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Lecture 2: More Examples CS 341: Algorithms Thursday, May 5 th 2016 1.

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1 Lecture 2: More Examples CS 341: Algorithms Thursday, May 5 th 2016 1

2 Tuesday Recap 1.Administrative Information 2.Overview of CS 341 3.Example 1: Sorting-Merge Sort-Divide & Conquer 2

3 CS 341 Assumptions 1.Worst-case Runtime Analysis 2.“Sloppy” in counting 3.Interested in very large inputs

4 A Comment About Tractability/Intractability Computational ProblemInputOutput SortingAn array of integers in arbitrary order Same array of integers in increasing order Matrix MultiplicationTwo nxn matrices A, BC=A*B Traveling Salesman Problem A set S of cities, and distances between each pair of cities Minimum distance starting from city X, visiting each city once and come back to X Intractable Tractable 4

5 Traveling Salesman Problem Surprising that a problem that is so easy to understand is so difficult to solve. c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 5 hours 3 hours 2 hours 9 hours 1 hours 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 7 hours 5

6 Outline For Today 1.Max Subarray Problem-Bentley’s Alg-Dynamic Programming 2.Scheduling – Greedy Algorithms 3.Maybe: Shortest-Paths-Dijkstra’s Alg-Greedy Algorithms 6

7 Outline For Today 1.Max Subarray Problem-Bentley’s Alg-Dynamic Programming 2.Scheduling – Greedy Algorithms 3.Maybe: Shortest-Paths-Dijkstra’s Alg-Greedy Algorithms 7

8 Max Subarray Problem  Input: An array X of numbers (integers or decimals)  Output: Contiguous subarray with the maximum sum  a i, a i+1, a i+2, …, a j s.t is maximum  Empty arrays are OK  Output just the sum a1a1 a2a2 …a n/2 a n/2+ 1 …a n-1 anan 8

9 Example  Input: An array of numbers (integers or decimals)  Output: Contiguous subarray with the maximum sum -321-4523 -321-4523  Output: sum: 9 9

10 Algorithm 1: Brute Force procedure msaBruteForce(Array X of size n): maxSum = 0; for i = 1 to n: for j = i to n: sum = 0; for k = j to i: sum += X[k]; maxSum = max(maxSum, sum); return maxSum 10

11 Analysis of Brute Force procedure msaBruteForce(Array X of size n): maxSum = 0; for i = 1 to n: for j = i to n: sum = 0; for k = j to i: sum += X[k]; maxSum = max(maxSum, sum); return maxSum Total: n ops Total: n(n+1)/2 ops Total: O(n 3 ) Total: n(n+1)/2 ops 11

12 Analysis of Inner Most Loop for i ∈ 1…n, for j ∈ i…n => cost = (j – i + 1) when i=1: 1 + 2 + … + n = n(n+1)/2 => n 2 /8 ≤ Cost ≤ n 2 when i=2: 1 + 2 +... + n-1= (n-1)(n)/2 => n 2 /8 ≤ Cost ≤ n 2 … when i=n/2: 1+…+n/2 = (n/2)(n/2+1)/2 => n 2 /8 ≤ Cost ≤ n 2 when i=n/2+1:1+…+ n/2-1 => Cost ≤ n 2 … when i=n: 1 => Cost ≤ n 2 n 3 /16 ≤ Total Cost of Inner Most Loop ≤ n 3 12

13 Analysis of Brute Force procedure msaBruteForce(Array X of size n): maxSum = 0; for i = 1 to n: for j = i to n: sum = 0; for k = j to i: sum += X[k]; maxSum = max(maxSum, sum); return maxSum Total: n ops Total: n(n+1)/2 ops Total: O(n 3 ) Total: n(n+1)/2 ops Total Cost: n + 3n(n+1)/2 + O(n 3 ) = O(n 3 ) 13

14 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 14

15 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 15

16 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 + 2 = -1 16

17 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 17

18 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 + 2 18

19 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 + 2 + 1 = 0 19

20 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 20

21 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 + 2 21

22 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Sum: -3 + 2 + 1 22

23 Brute Force Simulation -321-4523 i j k Observation: Don’t need to sum from i to j each time. Can simply add the last item to the previous sum. Sum: -3 + 2 + 1 – 4 = -4 23

24 Algorithm 2: Smart Brute Force procedure msaSBruteForce(Array X of size n): maxSum = 0; for i = 1 to n: sum = 0; for j = i to n: sum += X[j]; maxSum = max(maxSum, sum); return maxSum Total: n ops Total: O(n 2 ) ops Total Cost: O(n 2 ) 24

25 Algorithm 3: Divide & Concur a1a1 a2a2 …a n/2 a n/2+ 1 …a n-1 anan A Claim that doesn’t Require a Proof: Max subarray is either: 1)entirely in L; or 2)entirely in R; or 3)spans L and R => includes both a n/2 and a n/2 + 1 L R C 25

