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Technology Tools to Support Teaching and Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 6 IETT.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Tools to Support Teaching and Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 6 IETT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Tools to Support Teaching and Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 6 IETT

2 “...The evidence is accumulating that computers are having a decided impact on the way our schools and society organize, communicate, and make decisions.” From Nathan, Joe (1985). Micro-myths- exploring the limits of learning with computers. Minneapolis: Winston Press.

3 Technology Support Tools Improved productivity Aids teacher in performing many tasks Improved appearance Improved accuracy May provide more support for interaction

4 Types of Technology Support Tools Materials generators Data collection and analysis tools Graphics tools Planning and organizing tools Research and reference tools Tools to support specific content areas

5 Using Materials Generators Desktop Publishing Software –focuses on communications through a combination of written words and page appearance –Includes many design principles Examples of DTP software include: –Publish It!, PageMaker, Quark Xpress

6 Classroom Applications of DTP Newsletters and magazines –culmination of a large project Brochures –travel for places of study Books and booklets –Kids love to be published! Flyers and posters –“Hide” grammar and spelling in these activities!

7 More Material Generators Test generators and test question banks Worksheet generators Puzzle generators Bar-code generators IEP ( Individual Educational Plan ) generators Certificate Makers Form Makers Groupware Products

8 Material Generators to Help the Teacher Test Makers –Professional looking tests with answer keys –Variety of test formats in familiar WP style –May randomize questions or multiple choice responses Examples include: Test Designer Plus, Teacher Took Kit, Teacher’s Helper Plus

9 Utility Programs to Help the Teacher Drill Sheet Generators and Organizers –Easily and quickly make flash cards, worksheets, timelines, labels or flow charts –Help students review or practice –Display information in a variety of formats Examples include: Make-A-Flash, Timeliner, MacFlow

10 Utility Programs to Help the Teacher Puzzle Makers –Easily and quickly produce puzzles –Word scrambles, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, gameboards –Help students review information in a fun way –Can be applied to all levels and subjects Examples include: Crossword Magic, Word Bingo, Crossword Wizard

11 Utility Programs for Teachers Productivity Software –Awards, posters, banners, cards, certificates –Can be used by teachers and students –Easy to produce professional looking products –Includes: The Print Shop, BannerMania, Award Maker Plus

12 Using Data Collection and Analysis Tools Gradebooks Statistical Packages Data Management (CMI) and Testing Tools

13 Utility Programs to Help the Teacher Grade Book programs –Record and average students’ grades –Easy to use –Easy to change –Can manipulate data (sort or scale) –Calculate statistics (current and accurate grades) Examples include: Gradebook, Gradebuster, Making the Grade, Gradebook Plus

14 Utility Programs to Help the Teacher Statistical Programs –Help teachers complete calculations and analyze statistics –May calculate simple averages or more complex analysis of variance –Many gradebook programs include statistical abilities Examples include: SPSS, SAS, StatView, Fastat

15 Data Management and Testing Tools Computer Managed Instruction (CMI) - a recordkeeping routine within an instructional system –Integrated Learning Systems (ILS) New term is Data Management Software

16 Types and Functions of Data Management Tools Components of computer-based learning systems (ILSs) –Can handle large amounts of data on student performance Computerized testing systems (aka CAT) –Generate test forms and process performance data (ex. GRE, SAT, etc.) Test scoring and data analysis systems –either keyboard entry or bubble sheets)

17 Using Graphics Tools Print graphics packages –Print Shop Deluxe Draw/Paint Programs –KidPix, Aldus Freehand, CorelDraw Presentation software/multimedia authoring tools –Began as electronic slide shows - but now include multimedia and hypermedia –Examples: HyperStudio, PowerPoint, KidPix

18 Graphics Programs for Teachers Graphics include two-dimensional representation of images (charts and graphs, pictures and illustrations) Graphics are a powerful mode of presentation

19 Graphics Programs Computer Aided Design (CAD) –Designing objects like cars or buildings –Saves time, money and potential errors –Includes ClarisCAD, Kid CAD, Sim City 2000

20 Graphics Programs Presentation Graphics –Produce charts and graphs based on data –Common forms include line graphs, pie charts, bar graphs, pictographs –Show pictorial form for data –Includes: Graph Power, Excel, PowerPoint

21 Graphics Programs Paint Programs –Let users draw and paint computerized pictures –Let a user erase, change colors, size, fonts easily –Some programs allow user to draw with a light pen on a graphics tablet –Includ: KidPix, SuperPaint, EA Art Center

22 Using Planning and Organizing Tools Outlining Tools and other Writing Aids –timelines, story starters Brainstorming Tools –Inspiration and other webbing software Lesson Planning Tools Schedule/Calendar Makers

23 Using Research and Reference Tools Encyclopedias Atlases Dictionaries

24 Using Tools to Support Specific Content Areas CAD and 3D Modeling/Animation Systems Music Editors and Synthesizers Reading Tools MBLs or Probeware –sw with special hardware probes to measure light, temperature, speed, voltage, etc.

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