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Pervious Concrete Desgin Instructor: Cris Koutsougeras Advisor: Mohamed Zeidan By: Alex Rodney December 5, 2014 ET 493.

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Presentation on theme: "Pervious Concrete Desgin Instructor: Cris Koutsougeras Advisor: Mohamed Zeidan By: Alex Rodney December 5, 2014 ET 493."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pervious Concrete Desgin Instructor: Cris Koutsougeras Advisor: Mohamed Zeidan By: Alex Rodney December 5, 2014 ET 493

2 What is Pervious Concrete?  Pervious concrete is a special type of porous concrete that allows water from precipitation and other water sources to flow directly through the material. This reduces runoff and allows for the possibility for groundwater recharge.

3 Focal Point The focus of this project is to find ways to improve the compressive strength of pervious concrete and lower the cost using recycled concrete.

4 Mixture  Pervious Concrete mixtures consist of pea gravel aggregate, sand, water, and air. Additives will be mixed into the mixtures to create a porous more cost efficient concrete.  The admixtures that I will be using will be VMAR VSC-500 along with Darex AEA.

5 Mix Design  The mix design that I will be starting out with will be from Ascension Ready Mix Concrete Company.

6 Mix Additives  VMAR VSC-500 is a concrete mixture additive that enables the production of superior quality pervious concrete. I will be adding this with recycled concrete and testing the results of its compressive strength and permeability.

7 Mix Additives  Darex AEA is the next additive I will be adding to the recycled concrete to see what the permeability and compressive strength is.

8 Supplies  All of the supplies I will be using will becoming from SELU or from Ascension Ready Mix.  Darex AEA  VMAR VSC-500  Sand  Recycled Concrete  Pea Gravel (course aggregate)  Water

9 Concrete Mixture  Several trial batches were mixed before coming to a conclusion on the final mixtures.

10 Mix Design #1  Mix Design #1 contains recycled concrete with VMAR VSC 500 and Darex to improve permiability and costs.

11 Mix design #2  Mix Design # 2 contains recycled concrete to cut costs and nano scilica to improve the strength of the cementious material.

12 Recycled Aggregate  The recycled aggregate must be sifted so that only the appropriate sized aggregate is used in the mixing of the pervious concrete.

13 Sieve Analysis  This is the machine used in the process of sieve analysis.

14 Sieve Analysis Results Sieve Size Sieve Size (mm) Mass Retained (grams) Cumulative Mass Retained (grams) Cumulative % Retained Cumulative % Passing 1/2"12.70 0.0 0.00%100.00% 3/8"9.55 5.0 0.33%99.67% 1/4"6.347147631.73%68.27% No.44.7544091684.53%38.93% No.63.35352126898.53%15.47% No.121.68210147898.53%1.47% No.200.855148398.87%1.13% No.300.64148799.13%0.87% No.400.4254149199.40%0.60% No.500.33149499.60%0.40% No.700.213149799.80%0.20% No.1000.151149899.87%0.13% No.1400.1051149999.93%0.07% Pan 11500100.00%0.00%

15 Final Mix Design  This is the final mix design of the pervious concrete that was tested.

16 Testing  Tests Performed:  Permeability test  Cylinder Compression test

17 Compression Test Compression Strengths: Natural Aggregate- 31,579.4 lbf 2,512.9 psi Recycled Aggregate 15,704.3 lbf 1249.7 psi

18 Permeability Test  Test Results:  Natural Aggregate:Recycled Aggregate:  17.7 seconds28.4 seconds  16.9 GPM10.6 GPM

19 Video of Permeability Test  LvVZ1E5MF9RLVg4MTQ# LvVZ1E5MF9RLVg4MTQ#

20 Conclusion  After all of the mixing and testing, I have now concluded that using Recycled Aggregate as a replacement for Natural Aggregate is not a viable option in regards to the structural integrity.  The cost effectiveness of using RCA makes it a better option pricewise. However, with the structural integrity compromised, it cannot be used.

21 Timeline/Deliverables  Timeline/Deliverables:  September 2014: Research pervious concrete mix designs  October 2014: Secure testing lab to test cylinders along with materials needed  October 2014: Gather materials / Adjust mix design accordingly  November 2014: Design mixture and prepare trial mix  December 2014: Mix and pour 1 st set testing cylinders  January 2015: Conduct tests at Ascension Ready Mix lab  February 2015: Readjust mix design accordingly  March – April 2015: Perform cost analysis and prepare final report

22 Any Questions?

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