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Theraphosa Blondii By: Greg Pharr Ecology 1 st Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Theraphosa Blondii By: Greg Pharr Ecology 1 st Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theraphosa Blondii By: Greg Pharr Ecology 1 st Period

2 Names  Scientific Name: Theraphosa Blondii  Real Name: Goliath Bird Eating Spider

3 Pictures

4 Where are they?  The Goliath Bird Eater is located in Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and in Brazil.  This certain species can be found mostly in South America regions

5 Where It Lives

6 What to eat?  Their diet exist of: Lizards, Insects, Frogs, and Rodents  Some people eat them…. roasted

7 Goliath Birdeater  They have 8-10 in long legs  Their body can be up to 6 oz. in weight  They can live up to 25 years of age  Solitary Animal

8 Endangered  Scientist are not sure how many of these spiders remain.  One thing they do know is they do not see them anymore due to Deforestation and because of pesticides.  These spiders should be everywhere but because of these actions you can barely find them in their Natural Habitat.

9 Repopulation  When the spider lays eggs, it has up to 50 eggs.  They live up to 25 years old.  They live in little burrows to hide from predators

10 Things You May Not Know  The Tarantula can release hairs on you  Yes, these hairs can harm your body by getting into your nose, eyes, and mouth.  This can cause serious problems if they reach your mucus membrane.  These hair are almost invisible to see in the air, they can sneak up on you.

11 What Noises Does it Make?  Not with Vocal cords like cats, dogs, or birds.  It rubs bristles together on its legs to communicate to other spiders.  This hissing sound called stridulation can be heard up to 15 feet away by a human

12 Sites  rates/facts/factsheets/goliathbirdeatingta rantula.cfm rates/facts/factsheets/goliathbirdeatingta rantula.cfm  eo/tarantula_goliath eo/tarantula_goliath  _bird_eating_spider.htm _bird_eating_spider.htm

13 Endangered Species In Va Atlantic StergusGray BatKemps Ridley

14 Questions??  1. Where is the Goliath Birdeater originated from?  2. Why are they disappearing?  3. What noise does it make?  4. How many remain?  5. How can they hurt you?

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