Frequently used for independent development and testing facilities In the past, popular for hosting PROFS and OfficeVision Now key to the “Scale Out” strategy for horizontal scaling of Linux servers on zSeries Linux Virtual Servers run on z/VM running in an IFL (Integrated Facility for Linux) Linux can run solo in an IFL Let’s now talk a little about another zSeries operating system – z/VM. VM stands for “virtual machine”. VM was developed to emulate the hardware architecture and host multiple operating system guests. Each “user” on z/VM is it’s own little operating system. Guests can include any zSeries OS, including z/OS, zSeries Linux, VSE/ESA, TPF, or even a z/VM guest! z/VM provides virtual I/O devices, virtual CPUs and virtual memory – each Virtual Machine lives in an environment that looks just like a standalone zSeries hardware machine. The key components of the z/VM operating system are CP and CMS. CP is the Control Program, or the base, underlying OS layer that serves the VM guests. CMS, the Conversational Monitor System, is a single user operating system that is used to support user interaction with VM (somewhat similar to TSO under z/OS). The other major part of z/VM, of course, is the operating system guests. CMS is actually an operating system all its own, so it also qualifies as a guest OS. A frequent use of VM in the past has been as a test and development facility. VM provides a cost-effective interactive user environment, and has been used by clients for program development and testing. It was also a very popular platform for hosting users, as with IBM’s PROFS and OfficeVision/VM products, prior to the migration to Lotus Notes. Now, z/VM is primarily used for operating system testing and hosting. In fact, z/VM is now a key part of IBM’s “scale out” strategy of enabling horizontal scalability of multiple operating system images on the zSeries platform. Z/VM enables many (up to thousands) of Linux guests to run on a single zSeries box. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Hypervisor Technologies
"Trapping and Mapping" Method Guest OS is run in user mode Hypervisor runs in privileged mode Privileged instructions trap to hypervisor IA-32 complications Instructions that behave differently in privileged and user modes User mode instructions that access privileged resources/state Some guest kernel binary translation is required Used by VMware today zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Hypervisor Technologies
Hypervisor Call Method Guest OS is run in privileged mode Hypervisor runs in super-privileged mode Guest OS kernel is modified to do hypervisor calls for I/O, memory management, yield rest of time slice, ... Memory mapping architecture is used to isolate guests from each other and to protect hypervisor Used by iSeries and pSeries today - PHYP, EB hypervisor zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
What About Using VMWare on Intel?
VMWare lacks the consolidation efficiency of z/VM Less efficient use of memory and storage Less efficient use of processors z/VM VMware Maximum memory per virtual Linux server More than 256GB 16GB Maximum CPU’s per virtual Linux server Up to 64 Up to 4 Maximum “Active virtual memory” supported Up to 8 TB 16384MB Maximum real CPU’s Up to 32 Maximum virtual CPU’s per core Not Applicable Up to 8 Maximum real memory UP TO 256GB Up to 64GB Maximum virtual servers per machine >10,000s 128 zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Hypervisor Technologies
Direct Hardware Support Method Guest OS is run in privileged mode Guest OS can be run unmodified but typically issues some hypervisor calls to improve performance Extensive hardware assists for hypervisor (virtual processor dispatching, I/O pass-through, memory partitioning, ...) Used by zSeries PR/SM and z/VM zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
IBM zSeries Virtualization Technology Evolution
Over 35 years of continuous innovation in virtualization Refined to support modern business requirements Exploit hardware technology for economical growth Integrated Facility for Linux, HiperSockets™, Logical Partitioning zSeries Application Assist Processors 1960s 1970 1980 1990 2000 CP-67 VM/370 VM/SP VM/HPO VM/XA VM/ESA® z/VM N-way 64 MB real 31-bit ESA 64-bit SIE instruction MIF Logical Partitioning HiperSockets XEDIT REXX Advanced paging subsystem PER Programmable Operator Guest Lan Virtual Switch TRAP TRACE Virtual Disk Hypervisor Control Program Integrated Facility for Linux Resource Capping Performance Toolkit Shared File System EXEC VM assist microcode IUCV DSR II CMS pipelines zSeries 4381 308x 9672 G2 - G6 S/360™ 3090 303x 9x21 QDIO Adapter Interrupt Assist z800 z900 z890 z990 FCP / SCSI 2004 zAAPs MCSS The system/360 was a key milestone in the IT industry as recognized by the quote from Thomas Watson What made it different - a new product line