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By: Haylee Childers, Bryar Morse, Alex Muniz, Dakota Reece A Reforming Society.

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1 By: Haylee Childers, Bryar Morse, Alex Muniz, Dakota Reece A Reforming Society

2 Education Most children had been taught by their parents. The American Spelling Book was the most popular school book. Public school movement wanted a system of tax-supported public schools Women played key roles by becoming teachers Emma Willard established schools for women in CT, OH, and NY. Horace Mann was one of the greatest school reformers. Championed the creation of a state board of education.

3 Dorothea Dix Spent two years visiting every prison. Discovered people suffering from mental issues were housed with hardened criminals. Began teaching Sunday school in MA prison. Encouraged other communities to build humane hospitals.

4 Prison Reform Sometimes called the penitentiary movement. Aims to change prison system. Change living conditions. Cleaner cells Baths Better food

5 The Temperance Movement An effort to end alcohol abuse. Made posters warning that they were wasting money on liquor. Neal Dow created “Maine Law” which restricted the sale of alcohol. Men spend money on beer then food for their families. Took place in late 19 th - early 20 th century.

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