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The Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection.

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Presentation on theme: "The Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Parts of Speech

3 Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection

4 Noun Is a word which names a person place or thing (this includes ideas) Two types of nouns: –Common nouns –Proper nouns

5 Pronoun Is a word which takes the place on a NOUN A pronoun must have a specific, stated antecedent A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number, and gender.

6 Verb A verb is a word which shows action Or, existence, the state of being A verb MUST agree with its subject in person and number

7 To BE The Infinitive/Parent Form Be Is Am Are Was Were Being Been

8 Adjective Is a word that describes a noun or pronoun Compare Tell how many What kind Describe attributes (color, height, size, etc.) Proper adjectives- a noun form that functions like an adjective



11 Articles They are pronouns The A An (used with words that start with a vowel sound)

12 Adverb A word which describes, or modifies: – a verb, –an adjective, –or another adverb







19 Conjunctions are words which connect words, phrases, and clauses Coordinating Conjunctions Correlative Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions

20 Coordinating Conjunctions Must connect equals (equal phrases, clauses, sentences, and parts of speech) Common coordinating conjunctions: –B–But, and, for, yet, nor, or, so

21 Correlative Conjunctions Conjunctions that are use in pairs –Either/or –Neither/nor –Not only/but also –Both/and –Whether/or –As/so

22 Subordinating Conjunctions Connect phrases and clauses that are NOT equal. Common subordinate conjunctions: –After-Because –Whenever-Before –Even though-When –Until-Although –Though-As if

23 Preposition Is a word which shows location in time and place Shows the relation between it’s object (noun/pronoun) and another word in the sentence A prepositional phrase acts like an adjective or adverb

24 Interjection Are words which demonstrate strong emotions or feelings Usually offset by a comma or exclamation point.


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