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Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 87 Topic: 15.2 Structure of the Heart Essential Questions: NO EQ 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 15.2 Structure of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 87 Topic: 15.2 Structure of the Heart Essential Questions: NO EQ 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 15.2 Structure of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 87 Topic: 15.2 Structure of the Heart Essential Questions: NO EQ 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 15.2 Structure of the Heart Get 15.2 Clinical Application for p. 84

2 2 Pericardial Membranes

3 Pericardium: or pericardial sac, is a covering that encloses the heart Consists of : Fibrous pericardium: tough, outer bag that protects the heart –Attached to the diaphragm and sternum Parietal pericardium: inner lining of fibrous pericardium Pericardial cavity: contains fluid that reduces friction between the pericardial membranes as the heart moves within them 3 Pericardial Membranes

4 Pericarditis (peri-car-die-tis): An inflammation of the pericardium due to viral or bacterial infection Adhesions attach the layers of the pericardium Interferes with heart movement Very painful 4

5 Pericarditis (2m18s) 5

6 6 Wall of the Heart The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: 1.Epicardium aka visceral pericardium: protects the heart by reducing friction by secreting serous fluid 2.Myocardium: thick layer, largely consisting of the cardiac muscle tissue that pumps blood out of the heart chambers 3.Endocardium: innermost layer that lines all of the heart chambers and covers the structures, such as the heart valves for protection 1. 2. 3. 2.

7 7 Heart Chambers The heart is divided into four chambers. Two on the left and two on the right. Atria: The upper chambers, have thin walls, receive blood returning to the heart Ventricles: The lower chambers that force the blood out of the heart

8 Your Table will need 13 colors

9 Parts of the Heart 9 You will label and color-code your heart Notes will be written on P. 87 and vocab will ALSO be color-coded to match your heart

10 Heart Chambers Superior vēna cāva Superior vēna cāva & Inferior vena cava: Returns O ₂ -poor blood from the body to the heart Right Atrium Pumps blood  R. ventricle

11 11 Right Ventricle Pumps blood  pulmonary arteries Tricuspid valve Prevents back flow into R. atrium Heart Chambers

12 12 Right and Left Pulmonary Arteries Take O ₂ -poor blood  lungs Pulmonary Valve Prevents backflow into R. ventricle Heart Chambers

13 13 Bicuspid aka mitral valve Prevents backflow into L. atrium Right and Left Pulmonary veins Brings O ₂ -rich blood from lungs  L. Atrium Left Atrium Pumps blood  L. ventricle Heart Chambers

14 14 Left Ventricle Pumps blood  aorta Aortic Valve: Prevents backflow into the L. ventricle Aorta: Large artery that distributes O ₂ -rich blood to all parts of the body Descending Aorta Heart Chambers

15 Heart Chambers (1m) 15

16 16 Valves open and close as the blood makes its way through the heart: Diastole (Dī-as-tol-ē): Tricuspid/Bicuspid valves OPEN Pulmonary/Aortic valves CLOSED Blood flows INTO ventricles Systole (Sys-tol-ē): Tricuspid/Bicuspid valves CLOSED Pulmonary/aortic valves are OPEN Blood flows OUT OF ventricles

17 15.2 Clinical Application Blood Vessel Disorders 17 Read Highlight Answer Questions

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