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UZNEFTGAZDOBICHA JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «Asakatransneft» Joint-stock company.

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Presentation on theme: "UZNEFTGAZDOBICHA JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «Asakatransneft» Joint-stock company."— Presentation transcript:

1 UZNEFTGAZDOBICHA JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «Asakatransneft» Joint-stock company

2 About Joint-Stock Company “Asakatransneft" Joint-Stock Company is the the only enterprise for swapping of oil and there is no analogues. The Company accepts the extracted oil of “Andijanneft" Joint-Stock Company from trade sites and sends through oil pipeline for processing in «Fergana oil refinery» Unitary Affiliate Company

3 Transformed into " Asakatransneft “ Joint-Stock Company. Was created on the basis of Lenin regional oil pipeline administration at "Glavtransneft” of Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSR Transferred in "Uzneftegazdobicha" Joint-Stock Company as structural unit Company was transformed into “Asakatransneft“ Open Joint-Stock Company Transferred to authority of East Kazakhstan and Central Asian Administration (POMN UMNKISA) Inserted as the subject of monopoly according to order No. 8-84 of Andijan Committee History

4 Location: 1, Mardlik Street, Asaka City Location

5 Information about shareholders and their shares Authorized fund of the Company makes 660618 thousand UZS (equivalent to 258.5 thousand USD), from them 71 % belongs "Uzneftegazdobicha“ JSC

6 Personnel potential

7 Capacity Tanks of 2,0 thousand cubic meter volume - 6 pieces Pumps of U83 mark Pump stations: Andizhan PSS, Polvontosh PSS, Kharabek PSS, Baston PSS and Asaka MPSS Oil pipelines of 132 km length Motor transport and special technics - 19 pieces Electric installations (substations 6 kW)

8 Capacity “Asakatransneft" Joint-Stock Company accepts the extracted oil from “Andijanneft" Joint-Stock Company from trade sites of Kharabek-Asaka and delivers to Fergana Oil Refinery by pipeline. Boston - Asaka, 25,9 km Andijan - Asaka, 17,8 km Asaka Asaka – Fergana oil refinery, 51,7km PSS Polvontosh - Fergana oil refinery, 31,8 km Fergana oil refinery

9 Infrastructure and raw-material base “Asakatransneft" Joint-Stock Company is completely equipped with technical equipment Raw materials are oil extracted by “Andijanneft“ Joint-Stock Company in Fergana valley

10 License and certificates “Asakatransneft" Joint-Stock Company bears the license of Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan and the license issued by Agency of Republic Uzbekistan of river and automobile transport.

11 Basic financial indexes of activity of the Company for 2010 - 2014 Index20102011201220132014 thousand USD Turn of the Company 1231,81385,91524,61490,71415,5 Profit before payment of taxes44,515,2145,9162,912,5 Operational expenses357,1329,1393,7499,8473,4 Net profit23,269,8118,8130,58,3 Cost of actives966,81206, 51443,41395,71075,1

12 Calculation of indexes of profitability IndexValue, % Profitability of actives; 1,16 Profitability of realisation; 0,59 Profitability of primary activity; 0,58 Profitability of own capital 1,33

13 Forecasting indexes of volumes of oil swapping for 2015-2020

14 Realised share of Administration in authorized capital 28,17 %.Estimated cost Received investments at the expense of realisation of the established share will be directed to modernisationof “Asakatransneft" Joint-Stock Company

15 Ways of modernisation of “Asakatransneft”Joint-Stock Company Introduction of technologies on safe oil swapping to Fergana oil refinery Replacement of outmoded U83 pumps by modern, economic pumps with productivity up to 200 m 3 /hour Replacement of substations with capacity of 6kW, modern electric installations, Introduction of account knots of transferred oil Introduction of control for protection of oil pipelines against damages Control equipment and automation

16 Contacts On general matters: Chairman of Board: Abdurazzakov Avazbek Adilovich Phone: +99890-258-60-44 Concerning purchase: Chief of Planning and Economic Department: Khamrakulov Bakhrom Phone: +99890-548-05-16 E-mail: Web site:

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