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Pathologizing the Poor? Unpacking the Movement for Global Mental Health Elia Abi-Jaoude February 6, 2016 International Development Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathologizing the Poor? Unpacking the Movement for Global Mental Health Elia Abi-Jaoude February 6, 2016 International Development Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathologizing the Poor? Unpacking the Movement for Global Mental Health Elia Abi-Jaoude February 6, 2016 International Development Conference

2 FDA… Data from Turner et al, 2008

3 …published literature Data from Turner et al, 2008

4 Greeenberg, 2011


6 Crazy Like Us GSK paroxetine launch in Japan, 2000 Dr. Laurence Kirmayer recruited for, “how cultural beliefs about illness can be changed… influence the Japanese understanding of sadness and depression at the deepest level” “What I was witnessing was a multinational pharmaceutical corporation working hard to redefine narratives about mental health” utsubyo to kokoro no kaze Watters, 2010

7 Globalization… “New drugs must be sold worldwide, since no company can fully exploit a patented product, recouping its research and development costs solely in its own home market” Judy Slinn, 1995

8 …Globalization “I would just be talking rubbish if I were to say that the multinational companies were operating in the less developed countries primarily for the welfare of those countries... They are not bishops, they are businessmen.” British pharmaceutical industry spokesperson Lexchin, 2012

9 Poverty & Mental Health Mood and anxiety disorders – 20% to 30% Depression –4 th leading disease burden in 1990 –Predicted to move to 2 nd place 2020 Interventions –Social –Psychological –Pharmacological Patel & Kleinman, 2003; Prince et al, 2007

10 Poverty “When I don’t have [any food to bring my family] I borrow, mainly from neighbours and friends. I feel ashamed standing before my children when I have nothing to help feed my family. I’m not well when I’m unemployed. It’s terrible.” A man in Guinea-Bissau

11 Pharmaceuticalisation “You might be out of work and hungry but you could still claim your free anti-anxiety pill at the local health post.” Adriana Petryna, 2009


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