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Types of Regimes: Authoritarian vs. Democratic ________________________________________ III I I Russia *Nigeria UK US Nazis Stalinist Soviet Union China.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Regimes: Authoritarian vs. Democratic ________________________________________ III I I Russia *Nigeria UK US Nazis Stalinist Soviet Union China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Regimes: Authoritarian vs. Democratic ________________________________________ III I I Russia *Nigeria UK US Nazis Stalinist Soviet Union China Iran Mexico Consolidated Democracy Semi-Authoritarian Regime Hybrid Regime Illiberal Democracy Transitional Democracy Procedural Democracy Totalitarian Authoritarian -Substantive Democracy -Liberal Democracy *Nigeria: Failed State? Anarchy? Does not categorize as well

2 Legitimacy Britain – huge due to tradition and gradualism Russia – to a degree, 1993 Constitution, 2000 transition from Yeltsin to Putin, yet Putin staying in charge raises doubts China – stable, mandate from heaven, military forces legitimacy, but citizens see it as corrupt Mexico – legitimate through PRI in the early 20th century; legitimacy from the 1910, Revolution and revolutionary leaders (Zapato, Villa, Cardenas) Iran – legitimate through theocracy; 2009 election questioned legitimacy Nigeria – no, corruption, kleptocracy prebendalism

3 What two factors best predict if democracy will take hold? Vibrant Civil Society Free Market Capitalism

4 Democratization- Political Liberalization Britain – gradualism, 1688 Glorious Revolution Russia – Gorbachev Glasnost, Soviet Union collapses 1991, Yeltsin elected, China – Failed attempts Tiananmen Square Student Protest 1989, Fang Shou Mexico – 2000 Fox wins from PRI Iran – 1979 Shah to a procedural democracy, very limited democratization Nigeria – 1999 military rule to civilian rule- Obasanjo elected PDP, Muhammadu Buhari 2015, All People’s Congress


6 Economic Liberalization Britain – 1980s Thatcherism, Privatization Russia – Perestrokia- shock therapy China – Deng, 4 modernizations, SEZs Mexico – Structural readjustment 1980s IMF World Bank, privatize many parastatals like banking Iran – limited Nigeria – limited

7 Economic Nationalization Britain – after WWII, Beveridge Report, NHS Russia – 5 year plans, Bolshevik Revolution China – Mao 5 year plans Mexico – PEMEX, Cardenas ISI 30’s nationalizing, parastatals Iran – Oil nationalized, ISI, bonyads Nigeria – Parastatals, Oil, Prebendalism


9 Two Economic Models Socialism Government run Command economy 5 year plans (China, USSR, Iran) Nationalization – UK after WWII- NHS, BBC, Beveridge Report Para-statals – Mexico & PEMEX, Nigeria Bonyads (Iran) Import Substitution (ISI) Leads to Patron-Client Systems, Prebendalism TVEs (China- Township and Village Enterprises) High tariffs Subsidies People’s Communes in China, collectivization of Agriculture Iron Rice Bowl Old Age Pensions Lazaro Cardenas Mexico Rentier States Revenue Sharing More typical of Authoritarian Regimes Capitalism Individuals (business) own and runs the economy Free-markets, free trade Privatization – UK Margret Thatcher Economic Liberalization Structural Adjustment Programs – IMF & World Bank Russia – perestroika, shock therapy China – 4 modernizations, SEZs, Open Door trade policy, Deng Xiaoping Theory, Hong Kong, Agriculture - Household responsibility system Mexico – NAFTA- PAN & Fox, Maquiladoras Foreign direct investment Democratic regimes Necessary precondition for democracy, China? Pendulum Theory (Mexico)

10 Economy Britain – mixed to a small degree, mostly market; Thatcher privatization; Blair’s third way; oil plays a minor role Russia – command to market (shock therapy); weak since it depends on oil prices China – command to mixed Mexico – mixed; relies on U.S.; WTO, NAFTA; PEMEX Iran – mixed; small-level private enterprises, bonyads, oil (rentier state) Nigeria – mixed; parastatals, patron-client relations; huge oil business (rentier state)


