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Curriculum Night 2014-15 Mrs. Susan Cherry. About me: Mrs. Susan Cherry B.A., B.Ed., Queen’s University M.Ed. University of British Columbia I started.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night 2014-15 Mrs. Susan Cherry. About me: Mrs. Susan Cherry B.A., B.Ed., Queen’s University M.Ed. University of British Columbia I started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night 2014-15 Mrs. Susan Cherry

2 About me: Mrs. Susan Cherry B.A., B.Ed., Queen’s University M.Ed. University of British Columbia I started teaching in 1983… You do the math! Grade 7 French Immersion and FSL in Canada First/Fourth Grade at Maple Hills 2 children; Connor and Griffin Husband; Brian 1 Labrador retriever; Lily My Core Values: The Tanya Beja Story

3 Tonight’s Agenda: Curriculum- Changes!!! Expectations Field Trips Volunteers Conferences Report Cards Questions

4 About Fourth Grade: Challenging curriculum Challenging curriculum Becoming organized learners Becoming organized learners Students moving towards personal responsibility and independence Students moving towards personal responsibility and independence Opportunities for student leadership Opportunities for student leadership To develop problem solving skills (eliminate learned helplessness!), cooperative learning skills, and to be independent thinkers (application of knowledge!) To develop problem solving skills (eliminate learned helplessness!), cooperative learning skills, and to be independent thinkers (application of knowledge!) To actively engage all students in projects, group discussions, etc. To actively engage all students in projects, group discussions, etc.

5 Curriculum Math Literacy: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Social Studies Science Art & Technology

6 Math: Everyday Mathematics Common Core State Standards Issaquah will continue to use Everyday Mathematics You will notice that some lessons will be skipped because they don’t fit with the new CCSS. We will slow down a bit this year and do more practice of basic skills and solve more problems. Example of CCSS- “I can identify polygons by their properties.” or “I can draw and identify points, lines, line segments, and angles.”

7 More about EDM : As a grade level, we focus on Math Facts. Speed and Accuracy!! IXL is continuing this year!! Students can practice skills at home EDM games are online!! Daily homework based on classroom lesson Please help memorize +,-. X, and / facts at home. 31 is a great adding game!!

8 4 th Grade CCSS overview for Math : Geometry Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Fractions (fraction notation and decimal notation) Measurement and Data

9 Balanced Literacy Program: 3rd year of Reading Program-Making Meaning Students read books at their own level We level the students using Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System F&P has replaced AR system for leveling students Teacher models reading strategies that build comprehension and social skills. Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Independent Reading

10 Balance Literacy Continued: Skills modeled in Making Meaning Lessons: FALL Questioning, text features, word meaning, context clues, word parts, text structure, extending meaning with visuals WINTER Inferring, summarizing, finding evidence, main idea, theme, Author’s purpose SPRING Cause and effect, text structure, point of view, comparing and contrasting

11 Literacy Continued : Independent Reading: At school: Read to Self or Stop, Drop, and Read! At home: students are encouraged to read at least 20 minutes every night and have this recorded on their homework calendar. A good idea might be to have them participate in the Eagle Reader program sponsored by PTA.

12 The Art of Writing 2 nd year of Writing Curriculum- Author-Lucy Calkins Revamp of “The Writers Workshop” Based on CCSS. 2015-Narrative, Informational, Opinion Use the same model as Reading; Focus Lesson on a skill, practice together, independent writing.

13 Social Studies Washington State- Regions and Maps Washington State History- Native Americans, Lewis and Clark, Pioneers and Statehood Pacific Rim – specifically how Washington is tied economically to the Pacific Rim countries- Research Project and Pacific Rim Festival JA BizTown

14 Science This year we will be studying: States of Matter (The Toy Guy) Earth, Moon, and Sun Earth’s Changing Surfaces Ecosystems (WA Forests) This is the 3rd year of our Science Curriculum!!

15 Art and Technology Throughout each of these core areas, art and technology will be integrated. Technology – word processing, online math games, ActivBoard Art – a variety of activities during or upon the conclusion of a unit. (Circle Art, Clay Leaf, Owl Art, Seattle Skyline, WA State stitching)

16 Long-term Projects 9/26: PowerPoint presentation on a location within a Washington Region that the student has visited 3/12 and 13: Science Fair, Other science projects within the Science units. (Water, Water Everywhere! And Slick Solution)

17 4 th Grade Expectations: Personal Responsibility – for the student Homework: homework calendar, nightly assignments are due the next day unless otherwise stated (Rewards/Fines) Purple Folders! Absences: Student has 1 day per sick day to make up work. Encourage students to ask for more time if needed.

18 JOBS!! Jobs: Every 2 weeks, the students select a classroom job! Can earn $! Money is earned for jobs and for following classroom procedures or for setting a great example or for an outstanding answer! Money is spent on Market Day!

19 Other Fun Days!! Oobleck! 10/31 Washington State Feast! 11/26 Market Place Day! 1 per trimester Cherry Jar Celebrations!

20 Volunteers Classroom Room parent (help with WA Feast and other special events) Clerical; copies, filing Art & Science Docents (Prep) Field Trips Computer Lab Reading Docents Garden help!!

21 Field Trips: Olympia! 3/24 The Toy Guy 10/14 (at school) Burke Museum TBA JA BizTown- 5/29 Kate Poaster-Science to Go Kits- 2 in school presentations

22 Conferences: December 4 and 5 Student-Led conference. Student is in charge of communicating their progress to you. 3-way discussion. Sign up will be online through Family Access!!

23 Report Cards 1 st Trimester: November 26th 2 nd Trimester: March 13th 3 rd Trimester: *June 17 th (depending on the last day of school)

24 Testing Smarter Balanced Testing window is in May New test to Washington State which will create a new baseline of student data. Multiple choice, short answer, technology enhanced questions, and Performance Task ( Multi-step problem solving a real life situation) Math, Reading, and Writing will be online.

25 How to Contact Me: Phone: 425-837-5125 Email: Questions?

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