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MaGate an interoperable, decentralized high-level scheduler Ongoing research at HES-SO/EIA-FR IANOS Meeting - Lausanne, July 21.-22 2008 Ye HUANG, Pierre.

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Presentation on theme: "MaGate an interoperable, decentralized high-level scheduler Ongoing research at HES-SO/EIA-FR IANOS Meeting - Lausanne, July 21.-22 2008 Ye HUANG, Pierre."— Presentation transcript:

1 MaGate an interoperable, decentralized high-level scheduler Ongoing research at HES-SO/EIA-FR IANOS Meeting - Lausanne, July 21.-22 2008 Ye HUANG, Pierre KUONEN Grid Group, Dept of Information and Communication Technologies, EIA-FR, Switzerland Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Group, Dept of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

2 2 What’s MaGate  MaGate [1] stands for “Magnetic Gateway”.  GRID Resource management system  MaGate is the grid level scheduler focusing on:  Interoperability  Decentralization  Part of the Swiss project: SmartGRID framework [2].  Collaboration between EIA-FR and Uni. Fribourg  Funded by the Hasler foundation

3 3 SmartGRID framework  A decentralized grid scheduling framework.  Supporting intelligent and interoperable grid resource management, upon the infrastructure information provided by swarm intelligence algorithms (ant technology).

4 4 SmartGRID framework: A Layered Architecture  Loosely coupled layered architecture.  Two layers and one internal interface. Smart Resource Management Layer Smart Signaling Layer Data Warehouse Interface

5 5 Smart Signaling Layer (SSL)  Purpose:  resource discovery  network monitoring  Approach:  Ant algorithm  Orchestration:  Ant Nests community  Two milestones have been achieved by UNIfr.  Solenopsis middleware [3]  Blåtant algorithm [4] for p2p path diameter shrinking (communication optimization).

6 6 Smart Resource Management Layer (SRML)  Purpose:  Grid level scheduling  Interoperation  Interaction with users and applications  Access to external services  Orchestration:  MaGate schedulers community.

7 7 Data Warehouse Interface (DWI)  To mediate the upper layer (SRML) and low layer (SSL).  Loosely coupled information exchange mechanism.  Both layers could benefit from DWI, by ignoring the implementation details of the each other.

8 8 SmartGRID Node (SG-Node)

9 9 SG-Node  SG-Node stands for SmartGRID node.  One GRID node portal  GRID node  Machine or group of machines providing computing resources through a unique access point  Each SG-Node is constituted of one entity from each layer.  One Ant Nest from SSL  One Interface DW from SmartGRID internal interface.  One MaGate from SRML

10 10 SG-Nodes community  SG-Nodes collaborate to establish a dynamic and autonomic “SG-Nodes Community”.  Behaving diverse roles depending on their positions in the infrastructure.  Executor.  Routers.  Interface.  Full functional.

11 11 MaGate Benefit from SmartGRID  Decentralized grid scheduling mechanism.  No central meta-scheduler.  MaGate schedulers, instead of a single meta-scheduler, collaborate to provide grid scheduling.  The grid infrastructure information discovery and monitoring.  Thanks to ant technology - external component.  Could be replaced by another IS approach  Results promised to be robust, reliable and reactive.  The possibility to contact the unknown grid scope.  MaGates obtain grid information depending on ant system.  Ants autonomously spread the network to discover unknown resource (nature ants’ food).

12 12 MaGate functionalities 1. Self-management 2. Grid community Management 3. Local resource management interface 4. External Grid services/components interface

13 13 Implementation approach  Job allocation to local scheduler.  DRMAA, SAGA, IANOS ?,…  JSDL, BES  Scheduling strategies.  FIFS, Backfill.  External scheduling policies.  Cost model ?,…  DWI  Grasping the information  Ant-Nest based existing Solenopsis middleware  Others ?,…  Information schema  GLUE, …

14 14 Implementation approach (continued)  Interoperability implementation.  Core value and main focus of MaGate.  Concerning the “community component”.  Issues:  Interoperation architecture.  ’Teikoku’ [5] and ’Scheduling Instance’ [6]  OGF GSA-RG: E.g. Simplest scheduling interop. use case  Appropriate protocol/language.  WS-Agreement series.  Scheduling Description Language (SDL)

15 15 SmartGRID status  Collaborative work:  Ecole d'ingénieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg (EIA-FR). (Smart Resource Management Layer)  University of Fribourg. (Smart Signaling Layer)  A three-year project funded by Swiss Hasler Foundation, project Nr. 2122.  Approaching end of the first year for Smart Resource Management Layer.

16 16 Interest and Contribution  Interested issues:  As aforementioned, many of our interests are concerned with the workgroups that are also involved in IANOS.  Our potential interests to IANOS:  Joint standardization work (e.g. OGF) and experience sharing.  Domain-specific use case/scenarios.  Implementation of MaGate prototype using IANOS.

17 17 MaGate Using IANOS

18 18 Bibliography  [1] Huang Y., Brocco A., Kuonen P., Courant M., Hirsbrunner B., SmartGRID: A fully decentralized Grid Scheduling Framework supported by Swarm Intelligence. Technical report, Working Paper 2008–06, Department of Informatics, EIA-FR, Switzerland, June 2008  [2] Hirsbrunner, B., Courant, M., Brocco, A., Kuonen, P.: SmartGRID: Swarm Agent-Based Dynamic Scheduling for Robust, Reliable, and Reactive Grid Computing. Technical report, Working Paper 2006–13, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, October 2006  [3] Brocco, A., Hirsbrunner, B., Courant, M.: Solenopsis: A framework for the development of ant algorithms. In: Swarm Intelligence Symposium, SIS, IEEE (April2007) 316–323  [4] Brocco, A., Frapolli, F., Hirsbrunner, B.: Shrinking the network: The bl°atant algo-rithm. Technical Report 08-04, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Fribourg (April 2008)  [5] Grimme, C., Lepping, J., Papaspyrou, A., Wieder, P., Yahyapour, R., Oleksiak, A., Supercomputing, P., Center, N., Waldrich, O., Ziegler, W.: Towards a standards-based grid scheduling architecture. Technical Report TR-0123, Institute on Resource Management and Scheduling, CoreGRID - Network of Excellence (December 2007)  [6] Tonellotto, N., Yahyapour, R., Wieder, P.: A proposal for a generic grid scheduling architecture. Proceedings of the Integrated Research in Grid ComputingWorkshop (2005) 337–346

19 Thank you! Questions?

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