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Objectives: This study explores current Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities to identify factors that influence current roles, and their impacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: This study explores current Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities to identify factors that influence current roles, and their impacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: This study explores current Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities to identify factors that influence current roles, and their impacts on women and girls in Bauchi State, Nigeria. This can improve understanding of the effectiveness of such roles in the sustainable development of PHC (Primary Health Care). Methods: A mixed methods approach involving a systematic review of 4 selected core articles, complimented with semi-structured interviews with 5 participants was used to extract data, identify recurrent themes and WASH knowledge gaps, and the roles rural women play in the sustainable development of PHC in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Results: The systematic review revealed the extent of the roles women play and how these affect the sustainability of WASH programmes 1;2;4;7. However, no study adequately integrated the roles women play in WASH within the sustainability of PHC programmes especially in Bauchi State 7;15. Also, no poverty indicators are available to help understand these issues. Gaps identified through the review constituted themes for the interviews. Interview participants suggested that women could play significant roles in WASH owing to the fact that they are in charge of WASH within households. However, evidence from the interviews revealed that they are not sufficiently involved at various stages of community WASH programmes. Conclusion: The study underscores the important role women play in the sustainable development of WASH for Health care programmes, and suggests how current limitations can be addressed. Therefore a model was developed to demonstrate how this could be achieved. With appropriate empowerment and education interventions, rural women can be supported to play significant roles in WASH which will in turn lighten the poverty burden faced by women, especially women living in the communities. REFERENCES 1. Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, 2006. 2. Human Development Report, 2006 3. Wakeman, 1995. 4. Baden 1999. 5. Wijk-S 5. Human Development Report, 2006. 6. Wijbesma, 1985. 7. Hoque et al, 1996. 8. SuSanA Factsheet, 2014. 9. The Lancet’s Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition, 2013, 10. Nwakwoala, 2011, 11. UN Water, 2006, 12. Zaid and Poopola, 2010, 13. Adeyemi and Odugbsen, 2008, 14. Menstrual Hygiene Management. 15.Ukopre, 2009. Centre for Global Health and Development School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences The Role of Women in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for the sustainable Development of Primary Health Care Programmes (PHC) in Rural communities of Bauchi State, Nigeria Susan Ako, Dr. Emily Rousham, Dr. Maria Ines Varela-Silva Centre for Global Health & Human Development, (SSEHS), Loughborough University, UK Symposium: Human Biology of Poverty Facts and Evidences 2.6 billion people worldwide lack appropriate sanitation systems 1. 1.1 billion people drink unsafe water 2. Many women in developing countries are in charge of water supply at household and community level 3,4. Women and girls in developing countries are responsible for selecting water sites based on distance, quality, quantity, and availability 6. There is a direct link between safe drinking water, good sanitation and hygiene and reduction in mortality and morbidity 7 A correlation exist between women involvement and the effectiveness of WASH projects and services 1;2;4;7 60% of children’s deaths from diarrhoea are caused by unsafe water, pathogen-contaminated foods, poor sanitation and hygiene practices all of which are preventable mostly by behaviour change 8;9. More than 3.5 million mothers and children under five die unnecessarily each year due to the underlying causes of under nutrition 9. Improved WASH practices reduces incidence of WASH related diseases (diarrhoea, worms etc), better the quality of life of rural women and the community, develop the economy the community and lead to gender equality 1;4;7;9;10;11;12;13. Girl- child/Women WaterHygiene Sanitation Nutrition Research Question: What roles do rural women in Bauchi play in WASH for the sustainable development of PHC programmes? WASH (Conceptualisatio n) Involving women at the conceptualisation, planning and design stage of WASH programmes/proje cts and services; health messages WASH (Conceptualisatio n) Involving women at the conceptualisation, planning and design stage of WASH programmes/proje cts and services; health messages WASH Implementation & provision of services: Involve women and community through training for technical and managerial roles; mobilise uptake of services. Sustainable development through continuous use of services, evaluation, monitoring, funding, fault reporting and repairs Sustainable development through continuous use of services, evaluation, monitoring, funding, fault reporting and repairs Benefits to PHC- programmes/projects: Reduction of water related disease through prevention (appropriate hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water). Extra money accrues to organisations, to resource other health programmes and women’s WASH training Benefits to PHC- programmes/projects: Reduction of water related disease through prevention (appropriate hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water). Extra money accrues to organisations, to resource other health programmes and women’s WASH training Proposed Model

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