which was an interchangeable family of processors and peripherals with programming compatibility between models IT’s role – automation of central processes eg: Payroll Batch processing, Punch Cards, Assembler programming are all associated at this era Image of computing - For most people Computing was a closed, ‘almost secret’ environment, few people ever saw a computer even less used one! Some people sa the output of computing, for example, Computerized printout such as payslips The significance of the system/360 was recognized by FORBES magazine when in their 85th celebration issue they included the system/360 as one of the top 85 Innovations that changed the way we live zSeries – comprehensive and sophisticated suite of virtual function zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
So Virtual! So What! – Saves MONEY
Software pretending it is hardware! Enables consolidation on z – Virtual Servers Multiple instances of z/OS in the same Server, and/or Linux Maybe even Solaris and more … Enables effective resource utilization by ‘partitioning’ and sharing Multiple servers sharing parts of a disk, not necessarily a full disk Multiple server can share parts of a processor (logical vs. physical processors) Save Money Can scale out and up at low costs Reduce labor costs of number of servers/person Reduce License costs (pay for processor… but it is shared ) Reduce floor space Reduce heating and cooling costs Reduce power consumption … and gets the job done! zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
LPAR and z/VM World-Class Server Virtualization
LPAR has grown up as a z Series hardware feature supporting virtual servers in high-performance partitions by logically partitioning physical resources (LPAR = Logical Partition) z/VM (Virtual Machine) has grown to support 1000s of virtual servers by truly virtualizing resources such as storage and I/O Both employ great hardware and firmware innovations developed over the years that make virtualization part of the basic componentry of the zSeries platform How many Virtual Servers can you do on zSeries? How many do you need? Yeah, we can do that How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How many do you want? Technologies developed and used over the years: SIE, Zone Relocation, I/O pass-through, MIF, Configuration Array, TLB tagging, TLB-2, MCSS, Multiple Control Registers, Hipersockets zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
z/VM Virtualization HyperSockets Shared I/O (MIF) PR/SMTM I/O IFL CPU z/OS z/VM - CP Linux TCP/IP … General Introduced in 1967 Approximately 3700 active licenses Support hundreds of guests Runs in an LPAR Virtual processors 1-64 Virtual processors Shared PCI-X Cryptographic support Virtual memory Over commit memory Share memory between guests Virtual network Virtual or real HiperSockets Virtual IP or Layer 2 Switch IEEE VLAN Support Dedicated or shared virtual disks Additional service machines Automated Console TCP/IP stack CP = Control program, z/VM operating system PR/SM = Processor Resource/ System Management MIF = Multiple Image Facility Hipersockets = virtualized H/W network zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
z/VM architecture Note: z/VM is Software that is integrated with the IBM Hardware to provide virtual guests with the appearance of the native hardware Architecture z/VM runs in an LPAR! Virtual Virtual application application application application application application application application application application … V i r t u a l M a c h i n e s CMS CMS VSE Linux z/OS CMS = Conversational Monitoring System. An OS that runs on z/VM Control Program (CP) The z/VM architecture, shown here, is quite similar to that of z/OS. At the lowest levels, we again see the zSeries hardware and the Licensed Internal Code supporting LPARs. At the operating system level, we have the VM Control Program. On top of CP you see Virtual Machines, instead of the Address Spaces we saw on z/OS. VMs are the most granular unit of work managed by the Control Program. On top of these virtual machines are the applications that run on the various operating system guests. VM has some of the same kinds of “system tasks” that we saw on z/OS, including TCP/IP networking and a few other “administrative” functions such as directory maintenance, but I have not shown those here. LIC (LPAR, etc) LIC = Licensed Internal Code.. Enables Linux to Run in processor. zSeries hardware zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Virtual Machine Partitioning - another view
A virtual machine simulates the existence of a dedicated real machine, including processor functions, storage and input/output resources. 600+ VIRTUAL LINUX SERVERS AT MARIST COLLEGE PR/SM Processors Memory I/O and Network z/VM Linux Real Virtual CMS z/OS zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Linux on zSeries – What is it?
