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IH Review of Launch Process Introductions Tracy Walker – UAW CHR Special Assigned Marsha Steele – UAW Wentzville Steve Kapuscinski – GM NA Launch Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "IH Review of Launch Process Introductions Tracy Walker – UAW CHR Special Assigned Marsha Steele – UAW Wentzville Steve Kapuscinski – GM NA Launch Safety."— Presentation transcript:


2 IH Review of Launch Process

3 Introductions Tracy Walker – UAW CHR Special Assigned Marsha Steele – UAW Wentzville Steve Kapuscinski – GM NA Launch Safety Support Graham Parr – GM NA Launch Safety Support 734-341-9066

4 Session Outline  g-Comply rollout history  g-Comply overview  Major Launches  g-Comply for IH –What are the questions to answer? –How can you get the right answers? –IH role in the process  Questions & Answers

5 Much work was done to produce the standardized g-Comply!

6 Before May 2013 Variety of Tags & Procedures After May 2013 Common Tags & Procedure May 2013 Annual Joint Training New consistent g-Comply process to replace former plant Red-Tags

7 A look at the g-Comply Tool as rolled out in May 2013

8 Total Checklist Questions = 188 How the Checklist Questions are Distributed

9 Schedule Rate Chart Foot Print Master Listing Checklist Red/Yellow/Green Tags g-Comply

10 Begin Buy-Off (Do-Not Use) Equipment Power-On & Initial Test Try-Out (with & without parts) Buy-Off Checklists Prepare for Production Print Red, Yellow, Green Tags and Buy-Off Checklists Equipment Safety Buy-Off Overview

11 Red Checklist  Is Equipment Safe to Power Up and Debug, Check Communications?  For exact interpretation see g- Comply procedure, local procedure, LJHSC  Prior to review, no power

12 Yellow Checklist  Is equipment safe to try out?  Test e-Stops and ensure disconnects work at yellow review  For exact interpretation see g-Comply procedure, local procedure, LJHSC  One more check before ready for production/normal use

13 Green Checklist  Is equipment ready for production?  All the safety elements of a functional department or operation should be in place

14 g-Comply Launch Use - Some Notable Launches Since Roll-Out  Spring Hill – Equinox Flex Assembly and LGE Engine were in g-Comply transition period, LGE had 714 tags not including Jib Cranes  Bowling Green – New Corvette in g-Comply transition  Wentzville – Brand new lines for Chevy Colorado, GMC Canyon - van production continues  Fort Wayne – Silverado / Sierra Launch  Detroit / Hamtramck – Flexible lines for Malibu, then Impala added to Volt & ELR – 2 shifts one Salaried one UAW safety  Saginaw – Brand new casting lines – HFV6 block & head  Romulus – Up from no production – HFV6 machining and assembly, soon GRX transmission

15 g-Comply files Where to get the latest versions Excel File SchedulerTutorial

16 Logon and select Health & Safety

17 Go to Online Documents

18 And Equipment Safety Buy-off Procedure

19 g-Comply for Industrial Hygiene/JETTs

20 What an UAW IHT or Industrial Hygienist Needs to Know  We covered the g-Comply basics including the checklist sign-off  The tags do not require an IH or UAW IHT or JETT signature  Out of 188 possible questions, there are about 11 IH, 26 laser and 1 ergo  To get the right answers to these questions the Local Joint Health & Safety Committee may want your input

21 IH topics in G-Comply  Chemical Approvals  Air Sampling  Noise  Ventilation  Confined Spaces  Lasers  (Ergonomics)

22 Chemical Approval Questions  Pipes need labels at the red review prior to Power-On  Chemical approvals are needed at the Yellow Review prior to tryout

23 Pipe Labels  “Contents and Direction of Flow” are required in the question  If a color code system is used in the plant, new equipment should integrate into the system  UAW/GM audit module references a particular “NAO Piping Guidelines” document (available in e-Safe)  Red review is the only pipe label check (so follow up if you allow temporary labels)

24 Chemical Approvals - Launch  For a major launch, you may have dozens of new production chemicals (paint, foundry)  Construction project chemicals will also be filling the pipeline for review  HMCC should be working on the approval process and integrate with the launch planning

25 Chemical Approvals – Pre-Approval Processes  Productive materials (that remain in the product) must be reviewed centrally through the Productive Material ReView (PMRv) process prior to HMCC  Purge Solvents also go through PMRv  Metal Removal Fluids (Coolants) must go through PMRv and the Metal Removal Fluid Strategy Team (MRFST)

26 Launch Chemicals Checking  Your overall process should review the launch chemicals  How to double-check during tag reviews is not specified and may or may not have a formal process  You could take the approved list to the department or list the department chemicals to check against the chemical database

27 What to do about missed chemical reviews?  You may have a small chemical application no-one thought of (lubricants, coolants, gauge oils)  Or the Engineer may overlook or not know the process  If you hit the checklist question and something was missed –Can specify no use or confiscate container –Emergency approval process if you have one –Can walk around the HMCC for signatures –Or wait for the next meeting –Or provide a substitute that is approved