12 Code vs. Common Law Common Law Based on precedent Judges modify the system over time with their decisions Originated in the UK UK, US, Nigeria in the South and at the federal level, Hong Kong Code Law (Civil Law) Sometimes known as Continental European law The central source of law that is recognized as authoritative is codifications in a constitution or statute passed by legislature, to amend a code. Only legislative enactments (rather than legal precedents, as in common law) are considered legally binding. China, Russia, Mexico, Iran ( sharia (Islamic law) and qanum (Majles non-scared statutes) Religious Law Sharia Law The moral code and religious law of Islam Based on Koran Secondary status for women Lots of capital Crimes Iran, North of Nigeria








20 Religion Britain – Anglican Church (official) Russia – legal; majority is Orthodox China – atheist; persecutes dangerous religious groups (Buddhists, Falon Gong) Mexico – majority is Roman Catholic Iran – mostly Shiite; special rules for minorities Nigeria – north Muslim, south Christian

21 Executive Britain – PM is head of gov, Queen is head of state Russia – PM is head of gov, president is head of state China – premier is head of gov, president is head of state Mexico – president is head of gov and state Iran – president is head of gov, Supreme Leader is head of state Nigeria – president is head of gov and state

22 Executive Election Method Britain – indirect through House of Commons, majority party Russia – PM appointed by President, president direct run-off China – premier and president appointed by Politburo Standing Committee Mexico – direct fptp, usually a minority winner, non- renewable sexenio Iran – president direct run-off, Supreme Leader is indirect, appointed by Assembly of Experts (elected) Nigeria – direct run-off, 25% minority rule in 2/3 of the states

23 Legislative Britain – House of Commons with all power, House of Lords with no power Russia – Duma dominates, Federation Council has little power China – unicameral; true authority with CCP; CCP standing committee Mexico – bicameral; Chamber of Deputies and Senate Iran – unicameral; Majles elected; Guardian Council; Assembly of Religious Experts; Expediency Council Nigeria – bicameral; House of Representatives and Senate

24 Legislative Elections Britain – FPTP; 5 year term, new, Fixed Parliament Term Act 2011 Russia – proportional in Duma, Federation Council appointed by governor (who was appointed by President) and the state legislatures China – no national elections; government approves local candidates Mexico –Combo of FPTP and proportional, parties must run women candidates Iran – FPTP, but Guardian Council vetoes a lot of candidates from the ballot Nigeria – FPTP; lots of voter fraud

25 Political Parties Britain – Labour (Ed Miliband); Conservative (David Cameron); Liberal Democrats (Nick Clegg) Russia – United Russia (Putin); Communist Party (Zyuganov); Liberal Democrats (Zhirinovsky, nationalism); Fair Russia (Mironov) China – CCP domination Mexico – PRI (Pena Nieto, centrist, corporatist structure, patron-clientelism); PAN (Calderon,rightist, strong in north); PRD (Obrador, leftist) Iran – parties form around personality; reflects factionalism Nigeria – parties form around personality and divided by ethnicity, not fully developed, PDP success

26 Recent Elections Britain – Conservatives and David Cameron, majority 2015 Russia – United Russia (Putin), 2012 China – CCP, Xi Jinping Mexico – PRI, Enrique Pena Nieto, 2012 Iran – Hassan Rouhani (more moderate), 2013 Nigeria – Buhari, APC, 2015

27 Ethnic Conflict Britain – Irish and Muslims Russia – Chechnya (Muslims) China – Buddhists in Tibet, Uyghurs (Muslims) Mexico – Mestizo v. Amerindian Iran – Sunni v. Shiite, Persian v. Azari Nigeria – Civil War or Biafran War, 1967 – 1970, was a war fought to counter the secession of Biafra (Igbo) from Nigeria. The three predominant groups were the Igbo, which formed between 60–70% of the population in the southeast; the Hausa- Fulani, which formed about 65% of the peoples in the northern part of the territory; and the Yoruba, which formed about 75% of the population in the southwestern part

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