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Nationalism, The Great Depression and the Rise of Facism.

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1 Nationalism, The Great Depression and the Rise of Facism

2  China had sided with the Allies in WWI.  Not a real factor in the war.  Government Issues  Sun Yixian president  Lot of instability  Hoped to get territory controlled by Germany returned to them  Treaty of Versailles gave that territory to Japan.  Chinese understandably upset  Increased distrust of the West

3  May 4 th Movement (1919)  Over 3000 students gathered in Tiananmen Square  Protested the Treaty of Versailles provisions  While it was not technically a revolution…  It weakened Sun Yixian’s government  Many began turning to communism and communist leaders as a means to create a free China

4  Two rival groups develop in China  Kuomintang (KMT)  Political party organized and led by Sun Yixian  Started as a democratic group – tried to secure aid from Western democracies by promising democratic reforms  Ignored by the West; so they turned to Soviet Union for aid  Soviets, seeing an opportunity in China, stepped in to assist, even though Kuomintang wasn’t a communist group  Communist Party of China(CPC)  Chinese had seen what took place in Russia – wanted to copy  Developed under the leadership of Mao Zedong  Also received assistance from Soviet Union; preferred group  Two groups cooperated for a time to get rid of western (European and American) influence in China and end period of warlord rule that was creating lots of violence.

5  Sun Yixian dies in 1925;  Succeeded by Jiang Jieshi (aka – Chiang Kai- Shek)  After Sun’s death, the alliance between the CPC and KMT fell apart  Jiang attacked the communists who were led by Mao Zedong  Civil war raged for 10 years Sun Yixian Jiang Jieshi Mao Zedong

6  Early part of the war goes well for the KMT (nationalists) under Jieshi  Mao and communists forced to run for it.  Long March  100,000 begin  6000 mile winding retreat  less than 10,000 survive and settle in the caves in Northeastern China  Civil war is stops due to trouble with Japan

7  Japan attacks China just prior to WWII.  Attempt by Japan to secure resources on mainland China  CPC and KMT put aside their differences to fight the Japanese  After WWII is over, they resume fighting.  Communists eventually win.

8  India supported England in WWI  Hoped it would bring independence from British rule.  England had no such plans.  Massive population divided by religion  ¼ of the people were Muslim  ¾ were Hindu  Two religions are not very compatible

9  Political parties develop based on religions  Muslim League  Indian National Congress (Hindu)  Indians protest English rule  England responds with restrictive laws and repression  Rowlatt Acts  Sparks huge protest in city of Amritsar – over 10,000 people  English fire into the crowds  Kill 400; wound 1200  All India now enraged

10  Mohandas Ghandi comes on the scene  Leader of the resistance  Promoted non-violence  Satyagraha (Soul Force)  Encouraged Indians to resist using boycotts, strikes and demonstrations  Put enormous pressure on the English.  The Salt March

11  British allow limited self-rule in India in 1935  Now the divisions between the Muslims and the Hindu begin to cause problems  Hindus were the majority and would take control of the government


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