A native zSeries operating environment Pure Linux, an ASCII environment (vs. EBCDIC on z/OS & z/VM) Exploits IBM S/390 hardware, including IEEE floating point Linux for S/ bit and Linux for zSeries - 64-bit Not a unique version of Linux or other operating system Not a replacement for other IBM zSeries operating systems zSeries Linux benefits: The most reliable hardware platform available Many high skilled programmers know Linux Scalability – Server farm on a foot print Both Physical and Logical Non-disruptive capacity upgrade on demand Designed to support mixed work loads Portability Centralized Management High speed inter-server connectivity High Internal Bandwidth Virtualization OK, on to one of the hottest topics on zSeries, zSeries Linux. Most instances of Linux on a Server is on a mainframe, 97,000. I would not tout this as a number to expect of shoot for. What did they really do? With z/VM and Linux most Customers run hundreds or (maybe) thousands of instances. Colleges can assign one or more Linux servers to each student. Need to define what SAP is… or else drop it from the chart. What is zSeries Linux? It’s a native implementation of the Linux operating system on zSeries hardware. A thin layer of code was developed to support the zSeries-specific hardware – processors, I/O devices, etc., and sits between the Linux kernel and the hardware. This Linux on zSeries is a pure Linux environment, using the ASCII character set (the representation of data in bits and bytes – in VM and z/OS, data is represented by an EBCDIC character set). Linux on zSeries exploits the various hardware features, including the built-in floating point processing in the zSeries CPU. There are two flavors of Linux on zSeries – the 32-bit Linux for S/390, and 64-bit Linux for zSeries. These Linuxes are not unique – they are standard distributions from vendors like SuSE and TurboLinux. zSeries Linux is not meant to be a replacement for z/OS or z/VM – it has a particular role it can play in a client’s computing architecture, based upon capacity, user, performance, and/or other nonfunctional requirements. What benefits does Linux on zSeries provide? Well, we can now run Linux on the most reliable and scalable hardware platform in the I/T industry. Scalability is both physical and logical – the zSeries box itself can scale as large as the largest z990, and can scale logically by hosting literally thousands of Linux guests by virtualization on z/VM and/or LPARs. The continuous availability features of the zSeries hardware, such as Capacity Upgrade on Demand, can be exploited when running Linux on zSeries. And, the fact that the zSeries architecture is designed for mixed workloads allows clients to run many different zSeries Linux instances, all potentially running different work types. Plus, the client can take advantage of the high-speed interconnectivity features like Hipersockets, the huge I/O bandwidth of the zSeries hardware, and the virtualization functions of z/VM and PR/SM. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Linux on zSeries options
application application application application application Linux application application application application application application … CMS CMS VSE Linux z/OS z/VM Here we are looking at a hybrid architectural model of what a system running z/VM and Linux on zSeries might look like. Again, we have the hardware and LIC layer at the bottom. As you can see on the right column, I show Linux running directly on the zSeries hardware. This can be done on zSeries processors that support basic mode operation, but in reality, very very few customers would choose to do this. The second bar from the right shows zSeries Linux running directly on an LPAR, which can indeed be done, but is limited to a relatively small number of partitions (as we saw earlier, the z990 supports up to 30 LPARs). And, then we see z/VM running on top of the LIC/LPAR, and hosting many different operating system guests, including zSeries Linux. This great flexibility in configuring many different operating system runtime scenarios allows clients to drive their zSeries hardware as hard as possible and get the maximum value from their hardware purchase. LIC (LPAR, etc) zSeries hardware, with optional IFLs zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Linux on zSeries Value Proposition
Virtualization -- Primary Value Consolidation of many servers Low utilization 20 +/- servers is break even point Application Speed to Market Skills Tools Speed of deployment of Linux images Performance Internal Bandwidth - zSeries I/O subsystem High Speed Connection to z/OS Data - Hipersockets Use of White Space Cost With z10 Speciality Engines can be virtualized So, what’s the value proposition for Linux on zSeries? The primary value comes from virtualization. zSeries Linux gives us the ability to perform server consolidation and place the functionality of many smaller servers onto a single zSeries processor. This usually works best with servers that are already at a low utilization level. A rule of thumb I’ve seen is that a break even point for server consolidation can be around 20 servers. However, a customer may be able to get value out of consolidating just a few servers if they wish to use “white space” on an existing zSeries box and move server functions off distributed processors and into zSeries LPARs or onto z/VM. Another