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Day DateReadingTopic T10/15no class – October Vacation Th10/17More plant development T10/22Ch. 8Mechanisms of morphogenesis Th10/24More morphogenesis.

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2 Day DateReadingTopic T10/15no class – October Vacation Th10/17More plant development T10/22Ch. 8Mechanisms of morphogenesis Th10/24More morphogenesis T10/29Ch. 10Cell differentiation Th10/31 Happy Halloween!Stem cells T11/5quiz on Flowering video handout Ch. 11Organogenesis Th11/7More Organogenesis T11/12 Th11/14Ch. 12Development of the nervous system T11/19EXAM 2Chapters 2, 7, 8, 10 Drosophila, plants, cell biology, differentiation Th11/21Ch. 9 The saga of the germ cell T11/26More on reproductionYour term paper is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 11/26 Th11/28no class – Thanksgiving Break Also remember there are two, short writing assignments, each worth 20 points. Pick any topic in developmental biology (except your term paper topic) and learn more about it. Then write a two page paper and include all the sources you used (those can include any sources including web sites, newspapers, TV, etc). These are due anytime.

3 In-Class Assignment: Draw a human, neural crest cell with lamellopodia and show the direction of movement as it crawls over the extra cellular matrix (ECM). Include labels or a key for your drawing. Show the correct position of the transmembrane protein integrins (the cell adhesion molecule for this example) within membranes throughout your drawing. Show three parts of the lamellipodium: 1) Actin microfilaments polymerizing and growing new tips of the lamellipodium 2) microfilaments failing to make contact and depolymerizing 3) making contact between the integrins and the ECM and microfilaments contracting as actin and myosin slide past each other Show integrins grabbing hold of the ECM in the front, leading edge of the cell and letting go at the back of the cell. Show the exocytosis and endocystosis pathway moving integrins from the back of the cell to the front. Show microtubules with dynein and kinesin protein motors attached to them and also attached to vesicles with integrins. Include arrows to show the vesicles are transporting integrins from the back to front, leading edge of the cell.


5 Ch. 10: Cell Differentiation, Stem Cells

6 10.1 differentiation


8 10.23 neural crest derivatives

9 Fig. 10.19 Fate Specify Determined (committed) Differentiate = the cell becomes the final cell type differentiation is irreversible

10 Fig. 10.19 “master regulators” like MyoD are transcription factors that can cause cells to become determined when the gene is expressed.

11 Fig. 10.3 transcription model

12 Fig. 10.2


14 The story of creating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPSC) 2006 – present. (2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine)

15 Fig. 10.28

16 Four pivotal genes (each encodes a transcription factor) : Oct3/4 Sox2 Klf4 c-Myc The story of creating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPSC) 2006 – present. (2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine) BOX 10C




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