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H  Gamma Gamma analysis  Signal: H production via gg fusion  /H120_gammagamma_gluonfusion/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1193937318/RECO 100,000 events  Background.

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Presentation on theme: "H  Gamma Gamma analysis  Signal: H production via gg fusion  /H120_gammagamma_gluonfusion/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1193937318/RECO 100,000 events  Background."— Presentation transcript:

1 H  Gamma Gamma analysis  Signal: H production via gg fusion  /H120_gammagamma_gluonfusion/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1193937318/RECO 100,000 events  Background  /Twophoton_Box/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1202637785/RECO 470000 events  /Twophoton_Born/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1203663275/RECO 330000 events  /Gamjet/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1192835335/RECO 1.1M events  /Jets_Pt50up/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1198935308/RECO 1 M events  Study Event shape

2 Understand signal: photon info







9 Understand signal: Jet info Same as two photon ’ s Et ?

10 Gamma and closest jet

11 Understand signal: Jet info

12 Jet_Et E

13 Understand signal: Jet info Scalar sum Vector sum

14 Understand signal: Jet info

15 Signal and backgrounds





20 Highest_Et and sechighest_Et

21 Highest_E and sechighest_E

22 Study Event shape





27 Fix thrust axis: 1) loop of theta(0, π) and phi (0, 2π)

28 Instead of loop on track with Jet_constituent

29 Thrust direction The forward particles ’ (jets) energies are dominate in the events.

30 2) Loop only on phi(0, π ) transverse plane

31 3)Loop on track

32 Jet collections: CaloTowers based  reco::CaloJetCollection iterativeCone5CaloJets reco::CaloJetCollectioniterativeCone5CaloJets IterativeCone R=0.5 jets  reco::CaloJetCollection midPointCone5CaloJets reco::CaloJetCollectionmidPointCone5CaloJets MidpointCone R=0.5 jets  reco::CaloJetCollection midPointCone7CaloJets reco::CaloJetCollectionmidPointCone7CaloJets MidpointCone R=0.7 jets  reco::CaloJetCollection ktCaloJets reco::CaloJetCollectionktCaloJets Kt jets

33 Reco::Jet Public Member Functions  float etaetaMoment () const eta-eta second moment, ET weighted float etaphiMoment () const eta-phi second moment, ET weighted EtaPhiMoments etaPhiStatistics () const eta-phi statistics, ET weighted float etInAnnulus (float fRmin, float fRmax) const ET in annulus between rmin and rmax around jet direction. Constituents getJetConstituents () const list of constituents std::vector getJetConstituentsQuick () etaetaMoment etaphiMoment EtaPhiMoments etaPhiStatistics etInAnnulus Constituents getJetConstituentsreco::Candidate getJetConstituentsQuick const Jet (const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex, const Constituents &fConstituents) Initiator. Jet () Default constructor. float maxDistance () const maximum distance from jet to constituent int nCarrying (float fFraction) const return # of constituent carrying fraction of energy virtual int nConstituents () const # of constituents float phiphiMoment () const phi-phi second moment, ET weighted virtual float physicsEtaDetailed (float fZVertex) const Physics Eta (loop over constituents). virtual float physicsEtaQuick (float fZVertex) const Physics Eta (use jet Z and kinematics only). virtual std::string print () const Print object. virtual ~Jet () JetLorentzVectorPointConstituents Jet maxDistance nCarrying nConstituents phiphiMoment physicsEtaDetailed physicsEtaQuick print ~Jet

34 Jet ’ s constituents

35 thrust

36 Study Event shape


38 Track isolation

39 Photon isolation in track


41 Ecal isolation

42 Photon isolation in Ecal


44 Photon isolation in Hcal


46 backup

47 Cut-based analysis selection

48 Optimized analysis selection

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