value is speed to market. Linux on zSeries allows the leveraging of Linux skills now commonly acquired in colleges and universities, but using those skills on the scalable and available zSeries hardware. The newest generation of development and systems management tools can be used, since these are being ported to zSeries Linux (the job to port existing Linux applications to zSeries Linux is much easier and faster than retooling for z/OS or other OS platforms). And, the speed of deployment of a new system image on zSeries Linux is very fast. Tools have been in use at client locations already that allow the creation of a new zSeries Linux system literally in minutes. Clients can see value by running Linux on zSeries for the bandwidth of I/O provided by the z hardware. Linux can take advantage of that high I/O bandwidth, provided the application performance profile for those apps on zSeries Linux are of the nature that requires high levels of I/O. And, a workload that has to talk between zSeries system images – for example, DB2 Connect running on zSeries Linux talking to DB2 on z/OS on the same hardware – can leverage the high performance network interconnect provided by Hipersockets. Finally, the cost of running on zSeries Linux, depending upon the situation, may prove to be less than on other alternatives. The cost equation is a complex one, and your clients should look carefully at their options to ensure that they are not choosing a more complex configuration that winds up increasing cost and degrading performance or availability for the sake of small cost savings. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Partitioning allows for different OS’s and their Releases Processor Resource / System Manager Hypervisor 15 – 60 LPARs zVM v4.4 L I N U X VSE V3.2 z/OS V1.8 VSE V3.2 L I N U X L I N U X zVM v4.2 z/OS V1.8 z/OS V1.7 VSE V3.1 z/OS V1.6 *** z/OS V1.7 z/OS V1.5 At LPAR creation time each partition is given a weight The weight is used to differentiate workload importance zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Logical Partitioning Mode (LPAR) CPUs Storage Channels zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
System Control and Partitioning
Among the system control function is the ability to partition the system into logical partitions (LPARs) Initial limit was 15 LPARs but newer machines (EC) allow 60 partitions in a SINGLE SERVER FOOTPRINT Practical considerations can limit the number to less than this as each LPAR needs memory, I/O, and processing power * z9-109 zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
LPARs LPARs are defined using the Support Elements (SE) PR/SM – Process Resource/ System Manager is firmware that is used to define the LPARs System administrators assign: Memory Processors CHPIDs either dedicated or shared This is done partly in the IOCDS and partly in a system profile on the Support Element (SE) in the CEC. This is normally updated through the HMC. Changing the system profile and IOCDS will usually require a power-on reset (POR) but some changes are dynamic zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Characteristics of LPARs
LPARs are the equivalent of a separate mainframe for most practical purposes Each LPAR runs its own operating system LPARs do not share memory Devices can be shared across several LPARs Processors can be dedicated or shared When shared, each LPAR is assigned a number of logical processors (up to the maximum number of physical processors) and a weighting Each LPAR is independent Hacking across LPARs cannot happen An LPAR is just like another ‘box’ or server sitting on the raised floor .. Except the LPAR exists within a System z server. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Processors in an LPAR illustration 5 LPARS 10 CPs Dedicated Physical Engines Shared Physical Engines CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP LPAR LPAR LPAR LPAR LPAR5 Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP Logical CP zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
LPAR Logical Dispatching 1 - The next logical CP to be dispatched is chosen from the logical CP ready queue based on the logical CP weight. 2 - LPAR LIC dispatches the selected logical CP (LCP5 of MVS LP) on a physical CP in the CPC (CP0, in the visual). 3 - The z/OS dispatchable unit running on that logical processor (MVS2 logical CP5) begins to execute on physical CP0. It executes until its time slice (generally between 12.5 and 25 milliseconds) expires, or it enters a wait, or it is intercepted for some reason. 4 - In the visual, the logical CP keeps running until it uses all its ime slice. At this point the logical CP5 environment is saved and control is passed back to LPAR LIC, which starts executing on physical CP0 again. 5 - LPAR LIC determines why the logical CP ended execution and requeues the logical CP accordingly. If it is ready with work, t is requeued on the logical CP ready queue and step 1 begins again. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Processor Resource / System Manager (PR/SM)
LPAR CPU weights can change dynamically More Workload Demand ! pu pu pu pu pu pu pu No operator intervention Websphere (SOA) Traditional OLTP and Batch Linux Move resources to where workload is … LPAR 3 LPAR 2 LPAR 1 Processor Resource / System Manager (PR/SM) System z zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Virtualization Every Where …
