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Assessment & Data Management System Response to RFP# 739 Broward County’s Pilot Schools Journey Data on the Spot! Rendolyn Amaker, Principal North Fork.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment & Data Management System Response to RFP# 739 Broward County’s Pilot Schools Journey Data on the Spot! Rendolyn Amaker, Principal North Fork."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment & Data Management System Response to RFP# 739 Broward County’s Pilot Schools Journey Data on the Spot! Rendolyn Amaker, Principal North Fork Elementary School Shawn Allen, Principal Lloyd Estates Elementary School Cynthia Hanna Cadre 4 Director Angela Fulton, Intern Cadre 4 Director

2 Stage 1 How do YOU know? How do They know? How is your school progressing with the State Standards? How many students are scoring 70% or higher on formative and summative assessments ? Do your teachers have a full understanding of the standards? Which students needs remediation? Which students needs enrichment? What resources are you using to remediate or enrich instruction?

3 Director’s and Principals’ Motto:

4 Knowing and understanding and trusting your data is the key to success!! So the journey begins!

5 Plan of Action We selected a few schools to pilot SchoolCity’s Assessment tool. We checked the test design summaries and blueprints for FSA ( 12-student-assessment/fsa.stml( 12-student-assessment/fsa.stml) For our most fragile schools we designed a secondary pacing chart listing standards by percentage of assessment and category other school were able to design their own pacing chart.

6 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc.

7 We needed a real time means to track and determine where our schools were with student’s progress on the Florida State Standards! We needed principals and teachers to be able to effectively answer questions about data. We needed administration to be able to collect assessment data they controlled! SchoolCity was the answer!

8 The Plan Continued! We were able to use FSA designed questions in the SchoolCity Question Bank to assess how our students would test on key standards. We were also able to create and place our own questions into the SchoolCity assessment tool. We were able to track the data of our most fragile schools. In addition, other schools were able to track their selected data. We were able to create a summative assessment and compare schools’ data. We were able to ask our principals questions about data, that they finally had the answers to. Formative and Summative Assessments

9 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc. Lloyd Estates Elementary School

10 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc. Our Story:

11 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc. Our Story: Lloyd Estates Elementary School

12 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc. SchoolCity Reports

13 ©2013 SchoolCity, Inc. Test results Report displays student level overall performance data for the selected assessment. Test Results Test Results Report could be downloaded in the following fashion: PDF Excel CSV Report can be sorted in the following fashion: Last Name Raw Score % Correct Performance Level ELL Special Ed (SPED) Ethnicity * When students name is clicked – his/her test history will be revealed


15 Student Response Report The student Response Report displays student level data by item for the selected assessment. The answer the student selected Omitted responses Multiple Marks The % answered correct Green- correct Red- Incorrect


17 Feedback Cards Report The Feedback Cards are designed for distribution to students for the selected assessment. *Users have the option to hide the correct response and or standard from displaying

18 Feedback Cards

19 Standard Analysis Report The Standard Analysis Report displays student level data by individual standard for the selected assessment.

20 Item Analysis Report Th e Item Analysis Report displays summary data for each item on the selected assessment. It also provides resources to reteach the lesson. RESOURCES: By standard By subject Domain (Language, Reading, Speaking and Listening, and Writing) Grade Type ( printable, video, interactive, lesson plan, tutorial,, assessment, other type) Provider (SAS Curriculum Pathways, Learnzillion, Khan Academy, other provider Audience (Learner or Instructor)


22 Demographics Profile Report The Demographics Profile Report displays assessment data by demographic group of test takers for the selected assessment. Proficient/Not Proficient Performance Levels

23 Summary Report The Summary Report displays data for the selected assessment. By item By standard By class By teacher By grade level By school (depending on access level)

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