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The Colombian Exchange. East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colombian Exchange. East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colombian Exchange

2 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

3 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

4 Columbus saw it all begin Indies spice trade dreams

5 Drawn by distant horizons Ripping worlds at the seams

6 Conquistadors proclaimed the land their own Stayed to look for gold

7 Took the natives as their slaves How many deaths untold

8 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

9 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

10 Like the Silk Road trade of old Disease passed hand to hand

11 Smallpox and yellow fever Depopulated American land Yellow Fever Smallpox

12 Aztecs and the Inca peoples Ravaged by disease

13 Three hundred years a hundred million Indigenous deceased

14 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

15 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

16 Some populations ravaged While others increased

17 Spread of new world crops to old More calories released

18 The potato spread across the globe (It was native to PERU)

19 In Africa the maize grew tall Peanuts and manioc too

20 Settlers brought the old world grains Orange, lemon, and mango fruit

21 Plantations sprang up from the ground Native labor they did recruit

22 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

23 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

24 Horses in the western hemisphere Valued everywhere

25 More strong and swift than any other Changed the face of warfare

26 Beast of burden introduced Herds of cattle grazed throughout

27 Turned ecosystems inside out Idea of classic cowboy born

28 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

29 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

30 Exchange of settlers and of slaves O’er the vast green sea

31 Migrations of all sorts took place Some involuntary some free

32 Labor-intensive sugar helped cause Atlantic slave trade to begin

33 Expanded previous slave trade routes Most went to Brazil and the Caribbean

34 Disease, warfare and encomiendas caused Shortage of native labor

35 In Africa, upset gender ratio As slave trade did men favor

36 Settlers to the new world, social Systems based on race

37 European agriculture Environmental impact increased pace

38 Land redistributed to Europeans New mammals overgrazed

39 Precious metals that they praised Drained the wetlands, mining increased

40 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

41 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

42 Merchants traded cross the seas Many goods involved

43 Triangle and Manila Galleon trade Helped global boundaries dissolve

44 Cod fish, silver, cotton, sugar All big parts in trade

45 European countries dominated routes Centuries this system stayed

46 Triangle exchange brought raw materials From the West to the East

47 Manufactured goods from Europe To Americas and Africa increased Steel Manufacturers

48 African slave trade sent Slaves to many places Algerian Slave Market

49 America, Europe, and the East Mingling of all races

50 Spanish silver from South America To China in the West

51 Manila Galleons brought back goods of Luxury without rest

52 East and West Old and New Civilization Rearranged

53 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

54 So what is it we are left with Children of this history Globalization, biodiversity Murders the mystery Continued global interaction follows this exchange

55 Columbia How many lives forever changed?

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