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Utah and the Great Depression WebQuest developed by Jenifer Andrus.

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Presentation on theme: "Utah and the Great Depression WebQuest developed by Jenifer Andrus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utah and the Great Depression WebQuest developed by Jenifer Andrus

2 Introduction Essential Question: What economic struggles did Utahns encounter during the Great Depression and what can we learn from those people so that we can cope better with a financial crisis? What economic struggles did Utahns encounter during the Great Depression and what can we learn from those people so that we can cope better with a financial crisis?

3 The Task TASK: Your team has been assigned a digital newspaper to search through and discover what life was like in your county in Utah during the Great Depression. Each person on your team needs to find and print three articles that show what life was like during this era and that pertain to the particular research area for which the team member is responsible. (i.e. teens, women, business and economy, and government.) Once the articles are found, you will share them with your other team members and work together to answer the essential questions presented in the unit.

4 The Process (Finding the info!) 1. Open the Utah digital newspaper site by typing in 2. Select the digital newspaper that you have been assigned. (i.e. Parowan Times) 3. Select a year that is between 1929 and 1934. 4. Research articles using keywords that match what you are looking for. (i.e. “high school dance” “business closures”) 5. Read through articles that you find to check if they truly give you information that matches your assigned research role. 6. If it is a good article, print it! 7. Write down the name of the newspaper and the date on the printed page. 8. Repeat steps three through seven until you have three good articles.

5 Process Cont. (Team Discussion) 1. Meet with your team and take turns presenting your articles. (Don’t read the articles; summarize and highlight. 2. As a team, complete the team handout. This step will help you to outline ideas for your team PowerPoint.

6 Process Cont. (Build and present your team PowerPoint) 1. Each team member should develop at least two PowerPoint pages that highlight information found on their assigned subject. (teens, women, business and economics and government.) 2. Attach appropriate pictures to your pages. Find your pictures by searching the Library of Congress Digital Photo Collection. Make sure you cite the source of your pictures. 3. Team members should save their page to a jump drive so that the pages can be copied and then combined into one PowerPoint 4. Present your PowerPoint to the class, with each team member orally presenting his/her own pages.

7 Evaluation (How you will be graded) The rubric that will be used to grade your performance on this WebQuest can be found at: _id=18810 _id=18810

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