Create OS & Hardware Partitions on Single Server LPAR CLUSTERS (Balance resources across clusters) Partition processors, memory and I/O --- can share I/O paths SOFTWARE and HARDWARE working together (WLM & IRD) MOVE PROCESSORS TO WORK MOVE I/O BUSES to increase bandwidth INCREASE I/O Priority to reduce I/O wait (all the way to the device0 Using z/VM Hypervisor on zSeries to create virtual partitions Have virtual disks, virtual processors Have Virtual Lans within the hardware Hipersockets. zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Let’s Talk About z/VM Guests & System z LPARs
Runs on System z in an LPAR Supported by IFLs if Linux is to run as a quest Linux Runs on z/VM as a z/VM guest or in an IFL Guests on z/VM can be z/TPF, z/VM, z/OS, Linux Partitions Resources Disk, Memory, Processor resources.. z/VM dispatches the guests There can be 100s, 1000s of guests A z/VM Guest environment is created via software z/OS LPARS z/OS runs in LPARs There are no ‘guests’ in z/OS Linux can run in an LPAR (solo) PR/SM partitions resources, Memory, I/O, I/O paths PR/SM dispatches the LPARs There can be up to 60 LPARs in a z10 A System z LPAR is created via Hardware For an analogy, you could say z/VM is like a software implementation of z/OS hardware (BUT NOT EXACTLY). zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zSeries Servers – CPU Virtualization
OS/390 1 OS/390 2 OS/390 3 OS/390 4 OS/390 5 Logical CP CP Dedicated Physical CPs Shared Weight - 50 Weight - 15 Weight - 10 Weight - 25 Example: 5 LPARs Physical CPs are shared or dedicated Shared LPARs are defined using three ideas: Logical CPs (processors) Weights (for shared LPARs) Capped / Uncapped. Advantages Resources are not idle unless LPARs are capped or use dedicated CPs. Event driven CPU virtualization allows CPU utilization to be increased lowering cost zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zSeries Servers – Network Virtualization
IP Networking among virtual servers Improved performance – in memory data movement Enhanced security - Data never flows outside the server Higher availability - Integrated into zSeries hardware, no external parts Lower cost - No external network, attachment, or cables Reduced time to market – virtual networks can be provisioned in seconds at no incremental cost Linux z/OS HiperSocket LAN z/VM zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
System Control and Partitioning
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
LCSS – Another Level of Virtualization – I/O
Logical Channel Subsystem Part of the internal I/O Infrastructure Four LCSS’s, one LCSS Supports 15 LPARS I/O Error recovery via retry Device sharing across LPARS Device address duplicated for scaling and recovery Configuration zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Hardware Management Consol (HMC) zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
i.e assign a profile to a Linux partition Storage assignment Allocate PUs zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Dramatic Virtualization – How it Looks in z/Architecture
Logical Partitions Share Processors, Common Cache Structures, and I/O Workload Manager allocates resources as needed by service classes z/OS Application Linux Image Linux Image Application Application Application Application Application Application DB2 DB2 DB2 Linux Image z/OS z/OS z/OS z/VM Internal networking via secure high speed Hipersockets Intelligent Resource Director dynamically allocates processors to partitions and network connections Shared access to all disk data and to external networks Eligible workload automatically dispatched to zIIP and zAAP specialty processors All Data zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
Hannaford Supermarket Chain Goes Real Time with Linux on System z
Northeastern United States supermarket chain Reduced costs while improving customer and partner satisfaction using Linux on z/VM Consolidated 300 store servers on to a mainframe with 2 IFL processors – 150 to 1 consolidation Orders now direct from the aisles, just-in-time inventory management Introduced new web portal for business partners Significant labor savings across the IT organisation ... 300 servers 1 System z server “The only way we'd consider consolidating critical data from hundreds of servers onto one system was by choosing an IBM mainframe for its legendary reliability and availability,” Bill Homa, senior vice president and CIO of Hannaford More on Hannaford: zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
It’s Time to Think Again About Business Needs and IT Responses
Rising costs increase the need to rethink your business Multiple platforms and new applications Increasing cost pressures from power and cooling costs Increasing cost pressures from systems management of multiple platforms and data proliferation New opportunities and technologies System z9 virtualization and workload management Hundreds of virtual servers - the power and simplicity of a single server IBM Software for end-to-end Systems Management and single point of data reference As your CEO Rethinks your business It’s time to Rethink the role of the mainframe And to Rethink the future of your infrastructure Designed for Consolidation AOV0406_010 zCPO zClass Introduction to System z Partitioning and Virtualization
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