28 Can the equipment run?  The options are normal for HMCC approvals but now  Safety also has to decide whether to –Sign to approve equipment for tryout (and check chemical approval later) if the use of the chemical is not needed to run –Wait until chemical is reviewed to allow equipment trial  Since launch timing may be impacted, its better to plan before getting to this point

29 Chemical approvals summary  g-Comply handles chemical approvals with one checklist question  To successfully answer the question, there has to be more work going on at the Hazardous Materials Control Committee  If the checklist review is the first time your engineer has heard of chemical approvals, its too late  Coordinate with the HMCC and Local Joint Health & Safety to develop and implement the process

30 Air Sampling  Yellow questions are asked after power on, to see if equipment is ready to try out  For each new piece of equipment, reviewers will write yes, no or N/A  So, how do you answer?

31 Air Sampling changes for a Launch  HMCC should be seeing all the new chemicals  That will help inform sampling plans  Engineers may be confused about this question because they don’t know the Air Sampling Plan  The launch team should learn early that you help answer this question, and a review process for the new ASP should be communicated

32 When do you need to change the Air Sampling Plan?  You are the best experts about what equipment changes may impact the ASP  But Joint Safety are the ones that sign off every piece of equipment  In most plants, most changes and even most new chemicals won’t change the plan  Now you know what the question is, so work with your Safety team to determine how you should be rolled into the review process

33 g-Comply Air Sampling - Summary  g-Comply handles air sampling with one yellow checklist question  For launches, agree on a review process to set up any ASP changes  Otherwise, communicate with Safety about when to roll you into an equipment review, and how to answer the question

34 Noise  Is noise data available? Does equipment comply? (questions asked at tryout)  And followed-up prior to “Production Ready” approval

35 Supplier Sound Data  SL 1.0 specifies suppliers must provide quiet equipment and collect sound data  Methods of providing data are also specified  The g-Comply question asks whether this data has been collected  Very early communication helps set the expectation

36 Reviewing supplier sound data  What data is collected?  Supplier is required to take readings at shop prior to shipment per SL 1.0  Runoff visits are another way to get data  Some equipment is only assembled at the plant so there is no runoff at the shop  Communication early helps ensure data is provided

37 Reviewing supplier sound data  How to review data?  In the launch context, there may be hundreds of tags –Review each at the machine? –Send all data through the noise committee? –Review only for possibly loud equipment?  In any case, every equipment review will include this question

38 Confirming Readings  Two questions:  Can review noise at yellow for tryout and again at green (the last check)  If you are going to take confirming readings, work it into the g-Comply timing  Equipment tryout with parts can happen after yellow is signed  Equipment may or may not run in automatic prior to green review

39 Confirming Readings  Find a time in the cycle when you can see equipment run  Follow procedure in SL1.0  If parts are needed, reading is during 3 part cycles  Confirm when the supplier is still responsible to abate noise  You have to choose which equipment needs confirming readings

40 Noise Summary  There are only two checklist questions – Is there data and does the equipment comply? (repeated at yellow and green)  The goal is for all new equipment to be quiet and compliant  You have to establish your process for confirming that with –Data reviews –Confirming readings –Noise abatement if needed

41 Ventilation  This question is asked for each piece of equipment (Yes, No, N/A)  N/A for systems with no process ventilation  Tryout of equipment is allowed in yellow, and green checklist review comes before turning over to production

42 Ventilation  Testing method for process ventilation is not specified  If data is generated during testing, it would be useful as a baseline for system performance  Design and performance criteria may also be available and should be requested and retained

43 Confined Spaces  Temporary labels are required for tryout  Final evaluations and posting prior to production

44 Confined Space for Tryout  Temporary labels are required prior to tryout  But even prior to red power on, a list of potential spaces would be useful  If your process requires pictures, get them before tanks are filled  If entries are part of the install or tryout work, enough information about hazards will have to be available to plan the work

45 Confined Space for Production  Like the approved chemicals list, there is only one evaluation process and Confined Space Log  You have to work the review process together with the launch timing to get the spaces evaluated  Postings in standard plant format with numbers will follow evaluations  Advance planning is necessary to successfully answer the checklist questions

46 Confined Space Summary  Getting all of the spaces evaluated will require planning and coordination  The Engineers need to know the process early and get the right people involved  Work with the launch teams and the LJHSC to determine the process

47 Lasers  There are many g-Comply questions about lasers  They follow the UAW-GM training and are limited to class 3B and 4 lasers

48 Red Laser Questions

49 Yellow & Green Laser Questions

50 Laser Summary  The GM Laser Safety Officer and SME are one of the keys to this section  The involvement of the site DLSO should be ensured  The Laser Safety Committee must review the installation and controls  Laser Personnel and Incidental Personnel to be identified to receive appropriate training  Training and procedures to be provided by Green Tag checklist review

51 g-Comply for UAW IHT/GM IH summary  There are some questions in the equipment buy-off that touch on the IHT/Ergo and Industrial Hygienist’s area of expertise  These work best with good coordination and communication with the LJHSC and launch personnel

52 Equipment Safety Buy-off g-Comply Tool Thank you Questions


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