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Project Co-financed by the European Commission ZERO REGIO An European Hydrogen Project NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2007 San Antonio, Texas, USA Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Co-financed by the European Commission ZERO REGIO An European Hydrogen Project NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2007 San Antonio, Texas, USA Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Co-financed by the European Commission ZERO REGIO An European Hydrogen Project NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2007 San Antonio, Texas, USA Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp Infraserv Hoechst, Frankfurt, Germany

2 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 2 Outline Brief project overview Project Status as of today –Hydrogen infrastructure in place –FCV fleets –Demonstration activities –Data evaluation programme Concluding remarks Some important events in 2007

3 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 3 Overview - Project Objectives Overall objective : Develop & demonstrate zero-emission road transport systems Specific objectives: –H 2 -source: By-product & On-site reforming –H 2 -transport & refuelling infrastructure –700 bar technology –FCV (passenger cars) - demonstration –Technology & socio-economic assessment –Dissemination –Ways for quicker market penetration

4 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 4 Overview - Project Strategy 16 partners from industry, city admin., univ., sme 10 WP‘s, implementation in 2 phase Construction Phase I (0 - 24 months)  Develop and construct modern multienergy service stations  Design & construct H 2 infrastructure – transport lines, production unit, compression & distribution equipment  Integrate H 2 in service stations  Assure overall safety  Obtain certification  Prepare test procedures Demonstration Phase II (25 - 60 months)  Acquire fleets at both sites  Organise personnel training  Perform field tests  Acquire data on infrastructure & FCV’s  Analyse & evaluate data on energy, performance and emissions  Analyse and evaluate data on socio- economic aspects  Disseminate & exploit project results Close coordination & monitoring

5 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 5 Overview – Project Partners 16 Partners from 4 EU countries, Coordinator- Infraserv Zero Regio is a part of the operational activities of HFP

6 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 6 Overview - WP List WP no.Work package titleWP Leader WP 1H 2 -Transport InfrastructureInfraserv WP 2Conventional Refueling StationsAgipD/Eni WP 3Onsite H 2 productionEni WP 4H 2 Filler & integrationSapio WP 5Fleet Demo. incl. preparationDC/CRF WP 6Data EvaluationJRC, Ispra WP 7Socio-economic evaluationsULund WP 8Safety & regulationTUEV Hesse WP 9Dissemination of resultsInfraserv WP 10Global & local managementInfraserv

7 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 7 Hydrogen Infrastructure in Germany H 2 -Transport system –Ionic fluid compressor –Buffer storage housing –1000 bar pipeline Extension of hydrogen service centre at Infraserv Conventional service station - Agip Hydrogen dispensers –CGH2 at 350 bar –CGH2 at 700 bar –LH2

8 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 8 Hydrogen Source and Quality Hydrogen Service Centre at Infraserv To Trailer To HP- Pipeline M G 267 QIRA 96530 H2OH2O QIRA 96531 O2O2 QIRA 96532 Hg QIRA 96533 CO, CO 2, F22, C 1 -C 4, N 2, Ar, O 2, By-product H2 1,06-1,09 bar H2-Lowpres.-Network 1,06-1,09 bar Gasometer Compressor 7,0 bar H2-Drier H2-Medpres.- Network 7,0 bar H2-Cleaner and Drier M Compressor 254 bar H2-Highpres.- Network 225 bar Particle- filter 5 µ H2-storage 225 bar Q1Q1 Q7Q7 Q2Q2 Hg

9 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 9 Hydrogen Source and Quality Hydrogen Quality vs. FCV specification

10 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 10 Layout HP Pipeline in Höchst 1.4462 Material Din = 18 mm Dout = 33.7 mm Pmax =1000 bar Welded construction

11 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 11 Compression Scheme - Höchst

12 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 12 Ionic Fluid Compressor – working principle PLC

13 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 13 Ionic Fluid Compressor Being installed in hydrogen service centre In background the hydrogen storage tank with 10,000 m 3 vol. Compressor capacity = 900 Nm 3 /hr or 1,335 kg/min

14 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 14 Hydrogen Fillers - Hoechst Agip Service Station Area = 4.062 m2 350 & 700 bar GH2 LH2 dispenser. PV 78 m2, 8 kW Opened on Nov. 17, 2006

15 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 15 Service Station – some pictures

16 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 16 Service Station – some pictures

17 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 17 Our Pricing Strategy Same km price for hydrogen as for super petrol

18 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 18 Service Station in Italy Area = 17.000 m 2 Construction begin: Sept. 2006 H 2 Zone with : Onsite production Storage room 350 bar dispenser Opening Ceremony: May 2007

19 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 19 Safety Considerations Detailed risk analyses for approval formalities –Hazop methodology in Germany and Italy Safety measures for the HP Pipeline –Pressure tests –Weld examinations BImSchG, Ord. Ind. safety & health, VdTUEV510, BetrSichV Lack of laws in Italy reg. H 2 installations until Aug’06 FCV homologation in Italy, Car garrages in Mantova

20 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 20 Preperation of Fleet Demonstration, Germany FCV operation by Fraport at Frankfurt airport and in Frankfurt city. Parking facility and data acquisition system at Fraport. Agreement DC/Fraport, Service concept for cars Minor repairs at Fraport. Major at DC in Stuttgart Training of drivers and workshop personnel at Fraport 2 F-Cell (A-Class cars) running from mid. Nov.‘06 Each car about 1000 km in Nov.- Dec. 2006 Different routine applications by Fraport

21 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 21 Dedicated Fleets Range: 160 km (350 bar) Maximum speed: 140 km/h Ballard PEM 72 kW 5 cars, one with 700 bar storage Range: 250 km (350 bar) Maximum speed: 135 km/h Acceleration: 0-50 km/h within 7 s Nuvera PEM 70 kW 3 cars

22 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 22 Demonstration Assessment Assessment methodology developed Data tables for infrastructure & fleet operations Evaluate (w.r.t. ref. tech.) in the areas of –Technology Performance (technical maturity, energy consumption) Environment Safety & regulations Incident reporting –Socio-economy (acceptance) –Project organisation/co-ordination  Technology status & scope of improvement

23 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 23 Socio-economic Evaluations Economic competitiveness of H 2 pathways –Macroeconomic aspects –Cost model, Cost reductions via up-scaling Regulatory issues –Taxation and subsidies in Europe –Policy lessons from other technologies Acceptance issues –Barriers and problems –Mitigation strategies

24 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 24 Major Milestones so far Completion of infrastructure in Germany Test drives realised Begin of demonstration phase External review after the construction phase performed Assessment framework realised on time –Incident reports –Performance of infrastructure and FCV‘s –Reference technology – Diesel –Environmental impact –Socio-economic issues –AF will be used extensively in the demo. phase

25 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 25 Concluding Remarks An overview and some details of Zero Regio presented Demonstration phase has started Some innovative parts of Zero Regio are –Ionic fluid compression –High pressure pipeline transport of hydrogen These will be exploited further based on experience in Zero Regio Of course we would love to test a much bigger fleet Events & Milestones in 2007 Opening of service station in Mantova,Italy in May’07 International Workshop on demonstration activities in Nov.’07 at WHTC 2007 in Montecatini Terme, Italy

26 Project Co-financed by the European Commission March19 - 22, 2007 Dr. Heinrich Lienkamp/Infraserv Hoechst/Energies and Utilities/Frankfurt, Germany 26 Thank you for your attention.

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