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Library Media Specialist  Ms. Potter. When to Come to the LMC Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 until 4:00 and until 2:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Media Specialist  Ms. Potter. When to Come to the LMC Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 until 4:00 and until 2:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Media Specialist  Ms. Potter

2 When to Come to the LMC Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 until 4:00 and until 2:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (Exceptions apply) During school/class hours with a signed PERMIT TO LEAVE ROOM During class time when you are with your teacher NO Food, Drink No Phones, videos or music No unauthorized laptops

3 Why Come to the LMC: Specific class assignments Research: projects, jobs and college information Word process, PowerPoint, creation or other Microsoft productivity Book selection Study or homework Special scheduled activity

4 What You Will Find in the LMC Books for pleasure reading as well as information Magazines Computers Reference books Displays to help you Specials programs and activities A photocopy machine for school projects Friendly and helpful LMC staff

5 Computer Use Use computers for school- related work only. NO IM, CHAT, GAMES, DOWN LOADING PROGRAMS, MUSIC OR VIDEOS. NO PERSONAL EMAIL except for school-related work. Priority is for students with their teachers. Print thoughtfully. Check to see number of pages. Highlight and print/select only what you need

6 What are you reading? Adult fiction YA Fiction YA Nonfiction

7 Graphic novelsBiography Books in & Comics & Autobiography Spanish

8 Non-fiction: The Dewey Decimal System 000’s – General (includes encyclopedias, journalism, computers) 100’s – Psychology and philosophy (includes witchcraft, palm reading) 200’s – Religion (includes mythology) 300’s – Social Science: how our community works (laws, customs, civil rights, clothing, folk tales) 400’s – Languages (dictionaries and how-to-speak, and sign language too) 133.4 004 398.2 299 463

9 Non-fiction: The Dewey Decimal System 500’s – Basic Science (math, astronomy, chemistry, botany, zoology, science experiments. 600’s – Applied Science (technology, medicine, engineering, cooking, pet care, business) 700’s – The arts (How we spend our spare time) – Music, art, photography, games, sports) 800’s – Literature (poetry and plays) 900s – History and travel 636.7 520 796.323 811 973.7

10 Banned or Challenged Book Title: To Kill A Mockingbird Author: Harper Lee Library Call number: FIC LEE has been banned by some library systems and schools because of controversy in how it dealt with racial issues and disabilities. Non - Fiction Title: American Heritage Dictionary Author: Houghton Mifflin Company Library Call number: 423 AME has been banned both in 1965 and 1987 for defining a list of “87 objectionable words and slangs including bed, balls and knocker.

11 Teen Read Week: Read Beyond Reality Coming October 16-22, 2011 Read for the fun of it!


13 How to check a book out. Search for a book by author, title or subject in the catalog. Retrieve and preview the book and preview the contents. Go to the circulation desk to Ms. Potter or to one of the on duty librarian aides. Provide your student ID to be scanned. The book will be checked out to you for three weeks. Don’t forget to renew it if you need it longer!

14 Click on the Database symbol on the website to gain access to available databases at Wilbur Cross.


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