26 Algorithm 3: Divide & Concur a1a1 a2a2 …a n/2 a n/2+ 1 …a n-1 anan Claim 2: if max subarray spans L & R: it is the sum of CL + CR CL = max sum ending at a n/2 CR = max sum starting from a n/2+1 Why? CL CR 26

27 Algorithm 3: Divide & Concur procedure msaDC(Array X of size n): L = msaDC(X[1,…,n/2]); R = msaDC(X[n/2+1,…,n]); CL = sum = 0; for i = n/2 to 1: sum += X[i]; CL = max(CL, sum); CR = sum = 0; for i = n/2+1 to n: sum += X[i]; CR = max(CR, sum); return max(L, R, CL+CR) 8n=O(n) ops outside the recursive calls 27

28 Analysis of Algorithm 3 msaDC(n) msaDC(n/2) msaDC(n/4) …. msaDC(1) …. 8n 2(8n/2) = 8n 4(8n/4) = 8n n(8) = 8n Total = 8n*#levelsTotal = 8n*log 2 (n) **msaDC takes 8nlog 2 (n)=O(nlog(n)) time.** 28

29 CS 341 Diagram Fundamental (& Fast) Algorithms to Tractable Problems Common Algorithm Design Paradigms Mathematical Tools to Analyze Algorithms Intractable Problems MergeSort Strassen’s MM BFS/DFS Dijkstra’s SSSP Kosaraju’s SCC Kruskal’s MST Floyd Warshall APSP Topological Sort … Big-oh notation Recursion Tree Master method Substitution method Exchange Arguments Greedy-stays-ahead Arguments P vs NP Poly-time Reductions Undecidability Divide-and-Conquer Greedy Dynamic Programming Other (Last Lecture) Randomized/Online/Para llel Algorithms 29

30 Can We Do O(n) time?  Reason about what the optimal solution looks like **in terms of optimal solutions to sub-problems**  Consider the following subproblem: Let P j = the max sum of any contiguous subarray ending at location X[j]?  Suppose we have computed each P j a1a1 a2a2 …a n/2 a n/2+ 1 …a n-1 anan P1P1 P2P2 PnPn Q: What is maxSum? A: maxSum = max j P j (or 0 if the max subarray is the empty set) 30

31 Can We Solve P j in terms of other P i ’s?  What is P j in terms of P j-1 ? a1a1 a2a2 a3a3 a4a4 ………anan P3P3 P4P4 Q: What is P 4 in terms of P 3 ? A: P 4 = max(a 4, P 3 + a 4 ) P 4 is the max sum ending exactly at a 4. So it’s either: (1)a 4 itself; or (2)a 4 + maxSum ending at a 3. Why? 31

32 Bentley’s Algorithm procedure msaBentley(Array X of size n): P = array of size n initialized to 0; for i = 1 to n; P[i] = max(X[i], X[i] + P[i-1]) return max(0, max j P j ) n ops **msaBentley takes O(n) time.** n ops Bentley’s Alg is an example of “Dynamic Programming” Informally: DP algs solve P in terms of solutions to subproblems P i. 32

33 CS 341 Diagram Fundamental (& Fast) Algorithms to Tractable Problems Common Algorithm Design Paradigms Mathematical Tools to Analyze Algorithms Intractable Problems MergeSort Strassen’s MM BFS/DFS Dijkstra’s SSSP Kosaraju’s SCC Kruskal’s MST Floyd Warshall APSP Topological Sort … Big-oh notation Recursion Tree Master method Substitution method Exchange Arguments Greedy-stays-ahead Arguments P vs NP Poly-time Reductions Undecidability Divide-and-Conquer Greedy Dynamic Programming Other (Last Lecture) Randomized/Online/Para llel Algorithms 33

34 Outline For Today 1.Max Subarray Problem-Bentley’s Alg-Dynamic Programming 2.Scheduling – Greedy Algorithms 3.Maybe: Shortest-Paths-Dijkstra’s Alg-Greedy Algorithms 34

35 Scheduling Problem  Input: A set of n jobs J. Each job i has length l i l1l1 l1l1 Job 1 l2l2 l2l2 Job 2 lnln lnln Job n …  Output: A schedule of the jobs on a processor s.t: is minimum over all possible n! schedules. completion time of job i Problem from Op. Systems & Data Center Management Systems 35

36 Completion Time of Job i  Definition: time when job i finishes i.e., sum of scheduled job lengths up to and including job i S1S1 1 1 3 3 J1J1 5 5 J2J2 1 1 J4J4 1 1 J3J3 J3J3 J2J2 J1J1 J4J4 5 5 3 3 1 1 time 16910 Total Cost of S 1 : 1 + 6 + 9 + 10 = 26 0 36

37 Another Example Schedule S1S1 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 J1J1 J4J4 5 5 3 3 1 1 time 16910 Total Cost of S 1 : 1 + 6 + 9 + 10 = 26 S2S2 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 J4J4 1 1 time 14510 Total Cost of S 2 :1 + 4 + 5 + 10 = 20 Goal is to find the min cost schedule! 37

