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Matching Adjectives with Nouns

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1 Matching Adjectives with Nouns
Latin I

2 1st Declension Feminine
CASE SING PLUR NOM a ae GEN arum DAT is ACC am as ABL Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

3 2nd Declension Masculine
CASE SING PLUR NOM us/er i GEN orum DAT o is ACC um os ABL Tune: Jingle Bells

4 3rd Declension Masculine/Feminine
CASE SING PLUR NOM ---- es GEN is um DAT i ibus ACC em ABL e Tune: Jeopardy

5 NEUTER 2nd Declension Neuter 3rd Declension Neuter
CASE SING PLUR NOM um a GEN i orum DAT o is ACC ABL CASE SING PLUR NOM --- a GEN is um DAT i ibus ACC ABL e Tune: Wish Upon A Star Tune: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

6 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns 3rd Declension Neuter Nouns
Auxilium Bacculum Cisium Cubiculum Periculum Vehiculum Vestgium Triclinium Tablinium Praesidium Donum Olivetum Iter, Itineris Murmur, Murmuris Nomen, Nominis Onus, Oneris Tempus

7 Practice! Identify the GENDER, DECLENSION, NUMBER, AND CASE of each of the following nouns.

8 Mater Feminine 3rd Declension Nominative Singular GENDER DECLENSION
CASE Nominative NUMBER Singular

9 Nuntiis Masculine 2nd Decl Masc Dative [or Ablative] Plural GENDER
DECLENSION 2nd Decl Masc CASE Dative [or Ablative] NUMBER Plural

10 Rivos Masculine 2nd Decl Masc Accusative Plural GENDER DECLENSION CASE

11 Lanarum Feminine 1st Decl Fem Genitive Plural GENDER DECLENSION CASE

12 Tempore Neuter 3rd Decl Neuter Ablative Singular GENDER DECLENSION
CASE Ablative NUMBER Singular

13 Vestigia Neuter 2nd Decl Neuter Nominative [or Accusative] Plural
GENDER Neuter DECLENSION 2nd Decl Neuter CASE Nominative [or Accusative] NUMBER Plural

14 Matching Nouns with Adjectives!
All adjectives must agree in gender number and case with the word it modifies. Use declension charts for adjectives to find the appropriate endings. Matching Nouns with Adjectives! 1st and 2nd declension adjectives agree AND match endings with 1st and 2nd declension nouns. 1st and 2nd declension adjectives agree but DO NOT MATCH endings with 3rd declension nouns.

15 For Example… Describe ramos with the adj. magnus,-a,-um.
Step 1: Identify the gender, declension, case, and number of the noun. Gender: Masculine Decl: 2nd Masc Case: Accusative Number: Plural Step 2: Use the declension chart to find the ending for the adjective which corresponds with the noun. Magnos Gender: Masc > use 2nd decl chart Case: Accusative Number: Plural Identify the ending on the declension chart and use the ending for the adjective. Since Magnus is a 1st and 2nd declension adjective and Ramos is a 2nd declension noun, the endings will agree and match. Here, the adj comes before the noun b/c it indicates size. Answer: magnos ramos

16 For Example… Describe vehicula with the adj. Magnus,-a,-um.
Step 1: Identify the gender, declension, case, and number of the noun. Gender: Neuter Decl: 2nd Neut Case: Nominative Number: Plural Step 2: Use the declension chart to find the ending for the adjective which corresponds with the noun. Magna Gender: Neuter > use 2nd N chart Case: Nominative Number: Plural Identify the ending on the declension chart and use the ending for the adjective. Since Magnus is a 1st and 2nd declension adjective and Vehicula is a 2nd declension noun, the endings will agree and match. Here, the adj comes before the noun b/c it indicates size. Answer: magna vehicula

17 For Example… Describe vocum with the adjective bonus,-a,-um.
Step 1: Identify the gender, declension, case, and number of the noun. Gender: Feminine Decl: 3rd M/F Case: Genitive Number: Plural DOES NOT MATCH BUT AGREES Step 2: Use the declension chart to find the ending for the adjective which corresponds with the noun. Bonarum Gender: Feminine > use 1st decl chart Case: Genitive Number: Plural Identify the ending on the declension chart and use the ending for the adjective. Since Bonus is a 1st and 2nd declension adjective and Vocum is a 3rd declension noun, the endings will not match, but they will agree. Answer: vocum bonarum

18 Match the adjectives with the nouns.
Practice! Match the adjectives with the nouns.

19 I II III IV Caudam laetorum Luporum laeti Nominibus (Dative) laetam
Plaustri laetis

20 I II III IV Senatorum laetum Fratrem laeti Arboribus laetorum Baculi

21 Finis

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