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Warm up Go over Unit 7 Vocabulary 2 times. Practice signing with partner beside you, remember to practice you need to turn your voice off. Practice morning.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Go over Unit 7 Vocabulary 2 times. Practice signing with partner beside you, remember to practice you need to turn your voice off. Practice morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Go over Unit 7 Vocabulary 2 times. Practice signing with partner beside you, remember to practice you need to turn your voice off. Practice morning routine that you wrote down. Study for Quiz today.

2 Review Vocabulary For Example Schedule To Vary Every Morning Every Afternoon Every Evening/night Every Week Every Year Each Weekend Every Monday,ext. To take a bath To eat breakfast To brush hair To comb hair To brush teeth To get dressed To get ready To prepare/plan To get up To put on makeup To over sleep To shave To shower To wake up Around/ Between Times Change (clothes) To do chores, duties To eat dinner Early To fall asleep To go to bed To eat lunch To rest, relax To set a clock/alarm Always For-For Never Sometimes To use Shampoo Hairspray Perfume Toothbrush To cut nails Nail Polish Deodorant Soap Sun Screen Toothpaste Mouth wash Floss

3 To clean

4 To do the dishes

5 To feed

6 To do laundry, wash clothes

7 To make the bed

8 To mow (a lawn)

9 To rake leaves

10 To set the table

11 To sweep

12 To take out the trash

13 To wash the car

14 To do yard work

15 Quiz Number paper 1-10. You will write down what I sign in complete sentences.

16 Ask a partner the following questions. When done, switch roles and repeat. Don’t forget, time/when signs come first and WH questions come last. 1.Do you make the bed every day? 2.When do you clean your house? 3.Do you do the dishes after eating? 4.When do you take out the garbage? 5.Do you wash the car monthly? 6.Do you set the table in the evening? 7.Do you do laundry every week? 8.Do you clean the house every weekend?

17 Sign Language Continuum, p. 276, 277 MCE PSEASL SpanishEnglish Contact Languages or Pidgins “Spanglish” (Coded English) Visual modality Verbal modality

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