38 Let’s Start Simple 3 3 J1J1 5 5 J2J2 What are all possible schedules? S1S1 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 time 38 Total Cost: 3 + 8 = 11 S2S2 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 time 58 Total Cost: 5 + 8 = 13 38

39 Why Put One Job In Front of Another?  Observation: Shorter jobs have less impact on the completion times of future jobs 39

40 Greedy Scheduling Algorithm Schedule jobs by increasing lengths Run-time O(nlog(n))! procedure greedySchedule(Array J of size n): return sort(J) 40

41 Greedy Scheduling Algorithm 3 3 J1J1 5 5 J2J2 1 1 J4J4 1 1 J3J3 Ex: SgSg 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 J4J4 1 1 time 51210 Total Cost of S g : 1 + 2 + 5 + 10 = 18 41

42 Comparing S g to Previous Schedules SgSg 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 J4J4 1 1 time 51210 S1S1 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 J1J1 J4J4 5 5 3 3 1 1 time 16910 S2S2 1 1 J3J3 J2J2 5 5 J1J1 3 3 J4J4 1 1 time 51410 26 20 18 42

43 Proof of Correctness (1)  “Greedy stays ahead” proof:  Induct on the cost of the first k jobs executed  Argue S g beats everyone else at each step  Let S[i]: the ith job that a schedule S executes  E.g., S g [1] is the first job S g executes  Let Cost(S, i): be the sum of the costs of the first i jobs that schedule S executes.  E.g., Cost(S g, 3) is the sum of completion times S g [1], S g [2], S g [3]: S g [1] + (S g [1]+S g [2]) + (S g [1]+S g [2]+S g [3])  Goal: Argue ∀ S, Cost(S g, n) ≤ Cost(S, n) by inducting on i 43

44 Proof of Correctness (2)  Base Case: ∀ S, Cost(S g, 1) = S g [1] ≤ Cost(S, 1) since S g [1] is the shortest length job  Inductive Hypothesis: Cost(S g, k-1) ≤ Cost(S, k-1) By inductive hypothesis By greedy criterion of S g QED 44

45 Greedy Algorithms Informally Algorithms that make myopic/local decisions (with the hope that the decisions are globally optimum) 45

46 CS 341 Diagram Fundamental (& Fast) Algorithms to Tractable Problems Common Algorithm Design Paradigms Mathematical Tools to Analyze Algorithms Intractable Problems MergeSort Strassen’s MM BFS/DFS Dijkstra’s SSSP Kosaraju’s SCC Kruskal’s MST Floyd Warshall APSP Topological Sort … Big-oh notation Recursion Tree Master method Substitution method Exchange Arguments Greedy-stays-ahead Arguments P vs NP Poly-time Reductions Undecidability Divide-and-Conquer Greedy Dynamic Programming Other (Last Lecture) Randomized/Online/Para llel Algorithms 46

47 Outline For Today 1.Max Subarray Problem-Bentley’s Alg-Dynamic Programming 2.Scheduling – Greedy Algorithms 3.Maybe: Shortest-Paths-Dijkstra’s Alg-Greedy Algorithms 47

48 Edsger Dijkstra (1930-2002)  Legendary Dutch computer scientist  1972 Turing Award winner  Significant contributions to algorithms, operating systems, compilers, distributed systems, among other subdisciplines of CS  Would handwrite his EWD reports. 48

49 Shortest Paths From A Single Source  Input: A directed/undirected graph G(V, E):  n nodes (one is the source), m edges (u,v) and costs c u,v X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1  Output: For each node v in the graph: shortest path (a series of edges) distance from s to v.  Assumption 1: Graph is connected (s has a path to every vertex)  Assumption 2: Edge costs are non-negative, i.e., c u,v ≥ 0 49

50 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 50

51 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 51

52 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 52

53 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 53

54 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 54

55 Shortest Path Example X X S S A A Y Y B B C C 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 INPUT OUTPUT 55

56 0 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A 56

57 0 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C D 1 4 8 57

58 0 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE 1 4 8 2 9 1 58

59 01 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F 1 4 8 2 3 9 59

60 01 4 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F 1 4 8 3 2 3 9 60

61 01 4 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F G 1 4 8 3 2 3 5 2 9 6 61

62 01 7 4 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F HG 1 4 8 3 4 2 3 5 2 9 6 62

63 01 7 4 11 8 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F HG 1 4 8 3 4 2 3 5 2 3 9 6 63

64 11 01 7 4 8 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm A B C DE F HG 1 4 8 3 4 2 3 5 2 3 9 11 6 64

65 Dijkstra’s Algorithm procedure dijkstra(G(V,E),s, costs c u,v ): L = {s}; R=V-{s} shortestDist=array of size n init to null shortestDist[s] = 0 for i = 1 to n: for all v in R: distSoFar[v] = min (u,v) shortestDist[v] + c u,v let v* = min v ∈ R distSoFar[v]; remove v* from R and put into L; shortestDist[v*] = distSoFar[v*] return shortestDist Will formally prove Dijkstra’s alg’s correctness & analyze its run time in about two months. u ∈ L v ∈ R 65

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