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Welcome to the 7 th grade Academic SS Class! Objectives: on board everyday for class review Clinic-please make arrangements for clinic a day in advance:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 7 th grade Academic SS Class! Objectives: on board everyday for class review Clinic-please make arrangements for clinic a day in advance:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 7 th grade Academic SS Class! Objectives: on board everyday for class review Clinic-please make arrangements for clinic a day in advance: clinic times-Thurs. after school until 3:30, Friday during R/A period in library. Home Work will be listed on web site and reviewed for the week on Mondays, to be copied into the student planner. If absent check web site and class box for hand outs missed.

2 One of the most important parts about work completed at home is visual appearance. If I can not read it, it is a zero! HW is due on the due date; no late assignments will be accepted. Long term assignments like papers or projects will be accepted late but will have 5pts deducted for each day late and no extra credit can be earned. A stamp sheet will be used to maintain HW grade-if student looses this, their grade is a 0. First mp # of HW X 1= points. EX 5 X 1 = 5. Second MP X2 and so on. Ex 5 X 2 = 10stamp sheet

3 Located on the Academic web page are power points for class preview and review Printable notes for preview/review To get to the web page: access team Synergy page on Newtown’s web site.

4 Text book Text book: Human Heritage, A World History: online access: access code to use online resource is: FD13384d30 to open text book once you access by code: Go to Adobe Reader and under edit click “preferences” and Then under internet make sure that the “display PDF in browser” box is clicked. Do this every time the online text is being used.

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