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Amy Hill, ESU 1 January 3, 2011 2 AdvancED Standard 3: Teaching and Learning 3.3 b: To what extent are achievement data and teacher input.

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Presentation on theme: "Amy Hill, ESU 1 January 3, 2011 2 AdvancED Standard 3: Teaching and Learning 3.3 b: To what extent are achievement data and teacher input."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amy Hill, ESU 1 January 3, 2011

2 2 AdvancED Standard 3: Teaching and Learning 3.3 b: To what extent are achievement data and teacher input used when developing or modifying curriculum or instructional programs, practices, or processes? 3.4 c: What process do teachers use to prioritize expectations?

3 3 AdvancED Standard 4: Documenting and Using Results 4.4 a: To what degree does the school maintain and implement a process for analyzing data and turning it into useful information? 4.4 b: Do staff members have the skills to analyze and use data?

4 4 Standard 4: Documenting and Using Results 4.4 c: To what extent do school staff members possess the collaborative skills necessary to undertake difficult self-examination and make meaningful information out of data? 4.5 b: How are successes celebrated and feedback provided to students? 4.7 a: Across all subject areas do student achievement results regularly show improvement?

5 Team Attitude: o We want ALL students to be successful. o We are in this together. Confidentiality: o We are working with student data. 5

6 6 Table of Specifications


8 1.Highlight Indicators withHighest performance that have4 or more questions tested. 2.Highlight Indicators with Lowest performance that have 4 or more questions tested. 8

9 5858 5656 62623 9 GradeHighest Indicator 3 LA 3.1.5.d Identify semantic relationships (e.g., patterns and categories, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, multiple meanings) LA 3.1.6.b Identify elements of narrative text (e.g., characters, setting, plot, point of view) 4 5 6 7 8 11

10 5858 5656 62623 10 GradeHighest Indicator 3 Semantic relationships Elements of narrative textContext clues and text features to infer word meaning 4 Word structure elements, known words, and word patterns to determine meaning 5 Context clues and text features to determine meaning of words Main idea from informational text 6 Context clues and text features to determine meaning of words 7 Literal, inferential, critical, and interpretive questions, analyzing prior knowledge, information 8 Elements of narrative textContext clue strategy to determine meaning Semantic relationships Organizational patterns in informational text Literal, inferential, critical, and interpretive questions, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating prior knowledge, information from the text

11 1.Are any Indicators in more than one grade level? 2.Does a pattern emerge? 3.What additional data is needed? 11

12 5858 5656 62623 12 GradeHighest Indicator 3 Semantic relationships Elements of narrative textContext clues and text features to infer word meaning 4 Word structure elements, known words, and word patterns to determine meaning 5 Context clues and text features to determine meaning of words Main idea from informational text 6 Context clues and text features to determine meaning of words 7 Literal, inferential, critical, and interpretive questions, analyzing prior knowledge, information 8 Elements of narrative textContext clue strategy to determine meaning Semantic relationships Organizational patterns in informational text Literal, inferential, critical, and interpretive questions, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating prior knowledge, information from the text

13 5858 5656 62623 13 GradeLowest Indicator 3 Retell and summarize informational text Retell and summarize narrative text 4 Text features to locate information 5 Elements of narrative text Semantic relationships 6 Informational text using main idea and supporting details Determine the meaning of words through structural analysis, roots, prefixes, and suffixes, including words in science, mathematics, and social studies 7 Organizational patterns found in informational text Semantic relationships 8 Determine meaning of wordsOrganizational patterns found in informational text 11 Author's purpose, perspective, and information from additional sources

14 1.Are any Indicators in more than one grade level? 2.Does a pattern emerge? 3.What additional data is needed? 14

15 5858 5656 62623 15 GradeLowest Indicator 3 Retell and summarize informational text Retell and summarize narrative text 4 Text features to locate information 5 Elements of narrative text Semantic relationships 6 Informational text using main idea and supporting details Determine the meaning of words through structural analysis, roots, prefixes, and suffixes, including words in science, mathematics, and social studies 7 Organizational patterns found in informational text Semantic relationships 8 Determine meaning of wordsOrganizational patterns found in informational text 11 Author's purpose, perspective, and information from additional sources

16  Curriculum Alignment  Table of Specifications  Test-Taking Strategies  Practice Tests  Frequent Reviews of Data: ◦ AIMSWeb ◦ MAP ◦ NeSA-R ◦ Classroom

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