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Agreement Notes
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
Definition: A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. The word that is being replaced by a pronoun is called the antecedent. Examples: Freddy is a wrestler. He weighs 270 pounds. He (pronoun) takes the place of Freddy (antecedent) Rita always writes her letters in purple ink. Her (pronoun) takes the place of Rita (antecedent)
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
Rule: A pronoun must agree in number with its antecedent. In other words, either both the pronoun and its antecedent need to be singular, or both need to be plural. Examples: Incorrect: Each of the students remembered to bring their book to class. Correct: Each of the students remembered to bring his or her book to class.
Subject/Verb Agreement
Rule: The subject and verb must agree in number. In other words, either both the subject and verb need to be singular or both need to be plural. **Hint: In most cases, the singular form of a verb ends in the letter “s,” while the plural form does not end in “s” He takes (singular) They take (plural) Examples: Incorrect: Neither of the women play the violin. Correct: Neither of the women plays the violin.
The following indefinite pronouns are SINGULAR
Each Every Either** Neither** Anyone Everyone Someone No one Anybody Everybody Somebody Nobody Anything Everything Something Nothing **Exceptions: none & subjects joined by or or nor the verb should agree in number with the noun closest to the verb Example: Neither of the boys is excited for the family reunion. Example: Neither Jane nor her brothers are excited for the family reunion. Example: None of the men have brought their wives. Example: None of the cake was left after the party.
Practice Sentences
Correct Answer: B Explanation: The subject history needs a plural verb: reveals is correct. Answer B also addresses a verb tense issue by changing was begun to began.
Correct Answer: B Explanation: they predate should be changed to it predates to agree with the singular antecedent rodeo.
A number of trainees whoA take this course every year findB that theirC knowledge of mathematics isD inadequate. No errorE.
Explanation: No error. (With a number we need a plural verb.)
A number of trainees whoA take this course every year findB that theirC knowledge of mathematics isD inadequate. No errorE. Correct Answer: E Explanation: No error. (With a number we need a plural verb.)
According toA Hume, it is not logic and reasoning thatB determineC our actions, butD emotion. No errorE.
Explanation: All parts are correct.
According toA Hume, it is not logic and reasoning thatB determineC our actions, butD emotion. No errorE. Correct Answer: E Explanation: All parts are correct.
Pollution and degradation of the environment is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the report by the commission, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the report of the commission, matters of universal concern. are, according to the commission's report, universally a matter of concern. are, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern.
Pollution and degradation of the environment is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the report by the commission, a matter of universal concern. is, according to the report of the commission, matters of universal concern. are, according to the commission's report, universally a matter of concern. are, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern. Correct Answer: E Explanation: Pollution and degradation form a compound subject which needs a plural verb: are is correct.
Professor Chandra'sA pioneering work onB rainwater harvesting and recharging of groundwater in drought prone areas have beenC drawing media attentionD. No errorE.
Professor Chandra'sA pioneering work onB rainwater harvesting and recharging of groundwater in drought prone areas have beenC drawing media attentionD. No errorE. Correct Answer: C Explanation: The subject of the sentence is work. Therefore the verb should be “has been drawing”.
Neither of the artists we have commissionedA to execute the mural areB able to startC work beforeD September. No errorE.
Explanation: Neither requires a singular verb. Change are to is.
Neither of the artists we have commissionedA to execute the mural areB able to startC work beforeD September. No errorE. Correct Answer: B Explanation: Neither requires a singular verb. Change are to is.
In suchA areas as sports, ranking of individual performance isB relatively well accepted sinceC the parameters on which the rating areD based are generally objective. No errorE.
Explanation: Change are to is to agree with the subject rating.
In suchA areas as sports, ranking of individual performance isB relatively well accepted sinceC the parameters on which the rating areD based are generally objective. No errorE. Correct Answer: D Explanation: Change are to is to agree with the subject rating.
Everyone whoA visits Singapore is impressedB by its cleanliness, whichC is mainly a result of rigorous implementation of theirD strict laws. No errorE.
Everyone whoA visits Singapore is impressedB by its cleanliness, whichC is mainly a result of rigorous implementation of theirD strict laws. No errorE. Correct Answer: D Explanation: You cannot use they or their when talking of a country or city.
In the fine print at the end of the document lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that result from civil unrest. lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses which lies the clause that make us liable for any expenses that lie the clauses that makes us liable for any expenses which lie the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that
In the fine print at the end of the document lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that result from civil unrest. lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses which lies the clause that make us liable for any expenses that lie the clauses that makes us liable for any expenses which lie the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that Correct Answer: E Explanation: The subject the clauses requires a plural verb; change lies to lie. Similarly, make is required to agree with clauses.
Neither Bradley, nor moreA recent critics who have writtenB on Shakespeare's tragedies, hasC been able to give a convincing explanation for the timing ofD events in Othello. No errorE.
Neither Bradley, nor moreA recent critics who have writtenB on Shakespeare's tragedies, hasC been able to give a convincing explanation for the timing ofD events in Othello. No errorE. Correct Answer: C Explanation: With the “neither... nor” construction, the verb agrees with the noun after the “nor”. Therefore we should change has to have.
My grandmother's legacy isA substantial, especiallyB if the value of the rare stamps areC taken intoD consideration. No errorE.
My grandmother's legacy isA substantial, especiallyB if the value of the rare stamps areC taken intoD consideration. No errorE. Correct Answer: C Explanation: The verb are should be changed to is to agree with the subject, value.
Correct Answer: B Explanation: The pronoun his or her should be changed to their to agree with the antecedent, workers.
Either of the solutions you haveA proposed areB acceptable to the union, whoseC members are willingD to compromise. No errorE.
Either requires a singular verb: change are to is.
Either of the solutions you haveA proposed areB acceptable to the union, whoseC members are willingD to compromise. No errorE. Correct Answer: B Explanation: Either requires a singular verb: change are to is.
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