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Feminist Politics Celebrity Edition *A sample remix project for ENGL 102 Students embedded in a rhetorical analysis unit.

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2 Feminist Politics Celebrity Edition *A sample remix project for ENGL 102 Students embedded in a rhetorical analysis unit.

3 The Assignment: Rhetorical Remix Description: Critique remixing rhetorical devicesCritique a current cultural issue, event, or trend by remixing popular sources to create a thoughtful arrangement that provides a coherent commentary on the issue with attention to rhetorical devicesEvaluation: Cogency of Critique Selection of Sources Appropriation of Sources

4 The Rhetorical Remix Blog

5 Rationale and Reflection Rebooting Rhetorical Analysis “Our focus on autonomous, creative expression falsifies the actual process by which meaning is generated and new works produced” (Jenkins 32). “…unquestioned representations of ‘what is’” (Drucker 125). Critique and Appropriation As multi-directional Unique fitness for the composition classroom

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