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Introduction to Momentum Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

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1 Introduction to Momentum Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2 Tuesday, 12/1 Unit 5: Impulse and Momentum  Make note of dates below!!  Pick up weekly warm up sheet  Pick up handout to accompany the warm up ( do not write on it)  For each image describe what is happening and explain how the images are similar and different (3 minutes)  Upcoming dates  Thursday, 12/3 – exemption window opens at 8:30 AM.  Monday, 12/7 – simulation project due at intermission.  Monday, 12/7 – Quiz  Monday, 12/7 – Review due when the late bell rings for extra credit.  Monday, 12/7 – Last day to re-test on Forces  Wednesday, 12/9 – unit test  Wednesday, 12/9 – Exemption window closes at 11:59 PM  Tuesday, 12/15- Semester exam review is due at intermission (it is 30% of your exam grade)  Friday, 12/18 – semester exam (10:00 to 11:20)

3 Warm-up Review Image # 1 Image source: content/uploads/2014/02/Injury-Auto-Accident1.jpg Image # 2 Image source: Collision.jpg Image # 3 Image source: collision.html Image # 4 Image source: 37bbfPyyP7I/Trl3DPHFe8I/AAAAAAAA DpE/Qr-r_C-epQU/s400/asteroid3.jpg

4 Impulse and Momentum  You will be using the Chrome books to watch a video about impulse and momentum.  The video link can be found on my webpage under today’s lesson plan.  When you are finished, show me your completed video guide sheet and I will enter your grade in the grade book. Do not turn it in to the black bin.  After I have entered your grade in the grade book, I will give you the practice problems.

5 Practice Problems – Due at the end of the period

6 Cool Down  On the back of your warm-up write a two sentences summary about impulse and momentum.

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