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Insights into Social Media --- Research conducted by InSites Consulting, Facebook and comScore.

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1 Insights into Social Media --- Research conducted by InSites Consulting, Facebook and comScore

2 9027 consumers (age 15+) across 35 countries Representative of the online population within country Quotas used on gender, age and e-commerce. Data collected via online research panels, fieldwork in Q2 2011 Social Media Around the World 2011 This deck will look at two pieces of research to help understand the role social media can play regarding brands and branded content The first piece is a wide-ranging global study recently released by InSites Consulting Survey Approach:

3 Branded content an important part of social networking ‘life’ Base: All Social Network users in W.Europe (5,613) Q : The last 10 times you logged into your social networks, how often did you undertake each of the following actions? (average) Over 20% of actions taken on social networks involve brands Average actions taken on Social Networks

4 Over half of social network users follow a brand 51% 51% of social network users in W.Europe follow at least 1 brand Base: All Social Network users in W.Europe (5,613)

5 With Facebook the key platform to do so Base: All Social Network users in W.Europe (5,613) 77% of brand information is shared via Facebook (Twitter #2 = 15%) Q : When sharing product information, which social network sites do you use for sharing that information?

6 Young women most likely to follow brands via social networks Index of brand followers v non-brand followers Base: All Social Network users in W. Europe (5,613)

7 Media / entertainment the most followed category Sectors ‘followed’ by Social Network users Base: All brand followers in W. Europe (3,064)

8 User experience the key driver for following Base: All brand followers in W. Europe (3,064)

9 Brand experience also provides the highest amount of brand-led activity Base: All Social Network users in W. Europe (5,613) Q : What exactly do you share then about products, brands and/or companies?

10 Consumers expect brands to be busy on social networks Base: All Social Network users in W. Europe (5,613) Q : On social network sites, brands should…

11 Over 1 in 2 agree that reading about positive brand experiences online directly impacts upon purchase intention Social networks are influential! 52% are influenced! Base: All Social Network users in W.Europe (5,613)

12 The Power of Like This research was conducted by comScore and Facebook in the US --- Using comScore’s Social Essentials product and Facebook analytics --- The research looks at the broad footprint that social media activity has by taking to account the fact it reaches friends as well as fans Friends of fans Fans Source: Facebook / comScore

13 The Newsfeed is the main area to consume branded content Despite having fan pages, branded content messaging is significantly more likely to take place in the newsfeed of Facebook users --- Taking the activity of 3 brands (Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Bing) the ratio of branded content impressions delivered via newsfeeds v fan pages was a staggering 81 impressions via newsfeed for every fan page view 81:1 Source: Facebook / comScore

14 Branded activity within the Newsfeed All can appear to Fans of a brand or friends of fans

15 Brands must post regularly to maximise reach Due to the amount of activity entering users newsfeed’s and the algorithms used, brands must post on a frequent basis in order for messages to reach users, as this chart outlines: Source: Facebook / comScore

16 Friends of fans provide a huge additional audience As the chart shows, by reaching out to friends of fans, brands can extend their footprint on Facebook --- Analysis of the top 100 fan pages show an additonal 34 friends can be reached for every fan --- Fans = loyalty Friends = conversion Source: Facebook / comScore

17 Driving site visits for both fans and friends Fans are naturally more likely to visit the site, but the chart below also shows the uplift generated amongst friends of fans Source: Facebook / comScore

18 Consumers expect brands to be present, and regularly engage with brands on social networks --- With Facebook the leading platform for interaction --- Regular branded activity can deliver ROI not just amongst fans of your brand, but amongst friends as well --- Both ensuring loyalty and building your customer base For the full presentations: InSites consulting comScore Key conclusions

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